
For Now (Romance)

The next day.


"Wake up sleepy head, it's way past 10am" I pulled the curtains open a loud grumble in protest came from Caramia.

She pulled the sheets over her head. I walked over to the bed and sat by her side.

"Hey, get up and eat something before you go back to sleep. You must be starving since you ate nothing last night"

"I am still sleepy and I am not that hungry" she grumbled.

"I know my cock fills you up very well, Cara but you still need food"

She threw the sheets off her head and her face had gone red with a cute blush.

"How... How can you say that so early in the morning? Ah, you are the naughtiest person to ever walk the surface of earth"

I chuckled.

"I would have been the naughtiest person but then your parents gave birth to you..." I reached for her cheek and gave it a soft pull that made her pout cutely.

"I still can't beat you at it" she mumbled.

"I made breakfast." I changed the topic, getting back on my feet.

"Tell me, Russo. What exactly c
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