
Author: Valkyria Wolf

Little Omegaverse Guide

I know that there are people who are not related to this world, especially if you do not read about the subject of gay romance where it is most exploited, anyway I leave you this summary guide so that you have an idea and anything, you can ask or read the thousands of guides found on the internet, which also helped me. (This guide was not written by me, it was taken from the internet, thanks to the person who took the time to make this wonderful summary)

Terms to clarify doubts

I know that there are people who are not related to this world, especially if you do not read about the subject of gay romance where it is most exploited, anyway I leave you this summary guide so that you have an idea and anything, you can ask or read the thousands of guides found on the internet, which also helped me.

Society is divided into three genders: alpha, beta and omega. They have very particular differences, especially between alphas and omega, the two extremes of the hierarchy.


They are at the top of the three genres. The alpha has fangs that it can retract at will, allowing it to bite its partner to mark it as its own and intimidate those who wish to attack them. they also have a kind of knot or bulge at the base of their limbs, which swells inside their partner once the alpha reaches orgasm, causing them to remain knotted for a time until the inflammation subsides. Percentage of pregnancy during heat 100%. They have a period of heat, one that occurs every six months and lasts approximately twenty-four hours where their sexual desire is so intent that they do not react around it.

In terms of characteristics, they are strong and large, they may or may not be aggressive. They have a great instinct for protection, they are territorial and three of their senses (smell, hearing and sight) are highly developed. They also have "The Voice that has a reaction of complete submission in the omega, and even in the younger or less powerful beta or alpha.


Basically beta's are the same as ordinary humans. Men have male reproductive organs and women female, so only they can get pregnant. Their smells are the normal smells of humans, which they themselves can barely distinguish. They have the free choice to form a relationship with any of the three genders, of course procreating is easier between two beta than between a beta and an alpha, or than in a beta and omega pair, it is not impossible, but it is difficult. The condition of the parents does not influence that of the children, in addition, the gender of these is not known until they reach puberty and have their first heat.


Tanto varones como hembras, poseen aparatos reproductores femeninos (útero y ovarios), y son perfectamente capaces de concebir siempre y cuando sean fecundados por un alfa y rara vez un beta. Sin embargo, los omega tienen una característica muy importante que son los celos que ocurren cada tres meses y dura tres días aproximadamente (el tiempo varía según los escritores) en los que sus niveles hormonales se disparan y se ven firmemente necesitados de buscar un alfa para "aparearse" con él. Ahí es cuando el lado Omega se libera, necesitan del apareamiento y sus feromonas informan de esto a los alfa o beta cercanos, también es aquí donde su fertilidad aumenta. Los omega, al igual que los alfa, desprenden un olor muy característico que los permite identificarse entre sí, debido a las feromonas que expulsan. Es durante la época del celo donde estas aumentan de tal manera que el alfa es capaz de notar el celo en ellos. Al igual que los alfa, también expresan emociones con su olor. Los omega segregan su propio lubricante, esto sirve para que no sientan una gran magnitud de dolor cuando son penetrados o el nudo del alfa se expande en su interior, aunque también es una zona muy erógena, que reacciona al más mínimo estímulo (dependiendo de la sensibilidad del omega).

The omega have a special call to their alpha, it is completely involuntary and causes the alpha in question to have an immense need to protect the omega. It is a weak moan that is expelled by the omega in situations of fear or danger. Supposedly they tend to be calm and submissive, they take care of the children. But as with alphas, this is the stereotype and you don't have to follow it.

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