
Chapter 5 Find Her

(Nikolai’s POV)

“No deal! I will not submit to their demands.” I hung up the call after hearing what my enemies wanted in return for peace for my people. I threw my handphone towards my bodyguard Drake and ran my hand across my hair in frustration.

“If it is war that they want, we will give them that!”

Drake chuckled and raised his hands in the air showing defeat, “Oh mighty Alpha Nikolai. The feared Alpha from the North. Not even the Queen of the Supernatural beings would want to start a war with you.”

Sensing Drake mocking me, I threw the cigarette on my fingers towards him that almost burnt his sweater, “Mock me again, I’ll throw your skinny self out from this balcony. Go get some fresh clothes and food for my woman. Make sure she is comfortable and well protected. I will clear this sh*t with the Queen of Averna myself.”

If it is not for Drake’s experience in war and good fighting skills, I would not have hired him to be my bodyguard. A tall and skinny man but fast as lightning. The fastest Wolf I have ever met in my life. But, he was probably the only Wolf that dared to mock me at his will. I had no idea why I kept him by my side all these years.

Annoying prick!

“Your wish is my command, most feared Alpha in the realm. I would take good care of your precious pretty Witch.” Drake sang his words with his hands in the air, and snorted with a short laugh.

“What is so funny? Do you want to die today, Drake?” I could not believe my second in command, Beta Ivan recommended Drake to be my bodyguard and temporary assistant. I should cut his tongue out one day.

“I have never seen you in love with a woman before. A Human.” Drake rubbed his chin and smiled, “No. Not Human. Worst thing, a Witch. Don’t you think she looks familiar? Not many women here in Averna have that kind of red hair. What is her name again?”

“Ashley. Stop talking and get some food for us. Get lost, Drake.” I pushed him towards the balcony door to get back in the room.

Seeing the bed empty in my room, my body froze with my eyes looking around and my nose sniffing to find her scent, “Where the f*ck is she?! Go find her!”

Drake nodded and walked around the room swiftly. He checked the room and the bathroom to look for her. Under the bed, behind the curtains, in the wardrobe... she was not there.

He then exited the room to check around my penthouse. I knew she was gone. I could not sense her presence in the penthouse any longer.

“Where are you, pretty one?”

My Wolf Blake was manic now after he sensed my mate was missing.

‘I told you to mark her!’

‘You should have chained her to the bed!’

‘How can you be so careless!’

‘It is all your fault!’

Blake was blaming me non-stop in my head. It was annoying and was making me lose control of my mind to think. “SHUT UP!”

For a moment, Blake was in silence. Peace at last.

‘So, why did you not mark her?’

‘Did she put a spell on you to make you stupid?’

I rolled my eyes and growled. The peaceful moment lasted just for a few seconds before Blake started asking me tons of questions.

“I had to respect Ashley. She is a Human which means she could not reject us after being marked.” I explained to my Wolf, who knew that but was too stubborn to accept it.

‘Nikolai. I refuse to believe our Mate would reject us. I felt the connection. It was strong.’ Blake said and was pushing himself out to take over my body. I closed my eyes and pushed him back to reject myself to turn into my Wolf form.

“Stop it, Blake! We will find her. She may have used a spell to cover up traces of her presence. But, we now know what she looked like. We know her name. How difficult would it be to locate her?” I said while walking around my room to find out if she had left any of her belongings behind.

But, there was none. She was thorough.

Before I left the room to find Drake, my handphone rang. It was a call from my mother.

“Mama, this is not a good time to call, I’m busy.”

“Son, you need to come home. Pamela is here waiting for you. You do remember her, right? She has grown to be such a strong and beautiful woman. A strong Wolf in her would make her such a good candidate to be your wife.” my mother went on and on trying to convince me to come home to meet her choice of woman for me to marry.

I scoffed at that idea. Pamela might be a strong and beautiful woman that my Wolf pack would definitely agree for me to take her as my Luna, but I had no feelings for her. No connection at all.

“I have found my Mate.” I cut my mother short, followed by a moment of silence from both sides.

Then, I could hear her shouting of excitement followed by several cheers and hands clapping coming from other voices.

Did she put me on the speaker phone? Who else was there with her? I sighed with annoyance.

“Oh, my lovely son, we are so happy to hear this. Your uncle Igor and his family are here too, waiting for you to come home. I can’t wait to meet your Mate. Tell me all about her.”

My mother was the sweetest woman I have ever met.

Many in the past did not agree for my strong father to mate with a weak Wolf woman like her. But, my father was obsessed with my mother’s beauty.

Love at first sight, they said. Is that what I was feeling with Ashley?

Ashley was indeed beautiful and I could sense her to be a strong woman. Was she really a Witch? For a moment, my heart was beating faster than usual. Sweat was forming on my forehead.

Would my family accept Ashley? A Witch as my Luna.

When my father, the great Vlad Wulfgard passed away, my mother only had me to depend on. So did my father’s Wolf pack.

A great responsibility that I had to carry for several years. Many wars fought for me to uphold the Wulfgard name to its glory again, against other Wolf packs in the realm.

Many deaths and bloodshed. I was undefeated and feared.

They called me the Dark Alpha.

And now, I must find my Mate.

For if my enemies got to her first, I was not sure if she could survive the attack.

I hung up the call with my mother without saying goodbye, and walked out of my room.

Shouting in anger I gave my command to my men,

“Find her, at all costs. Protect her!”

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