
5. Frey — Wolf-less


I wrapped my hands around his cock and ran my tongue under his shaft. There was a half moon tattoo at the base of his dick. I took him into my mouth, tasting his sinfully delicious member. I teased his gland with my tongue and sucked and stroked his length. He thrusted into me slowly and moaned as I tickled his balls with my hands. I looked up at him with a smile, beholding his gaze, which held nothing but absolute ecstasy and sexual fire in them. Taking him back into me, I bobbed and gagged on his length. “I'm almost there.” He shuddered and gripped my hair, thrusting into my mouth harder and faster. I gagged over and over and his eyes lit up in delight. From the looks of it, I knew he enjoyed watching me gag on his dick. With a groan that ripped through the cold air in the bathroom, he pulled out with a shudder and eased himself onto my chest.

“Good girl.” He said as he slid down the floor, stabilizing his heavy breathing. I curled up next to him and turned on the shower that trickled down our interlaced naked bodies.


I pulled the sleeve of my shirt to my ankle when I arrived in the dining room. Tyler and the wolf bloods were eating without us. I slid into the vacant seat next to him where I felt safer, and Logan sat at the front table where he could see everyone in front of him.

“Good morning, Alpha.” They echoed and tilted their heads in submission.

“Morning.” He said to them as he dished me breakfast. I dug into my food and tried to start a conversation with him, but he was so lost with the other wolf bloods. This wasn't a problem. I believed he should spend more time with the wolves. After all, we had each other throughout the night time. None of these people observed table manners. Thank the moon goddess. Who wants to eat in a place as silent as a graveyard? I glanced at Logan and he smiled at me, winked and continued to feast on his freshly cooked bacon. I turned to Tyler, and he cocked his brows at me.

“How are you and Jax coping?”

“He’s doing better.” Tyler nodded.

“Hmm, thank you for being their for him,” I said, then asked, “Do you have any idea about the witches?”

“Yes. Shannon's coming in today. I found a letter in front of the house this morning. I've shown it to Logan.” Tyler informed me. I had to make sure that our plans were running smoothly. This was my pack too and I would do anything to ensure their welfare.

“Sounds great!”

There was a momentary silence, and Tyler turned to me with a smile. “Frey,” he called to my attention. “Thank you for telling me about Jax.” He muttered, and I nodded.

I was returning the dishes to the sink when I stumbled into a royal blood wolf. Royal blood werewolves held more authority and privileges in the pack and were the original wolf bloodline of Night Shade Pack. I apologized for the trouble, but he walked past me with a disgusted look and I halted and turned to him.

“Is there something you'd like to say?”

“No.” He answered proudly.

“Then stop looking at me like a fucking prick.”

“What did you say to me?”

“I don't repeat myself.”

“Yeah. I'm not the one that'll remain wolf-less after tomorrow night.” He blurted, sending a knob of daggers to my chest.

My eyes widened in horror, and I advanced toward him with arched brows. I grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the wall. He tried to overpower me, but I stood my ground, twisting his arm. The crunching of his bones caused him to scream, “Fucking bitch!” I thrusted him to the floor and watched as he thrashed and squirmed in pain. I heard the gasps of the wolf bloods that had gathered in the kitchen as the weakling rose to his feet with hate and pain in his eyes.

“What did you just call my mate?” Logan inquired and took a swig at the fool's jaw. He landed a heavy blow and took him out. There was an abrupt silence.

“Frey is your Luna, and I expect each and everyone of you to show her some respect or else you'll meet my dark side,” he roared, and they regarded him with a compliant gaze. “Little mate, are you ok?” He asked and took my hands.

“Come on, let's get you cleaned up,” he led me out of the kitchen and headed straight to our room. He walked into the bathroom, turned on the tap on the sink, and washed my hands. “Who thought you how to break a person's arm?”

“My grandfather.” I stuttered.

“My violent little mate. You're not supposed to get into a fight. I should do the fighting.” He said with a sudden delight in his eyes.

“I'm fine, Logan. I can handle myself.” We exited the bathroom and sat on our bed.

“Well, you didn't fail to impress. For a second, I thought you were going to snap his neck.” He muttered, and I raised my gaze to look at him. This was really awkward. I stood on my feet and moved away from him.

“Thank you for this.” I said and turned to leave the room.

“Frey?” He called, and I came to a halt.

“If I don't shift into a wolf tomorrow night, I'm going to remain wolf-less.”

“I don't care. I love you, Frey. It doesn't matter if you have a wolf or not.”

“It's just that these people are always going to see me as a wolf-less Luna. I don't want that for you.”

“What matters is that I care for you, Frey.” His shoulders fell and he stepped toward me.

“I know, but this is not just about me. What about other wolf bloods that will be like me? They'll get bullied because they're late bloomers or because the royal blood werewolves have more authority in the pack?” I demanded and turned to him.

“Frey.” His shoulder fell, and she stepped toward me.

“What if I don't have a wolf?” I said as his enormous arms wrapped around my slender body.

“I understand that it's not okay, but we should have more hope.”

“Yeah. That's the problem, Logan. Hope sucks!” I said, pulled out of his grip and wandered out of our room.

I spent most of my day at my home until some wolf bloods came to get me to the pack house. Home wasn't safe because of you-know-who. The wolf bloods said it was urgent, and I had no choice but to go with them. I was trying not to think of everything that had transpired between Logan and me today. I equally wondered if Logan was lucky with the witches and my questions were answered when I walked into the common room where I met him and the other werewolves: the Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Tyler's father, Pierson Chase, was here too. They were two new people that I hadn't seen before and I guessed it was the witches.

“Hey,” Logan muttered and forced a smile. “These are the witches that agreed to help us.” He said and pointed to the newcomers across the room.

There was something familiar about these people. It felt like a powerful connection I hadn't experienced since I was born, and it was more genuine than what I had for the pack. I compelled myself to shake hands and welcome them to the pack before letting Logan continue.

“We all know my grandfather banished the witches from the pack. I want to change that because we're family and we should stay together,” he said, with his gaze fixed on the two witches. “Shannon and Aiden will stay here for a while and I want y'all to make them feel at home.” He finished before letting the field open for questions.

“The witches are here for the barrier?” Pierson stated with cocked brows. He was always proud, that one.

“Yes, they are, but more importantly they're here to return home.”

“Are you sure they could handle a barrier around the whole territory?” He asked, and Shannon's eyes twitched as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“You ask so many questions.” She blurted, and everyone turned their gaze to her. Just like Logan had said, she wasn't frightened to air her view, and I liked that about her.

“I was just trying to be on the safe side. Come on, show us what you can do.” Pierson chuckled, hands spread out as he squinted across the room.


I felt Shannon's power at the tip of her fingers. She let it take control once she had felt the connection and blood dripped from Pierson's nostrils. He staggered with fear replacing every trace of pride in his eyes.

“What are you doing to me? Stop! Stop!” He cried as he continued to lose blood.

“Dad. There's nothing wrong with you.” Tyler panicked.

“Are we done here?” Shannon inquired. She'd cast a hallucination spell and made Beta Pierson think he was dying of hemorrhage. That asshole deserved it anyway.

After the drama had died down, Logan asked me to show them in their rooms on the third floor of the manor. I led them up the stairs, down to the hallway, and we came to a halt at the vacant room in the middle of the hall. “This is where you'd be staying.” I said to them and handed over the keys. They looked at me with a thankful gaze.

“Come on, don't you want to see inside?” I asked and Shannon shrugged, then unlocked the door and moved in with their luggage. I took my time to explain how things worked around here. The pack meetings, breakfast, lunch, dinner, wolf blood gatherings, training and every other thing they needed to know.

“I'm Frey, by the way.” I said when I finished. It wasn't a smooth conversation, but we were getting there.

“Shannon Scott,” she introduced with a big smile. “This is my brother, Aiden.”

“Nice to meet you, too. Uh, I guess I'll see you at dinner.” Aiden said with a flirtatious tone and I chuckled.

“Lay off. She's Logan's mate,” she whispered to him, and my eyes shot up in curiosity. “What? I saw the way you were looking at each other.”

I chuckled with a smile.

“Thank you for this, Frey. We're honored that you're having us here.” Aiden stated.

“You're welcome.” I said and walked out the door.

I turned to leave the hallway only to meet Logan standing at the far end. I was avoiding him after our conversation. Logan loved me, no doubt. I just thought that being mated to a wolf-less Luna meant his reign was weak. Clearly, he has more faith in me, and I should have more in myself. I might be wolf-less, but I'd do just anything for the wolves of Night Shade to survive and if that wouldn't prove to them I was good enough for a Luna. I don't know what will.

I marched toward him, and we sat by the stairs. I leaned on his shoulder and released an exasperated exhale. We didn't say a word to each other, just consumed by the silence. He raked his hands through my hair and laid a soft kiss on my shoulder. “Is your dad doing ok?”

“Yes. He's all better now,” I answered. There was a brief silence that felt like centuries. “I'm sorry.” I finally said.

“Emotions make us human. It doesn't make us weak, but stronger and I'm so happy that I get to feel all these things with you because I don't know what I'll be without them, without you,” he said and slowly raised my gaze to meet him. He caressed my cheek and locked our lips together in a matter of seconds. “I want you to know that for one second I've never doubted my love for you and I never will,” he reassured me, and I nodded as he got to his feet, lending me a hand. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He added, and we took a long walk down to the riverside.

The sun was disappearing into the heavy clouds and the atmosphere was settling into dusk when we arrived at the riverbank. I could see the moon rising from the horizon and hear the whooshing sound of the moving river that echoed through the serene environment as the crystal clear water swirled over the ashen boulders.

It was a picnic date, and I gasped in surprise when I figured it out. “We haven't had this in a long time.” He said as we sat under the shade created by the branches of the rosewood trees in the forest.

“Thank you so much for this. I didn't realize that I needed to get away from everything that's happening.”

“I made this special for us. Tyler says it's terrible.” He said and passed me a sausage. I took a bite and nodded in affirmation of Tyler's words.

“It is terrible.” I said with a chuckle.

“My father didn't let me cook.” He said in defense.

“Well, I'm sure you're good at other things.” I bit my lower lips, and he inched closer.

“You know I am.” He flirted, and I giggled as he kissed me.

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