
6. Logan — Crowned


I was up as early as six o'clock. I went through the usual morning routine: a run around the pack territory with the patrol, then I returned to the pack house. Marching toward the kitchen, I stumbled into Tyler, who was coming from the common room. He was looking agitated, and I knew he needed to get something off his chest.

“What is it, brother?” I asked as I chugged from my water bottle.

“I wanted to talk to you about Jax. Do you think he could move in? There's a vacant space next to my room, and I think it's better if he's staying closer to his cousins.”

“Yeah. Sure. Make sure he moves in before the end of the day,” I told him without thinking twice. I knew what Jax meant to Tyler, and I would give anything to make sure they had their happy ending. I was about to enter the kitchen when I halted and called for his attention. “How's your dad feeling about all this?”

“My dad's opinion about my life would never change. I think it's time I put myself first.” He sighed.

“Good. I'm happy for you, brother.” I smiled and barged into the kitchen, where I met Frey and the kitchen workers preparing breakfast. She passed me a cup of coffee and I kissed her cheek and gulped down the content. “Morning Alpha.”

I heard and waved at the women, who tilted their heads in submission.

“Thanks.” I said to Frey.

“It's your big day.” She squealed and smiled.

“Our big day. How's our pup?” I whispered to her and tugged her closer and she giggled.

“Our pup is fine.” She said and matched her lips with mine.

Exiting the kitchen, I moved to my room to have a quick shower and prepare for the big day ahead of me. I was meeting with the witches because they'd agreed to raise the barrier this morning. I slung my shirt over my shoulder and exited my room. Walking down the stairs, I met Shannon and Aiden in the common room. Their eyes were tired out from sleeping late. Delta Valor and Gamma Alexiares took them to the clubhouse last night.

Tyler joined in with us and we marched to the center of the pack, under the oak tree where we held the vigil for the deceased. “This will do.” Shannon said when we arrived at the spot, scrutinizing the area. She wrapped her talisman around her wrist. So did Aiden, and they linked their hands together. I was curious how the witch/magic thing worked and I needed to ask questions.

“What kind of magic do you practice?” I queried.

“Ancestral. We have our own magic, but the talisman allows us only to draw from the dead. Without it, we can draw from both the living and the dead, and that would do some serious damage.” She explained.

“Don't you think that's too complicated.” Tyler said.

“It is. We just find our way around it,” Shannon finished and shut her eyes. “Take three steps back.” She commanded, and we obeyed.

Their lips moved silently, in sync, and a rogue wind traversed around us, swirling the dead dry leaves of the oak tree around us. They voiced the chant ceaselessly, and I observed, trying to decipher how it felt to sense the magic in their blood. They finished this spell and a red light dispersed through the entire pack.


It was first light and wolf bloods were preparing for the day's celebration. The crowning ceremony would happen toward the evening time, and I'd guide the new werewolves through their first shift, and run with the wolf pack during the night of the full moon. I really hoped that the moon goddess would grant Frey's heart desires. I would love to teach her how to shift during the full moon.

We returned to the pack house and met the exquisite aroma coming from the kitchen. Frey and the kitchen workers had done a wonderful job in preparing this morning's delicacy. We devoured the food, making merry and celebrating the day ahead of us. I was fortunate that these people put their trust and faith in me.

After breakfast, I headed to my bedroom, had a shower and pulled into a black tailored tuxedo that fitted perfectly to my body frame. I noticed the new box on the table which had a note saying, “from Frey,” and I unlocked the package. It was cufflinks that had F and H, which meant Frey Hemming. I smiled and put them on. How long has she been planning this?

All set and ready to visit the elders in the Elder woods, I glanced at my reflection in the floor-length mirror. I would go with ranked wolves that'll lead me through my journey as the Alpha of Night Shade Pack — Beta Tyler Chase, Delta Valor O'Donnell, Gamma Jax Barlow, and Luna Frey Hemming. I had faith in their capabilities and was certain we could accomplish more together. I was also reforming Zeta rank, and I'd chosen Keaton Roberts for the role. Zeta used to exist, but the pack took down the role since we'd had survived the past years without war. I knew war was looming ahead, and we had to prepare. Keaton was a warrior, and I trusted he would always put the pack first before his own needs. I figured I would give him a sense of purpose since his mate died.

I smiled at myself from the mirror and bowed my head to say prayers to the moon goddess. I also asked my late parents for guidance and hoped that they'd stayed with me throughout today because I needed them.

I shut the door and walked down the hallway, where I met the people I'd summoned for the crowning ceremony. Tyler was looking his best in a blue tux and he hurried to me and held my shoulder, whispering into my ears, “How did Jax get into this?”

“Alexiares is taking a long trip away from Night Shade, so I thought Jax should fill in his position until he returns,” I explained and he nodded, stepping back to join the group I'd summoned. “Thank you for gathering here today. I'm so glad that y'all put your trust in me as your Alpha. Now I want to put my trust in you as Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Zeta.” I announced, shifting my gaze to each of them as I mentioned their ranks.

“Zeta? I'm honored, Alpha.” Keaton tilted his head in submission.

“Gamma? But I'm not even from the royal bloodline.” Jax shrugged with surprise.

“It doesn't matter, Jax. Tonight, every wolf blood will be deemed equal, no discrimination.” I declared, and they smiled with a nod.

“Thank you, Alpha.” He greeted, tilting his head in submission.

“Come on, let's get to the Elder woods.”

The Elders were waiting when we arrived at the Elder Woods. “Alpha Logan Marcus Kade, welcome.” They said in unison, and I nodded as I slid into the seat. They bowed and tilted their heads in submission as the other wolf bloods who'd walked with me took their seats.

“Thank you. Are you ready to embark on this journey, Logan?” They questioned.

“Yes, I am,” I bowed. “These are the people I've chosen to lead me through this expedition. Beta Tyler Chase, Delta Valor O'Donnell, Gamma Jaxon Barlow, and Zeta Keaton Roberts.”

“Zeta? How thoughtful, Alpha.” The first elder muttered. He glanced at his fellow elders.

“Very well then. Let's proceed.” They said, and the large gray doors ahead of us pulled open before us.

We marched together with the elders into the throne room and the wolf bloods present rose to their feet and bowed their heads in reverence. Frey was in front of the crowd and she was my number one supporter. The look of thrill on her face was enough to get me through all of this. I sighed as I knelt down in front of the first elder, who had the crown and the seal of royalty clutched to his palm.

“Logan Marcus Kade of Night Shade Pack. Are you ready to embark on this journey as the Alpha of this territory?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Do you promise to serve and protect?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Do you promise love, justice, equality, among others, to the wolf bloods of this pack?”

“Yes. I do.” I answered, and he put the royal seal on my finger. He placed the crown on my head and an excited chatter rose from the room.

“You may rise.” He smiled, and I rose to my feet.

“All hail the king.” Tyler echoed.

“All hail the king.” The pack of wolf bloods chanted.

The celebrations went haywire at the pack manor after we left the Elder Woods, and by evening we were getting set for the pack run. I gave them hope and promised that I'll always put their needs first before any of my own. I also preached on the equality of every member of the pack, ruling out the discrimination that has been going on for years. I knew these people were going to take time to adjust to the changes. But hey, who says change is something that happens at the snap of a finger? Change is a step-by-step process, and it's different for everyone. It might take days for some people, weeks for others, or even months and years for some. What matters is the effort we make toward rebuilding ourselves. We are one and should stay united against the world.

After the speech at the pack manor, the wolf bloods returned to their various houses to get set for the rising moon. I'm exhausted from all that had transpired today and when I was stealing a quiet time for myself; the kids dragged me into the kitchen with questions about me and Frey.

“Will Frey be your Luna?”

“We want her to be our Luna. We love her.”

Ugh, I wanted to get some rest, but I was glad that these kids put their trust in her.

“Yes. She is our Luna.” I answered them.


“Anybody want extra chocolates?” I asked, and they jumped excitedly.

“Yes, we do, please.” They answered politely.

“Find Gamma Jaxon. I have to talk to Austin,” I saw the young little boy leaning on the counter alone, and I moved toward him. “Hey, kiddo. How are you?” I beamed and sat next to him.

“I'm fine.” He mumbled.

“Is everything ok? Are you hungry? I could get you something to eat.”

“I'm not hungry. I miss my mommy.” He said, and I lifted him from the floor, placed him on my thigh, and patted his hair.

“I know I can't replace your mommy, but I'll be here for you whenever you need me. You wanna talk with Frey or Grainne?” I quizzed.

“Frey. I haven't seen her for a while.” He fiddled with his finger, a sad look masking his face.

“Come on, let's find her together.” I took the kids out of the room and asked Jax to get the kids chocolate.

I found Frey sitting by the stairs with Jada.

“Jada, hi.”

“Hey, Alpha.” She said.

“Could you give Frey and I a minute?”

“Sure.” She said and rose to her feet. Frey took Austin from my arms and cradled him in her arms.

“Austie. How are you?”

“I miss my mommy, but Alpha Logan says everything will be ok.” He told Frey with those innocent green eyes.

“He's telling the truth, Austie. Why don't we grab a bar of chocolate and maybe play outside?” she suggested, and he nodded. “I'll be back.” She placed a swift kiss on my cheek and moved out with Austin.

It was almost dusk, and I could feel my tether to the moon. Grainne sashayed toward me from the crowd. She was Alexiares’ sister, and the sudden trip her brother was taking out of the pack, especially now that the territory was the only safe place for werewolves, astounded her. She sat next to me and sipped from her glass of wine.

“I would start with congratulations, but really? Sending my brother out there? He's the only one I have left.”

“Thanks, but Alex volunteered to venture outside the pack himself. He made a bold choice.”

“And you did with your alternative choice of Gamma. I see you match maker.” Grainne nudged my shoulder, and I chuckled.

“Match maker? Hmm, I guess that's a new nickname. How are you, Grainne? It's been long since we actually sat together and talked.”

Grainne Balor was one of my closest friends, but after the patrol found her and returned her to the pack. We'd grown distant from each other.

“I'm fine. Jax's a good guy, and not a bird brain like my brother.” She emphasized with a chuckle.

“Turkey brain suits better.” I babbled.

“Mm hmm. Want me to grab a drink for you?”

“No. I'm ok.”

“We don't get drunk, Logan. You should do these things while you're young.” She asserted with a brawny smile.

“I’m not getting old soon. You know I missed this. What happened, Grainne?”

“I went missing, Logan. I was trying to get my life back together. But I'm sure we can have a do over, right?” Grainne shrugged with a nod.

“Yeah.” We stayed together for a while, then I left to organize things for the pack run.

I was standing under the beams of the moonlight when I heard crunching footsteps toward me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Frey walking through the Elder woods, which was our origin point for tonight's run. “Logan,” she said. “I put the kids to bed. Keaton put guards around the pack house. They'll be safe throughout the whole shifting process,” she muttered excitedly as she stood next to me. “I'm so proud of you.”

“Are you nervous?”

“About the full moon. I haven't gotten that feeling yet, but the night is still young. Anyway, I made peace with it. What matters is what the pack needs from us, and I'm more than willing to show them we're capable of handling this together.” She said to me. I believed her. There was nothing but sincerity in her eyes.

“Come here.” I said and pulled her into an embrace.

In less than an hour, young wolves who were having their first shift tonight gathered under the moonlight. I was sure that they'd been taught how to bond with the moon and shift into their wolves.

Once the new wolves had shifted, I turned into a large black wolf with my Delta, Beta, Gamma, and Zeta by my side. We sprinted off into the woods with other wolves right behind us. We raced down the path lined with rosewood trees, leaping past the tree logs and stepping over the murky road swiftly but carefully. The sound of our paws pounding the earth formed a melodious rhythm with the power exuding from the moon. I howled, and the pack followed in a harmonious tempo. We raced around the pack territory and returned to our starting point, where we shifted back into our human forms.

I watched as wolf bloods found their mates. I stood in their center and I saw Frey by the tree line. She had a forced smile plastered on her face. She didn't get her wolf. Frey didn't shift. I could tell how devastated she was right now. She would remain wolf-less her entire life. But it didn't matter to me. I loved her whether she had a wolf or not, and that was all that mattered. I was walking toward her when I heard, “mate.” Swiveling on my heels, I turned to the elegant red-haired lady standing in the middle of the crowd. The silvery moonlight bathed her hair in an exquisite glow and accentuated the blue in her irises. If she was my fated mate, why couldn't I feel the bond?

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