
The Best Bad Guy

"Over there! Vivi, let's hurry over there!"

Vivi, who had been walking casually while looking for an empty spot, was surprised when Lucas suddenly grabbed her hand and made her run toward the empty spot. But seeing how eager Lucas was to get the empty seat, Vivi unconsciously let out a smile.

"Well, we finally got a seat," Lucas said as he sat on the grass. "Every Friday night, this park is crowded because of a free movie. We're lucky because tonight's movie is the latest romantic comedy."

"Do you often take Freya here?" asked Vivi, which immediately stopped Lucas' hand movement.

"She doesn't like things like this. She only wants to date in a private and luxurious place," Lucas said. The sad tone in his words made Vivi realize she had misspoken because mentioning Freya's name in front of Lucas was so easy.

"Oh, sorry. How could I say it so easily in front of you," Vivi regretted, which made Lucas laugh as he waved his hand.

"It's okay. It's in the past and doesn't hurt me as much as i
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