
Chapter 20 - The Real Start, Part 1

"Did my call interrupt any activity?" Zark asked politely, it would be unfortunate if his unexpected reunion provoked some form of disgust.

"Not really, I was just checking the current state of the troops in the catacombs."

"Excuse me for interrupting, thanks for doing a good job."

"I appreciate it, his words motivate me to continue my work" at that moment, Horus' gaze changes position and he goes towards the entrance of the amphitheater "It seems that Andru and Keil have arrived"

Following Horus's gaze towards the entrance to the amphitheater, one could see two shadows approaching. Walking in front was Keil, followed by someone who looked like an assistant. Reaching some distance, Keil smiled and bowed deeply to Zark.

The man also bowed gracefully "I made everyone wait, I'm sorry."

About six feet tall, with white skin which suggested minimal exposure to the sun, Anglo-Saxon features and well-groomed purple hair. His eyes denoted his inorganic nature, being cybernetic devices similar to futuristic eyes that released a faint dark purple glow. He felt as if his eyes were capable of seeing much more than the mere human eye is capable of.

He wore a Dinner jacket suit (also known as a Tuxedo) made up of an elegant deep black gala jacket, underneath a neat black waistcoat along with a dark purple shirt with a bow tie collar, fine black gloves, and perfectly ironed trousers. Wearing polished black shoes, and unsurprisingly around his neck was an all-black tie, he looked like a competent businessman or professional lawyer. But even if he was dressed as a knight, one could feel the unnatural presence of him.

The Uncanny Valley theory explains why rejection occurs when seeing something that looks human but is not, this includes Andru, an Automata.

Is it his eyes that seem to be staring permanently into space?

His slightly mechanized way of moving?

Maybe the forced smile?

That feeling of being faced with a ruthless being without the characteristic feelings of a human?

Or has Zark just seen a lot of movies and series where robots rebel?

This man… this machine, that's 4ndr3 (pronounced Andru) ‘The Lord Of Knowledge’, the Guardian Tower of Magic and Science, Keeper of the east wing of the castle. The role of this automaton was "Database and creation of magical and technological objects."

Looking at 4ndr3, more specifically 4ndr3's face, Zark was emotionally petrified.

4ndr3's face was similar to the face of his friend Marcus, who had passed away a few years ago, he had his differences, but in general they were similar.

This frightened Zark. The original idea for creating 4ndr3 was the draft that his friend Marcus had planned to use as a character in a campaign, but that he never used due to his death from illness.

Zark used Marcus's basic idea to create 4ndr3.

It was unheard of that the mere act of using an idea in the creation of a fictional character influenced his appearance.

"It's not him," Zark uttered in his mind; Although he had a face similar to his friend, in his subconscious, Zark knew it was not him.

"Thank you ... for coming" were Zark's only words as he progressively regained control over his emotions.

"My lord, there appear to be four who have not arrived yet." 4ndr3 glanced at the people who were currently in the place, his voice was fascinating and penetrating, he spoke elegantly and had a remarkable British nod, his voice style was similar to that possessed by typical spy movie villains. .

"It is not necessary for everyone to meet" Zark pronounced before continuing "the situation does not require all the generals to be present."

"I see."

"The original intention of our lord was to summon half of the generals" Keil intervened "but someone unexpected ..." with his gaze fixed on Nyos, he decided to continue "it was not included in the original plans"

Nyos just kept whistling with his gaze lost in the air, it seemed like he wasn't paying attention.

"Don't worry Keil," Zark pronounced as he slightly tightened his left hand in an attempt to allay Keil's concern. "Request that they be half the generals to keep the other generals on their toes."

Keil only failed, it seemed that breaking his orders was something that raised his tension "Thank you My Lord, you are someone considerate."

"I suspected that it could not be something serious, but I also told my Subordinate, Inti, to be alert in case the alarm was activated."

In Damenberg Castle, its inhabitants were divided into two types.

Command personnel, which include the ten generals (including Keil); who are the best equipped characters and with the best classes of the castle, has the main function of managing and defending the castle, along with the task of directing the support staff.

then the support personnel are found, who are subordinate to the command staff, function as second in command or delegates of the command staff.

Each General has a certain number of direct reports. The support staff category includes android maids; in addition to the royal servants and royal mayordomos, who although they are prominent characters, are considered support personnel since they are not under the command of any general.

After seeing that everyone had gathered, Keil gave the opening instructions.

"Everyone, please greet our lord in the right way."

All the generals bowed their heads without Zark even having a chance to interrupt.

They all began to form a line with Keil in front and the other generals side by side behind her. Each general wore a serious and respectful expression. One could see that the atmosphere was serious. Frey, who was closest to him, stepped forward.

"Guardian of the amphitheater, custodian of the central area and Lord Zark's general, Frey, bows before the lord of him" On his knees, with one hand on his chest and giving a deep and respectful salute.

After Frey's ceremony, Horus stepped forward "Guardian of the crypt, custodian of the catacombs, and Lord Zark's general, Horus, bows to his lord."

Like Frey, he knelt in front of Zark in a ceremonial manner.

Then it was the turn of the dark elf "Guardian of the Tower of Art, Custodian of the west wing and Lord Zark's general, Nyos Minska, bows to his lord."

Like the others, he knelt down and offered a respectful greeting.

The next was 4ndr3 who took a graceful step "Guardian of the tower of science and magic, custodian of the east wing and Lord Zark's general, Andru, bows to his lord." With a cool tone and graceful posture, 4ndr3 gave a heartfelt salute.

In a courteous way and although his voice was that of a young girl, he denoted certain maturity "Guardian of the library, custodian of the deep areas of the castle and Lord Zark's general, Ingrid, bows before the lord of him"

Finally, Keil stepped forward "Guardian Overseer, The King hand and Lord Zark's general, Keil, bows to his lord."

Although the bodies of all the generals were different, so the steps they took were also different, but the place where they knelt was constant and quite well ordered.

Zark smiled at Keil, who was kneeling like the rest of the generals. However, Keil continued with his report with his head bowed and in a clear voice said “with the exception of the Guardian of the Treasury, Azrael, the Guardian of the royal chapel, Isabell Bathory, the Guardian of the clock tower, Charlotte Blackwood, and the Guardian of the gardens, Qetzal Coatl. We, his generals, have come to kneel ... as the Master ordered. All of us would walk through hell or tear down the bars of heaven without hesitation for you.

Facing the six bowed heads, Zark seemed unable to say a word. He felt that abnormal pressure was covering this scene.

He did not know what to do.

This was the kind of scene that probably happened once in a lifetime. Zark's mind went into chaos and he accidentally activated a special ability causing the hoop above his head to begin to release a brilliant light, which in conjunction with his white robe with gold edges and his platinum-like hair, gave him a divine appearance.

Without having time to cancel it, Zark desperately searched his memory for a movie or TV series with this type of scene. He wanted to find something to say in the current situation.

"Raise your heads."

They all raised their heads. Since the action was so perfect, Zark almost asked them if they had all practiced it together.

"So ... First, thank you all for coming."

“Please don't thank us. We are only his loyal servants. You are our lord and master. "

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