
Chapter 005

Chapter 005

Myra’s Point Of View

My head felt light, and my body quite tapped out. I groaned, pulling my eyes apart, cringing as my vision suffered from the glaring lights that brightened the room.

‘What happened?’ I quizzed in my thoughts, while I held a palm up to soothe my banging head.

I recall being inside the hall, where I had met my second chance mate just after the first one gifted me with rejection, and then unsettled with the Goddess’s twist in my fate I ran out to the garden to collect my reality. There the Luna and the beta’s wife showed up to make my life miserable as usual, until my mate surfaced and-

Good Goddess!

I sprang up once I remembered the reason I went unconscious in the first place. He cold-bloodedly took the Luna’s life, and the beta’s wife. All because they hurt me.

He had viciously ended their lives. And Logan was right there, he witnessed the loss of his mother.

“No no no no,” my breaths shook off in a whimper as I rushed out of the bed, pushing my feet into motion as I attempt to sneak out of whoever’s room I was.

However, upon opening the door I basically submitted myself to the two guards stationed at the door.

“Your Highness, you’re awake,” The one on my right stated the obvious.

He didn’t just call me his highness did he? Did everyone already know I’m mated to the Alpha King? Cause why would he address me with such title.

“Yes, and if you don’t mind. I quickly have to go somewhere, I’ll be back in a jiffy,” I told him, stepping backwards to excuse myself from the .

“That won’t be unnecessary, because His Royal Majesty has requested us to bring you to him whenever you wake up. I’m sorry, but your quick detour would have to wait.”

I halted at the heard of his words. The who now? Am I ready to see the man who heartlessly took two lives like it meant nothing?

‘He did it to save you though, and it was about time those wicked witches gets karmalized. Hahaha,” Salome, my wolf took pleasure in their grievous demise than sympathy.

Albeit they had been bad to me, still they saved me from becoming a dinner to those big black wolves. And if I still recall correctly, it was actually this Luna who suggested they take me in.

I couldn’t help the sentiment winding me with sympathetic feelings, they deserved something for their cruelty, for their wickedness, just not death. Nobody deserves that, they didn’t have to die like a chicken, the same way I had lost my parents.

“Shall we, Your Highness.”

I sighed, bracing myself for a pending prolusion with a man of intense reputation. “Let’s go,” I concurred, following the two men as they lead the way.

My mind worried on what he wanted with my presence. It’s dumb to think like that because we both felt the mate bond announcing our sealed fate. He obviously wanted to talk about that.

‘Why are you suddenly full of worries? You should be happy, jumping, and shouting hoorays. This is what we’ve always wanted, to be saved remember?’ Salome questioned my troubled thoughts.

‘Well yes, but not by the Alpha King. Do you not know who he’s said to be? And if anything, he literally failed the allegations courting his name, we saw it with our very own eyes. Is that the man we want to save us, the man we want for ourselves? Someone who doesn’t value the flair in existence?’

Would it kill the moon goddess to be fair with me once? Would it?

After writing me a life of pain and torment, she went ahead to pair me with an enemy, heavens so good the alpha-hole rejected me, only for the moon goddess to sentence me with a man mistaken for the devil.

Like the actual devil, just lacks the horns and some animal features. I’ve heard a lot about him, bone chilling rumors. How he slaughtered an entire pack of his kinds for disrespecting his name, killed his entire family to usurp the throne, I’ve heard a whole lot.

A whole lot to know this is not a blessing. I’d actually prefer being mated to Logan than this stated detrimental personage. Logan might be a jerk whose motive never exceed to give me hell, he’s never had in it in him to see other people suffer; I’ve seen the way he is with people of his pack, he cares for them and everyone else, except for me and me alone.

We arrived at the old Alpha’s chamber. They must have ended the coronation or call it off.

We just stood in front of the golden mahogany doing nothing, we waited for what counted up to ten seconds before one of the guards turned around to face me.

“You can go in, he’s expecting you,” he relayed, his head bowed.

I gulped, walking past the space created for me as I pushed into the door. I entered, feeling the air around me changed.

The door closed behind me with a bang, almost startling me out of my spot. I looked ahead, anxiety creeping through my system.

There he was, in all his darkened grandeur stood behind Logan!- who is kneeling down, he had him pinned to the ground with just one hand on his shoulder and the other on his nape.

My eyes popped as I rushed closer to them, not sure of what I was going to do- but adrenaline pushed me forward still.

“Relax, he’s not dying yet,” he said, in a voice made of steel yet sounded soft at the same time. His onyx eyes found mine, locking us in a gripping gaze.

I could feel him assessing my entire life, but so far all I see about him were subtle hints of his dark soul.

“They hurt you,” he mentioned while his gaze kept contact with mine, his expression slowly morphing rage.

He tossed Logan out of his hold, sending him into a harsh collision with the wall. He approached me, swiftly covering the distance spacing us.

His dark eyes peered deeper into mine as his frame shadowed over me. I couldn’t look away, something about his darkness fascinated me, I was drawn to the allure.

His palm lifted to touch my face as he gently caressed the surface. “They were cruel to you, they did so much to you, my mate,” he spoke calmly, as if mulling over the judgement best fit for the “They”.

“I will burn them all!”

He will what now?

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