
Chapter 6 Going Back

(Ashley’s POV)

Five years later

I had never been so nervous seated in the plane. It was not due to the slight turbulence or even due to passengers around me in the business class looking at me as if they knew me.

Those feelings were nothing as compared to what I was going to go through for the next couple of days.

Of course, I could fix my feelings with a simple spell. “A simple spell?” I smiled to myself.

For the past five years, I have been practicing my magic so much more than just using spells. I studied all that needed to be known to be a Witch that was going to be at least as powerful as the Queen of Averna.

My grandmother. The one they called the Queen of the paranormal beings. I wanted to be stronger than her so she could never control my life.

I scoffed at that.

Family was supposed to protect their children. But my family, pretty much feared me and I guessed they wished I was never born.

Looking at the little boy seated next to me, I smiled. He was such a handsome and strong boy. My boy. I will not let anything happen to him. He was all I have that I could call family.

“Mommy, why are you looking at me like that?” he asked and held my hand with his little fingers. Moving his head closer to me, he whispered, “Are you afraid of flying?”

I let out a small laugh and held his hand tight, “With you by my side, Teddy, I’m not afraid of anything.”

He nodded and smiled at me with his dimples showing, “Don’t worry, Mommy. I’m a big boy now. I’ll protect you.”

“Big boy, huh?” I kissed his hands and tucked him in his seat with his blanket and favourite teddy bear which he named it Kiko. Sometimes I could hear him talk to Kiko.

Recalling what happened five years ago, I sighed to myself.

I went abroad soon after that unforgettable night with a man that took my virginity. A night that got me pregnant unexpectedly.

I could recall the thoughts I had in the past to abort my baby. At the age of twenty back then, I was not ready to be a mother, especially when I was alone living in a city far away from my home in Averna. Leaving everything I had to start a new life. A life free from chains and control by my family.

Fate brought me to meet a kind doctor who had convinced me to keep my baby. It was said to be most likely my only chance to have one. I had complications. I was in pain. Nine months of agony and uncertainty.

But. it was all worth it. Teddy was born to the world, perfectly.

He gave me a purpose to live this cruel life that seemed to hate me so much. I had never regretted giving birth to Teddy. He was the best gift that God had given me in my life.

My little protector.

“Mommy, you are looking at me in a weird way again.” Teddy whispered at me and giggled after I pinched his nose.

He looks so much like his father, although I’m starting to forget what he looked like. I only remembered his name to be Nikolai.

It was indeed five years ago since I last met him. He never looked for me.

Well, if he did, he surely sucked at it. Or perhaps, I had disguised myself to be someone else so perfectly that no one could locate me for the past five years I went missing.

“Here is the juice that you requested, Miss Winters.” The stewardess came to place a glass of orange juice. I thanked her and drank it slowly while looking at my baby boy sleeping by my side.

Teddy Winters. That was a name I gave to him after I changed my name to Tiana Winters.

For five years I hid at a little place called Mystic Town. Dyed my hair black and even learnt how to speak their language. That was a piece of cake to do.

What was difficult was living with the legendary Witch named Loraine Winters. A person who was once a friend of my grandmother, Queen Anastasia Regis of Averna. Not just any friend, Loraine Winters was her teacher.

I did not know why I called her for help. Perhaps I thought back then staying with our family’s enemy would hurt my parents.

It turned out to be the best decision I made.

It was all thanks to Finley Regalia. A friend I had when I studied designing clothes back in Averna. He lived in Mystic Town himself. A werewolf and son of an Alpha from the Regalia Wolf pack.

That one call I made to Finley got me to Mystic Town where I then met Loraine Winters. A Witch that was said to be more than a hundred years old. I could not believe my eyes when I saw how young she looked.

“Mommy, why do we need to move to another country?” Teddy whispered to me with a sad face forming. He liked living in Mystic Town where he already made several friends.

“No, baby boy. We are not moving there permanently. My new job at Echo Group requires me to move there just for a couple of days. Remember my friend, Finley? You will be staying with him for a couple of days while I sort out important work matters. It won’t be long. Can you do that for Mommy?” I kissed my son’s head and caressed his cheeks. He was pouting his lips and sighed once.

“Will you be safe there without me? How can I protect you if we are not together, Mommy?” he looked at me with his blue round eyes, sparkled with a hint of tears coming.

“My baby boy, I’ll be fine. You need to promise me you will not cause any trouble with Finley” I smiled seeing Teddy nodded his head.

Where I was going next was a destination that I had not been for the past five years. A place where my past would haunt me.

Few hours later, I heard the stewardess announcing the plane was going to land shortly. “Welcome to Averna International Airport”

Being back at Averna again, made my heart beat faster.

I had many plans forming in my head.

And, I was going to take back what was supposed to be mine.

'I'm coming home, b*tches!' The thought of seeing Helen again made me smile. Wickedly.

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