
A very good actress.


Emily had to be the best actress I had ever met. First, she went from being teary after sucking my cock to being a hot girl in a black dress and smoky eyes. What was more shocking was how she stood against Lauren, who I was about to destroy, with straight shoulders.

What had given me the assumption that Emily was a calm little bird in the first place? Was it the way she had begged for her father’s life? Or how desperate she seemed? Now all forms of desperation had disappeared, and she seemed to be putting up her new role with all boldness and bravery.

I needed to find another method to put her under my thumb but all I could think about was kissing her again, having my tongue sucked by that little mouth of hers made me want nothing but more. What was more annoying was how I momentarily lost my head around her and how fine she seemed.

I just needed to tighten my reign on her a little, remind her who was in control, and let her know she was nothing. No one.

But for now, I’d let her enjoy herself, let her think she was doing well and okay, attacks were more effective when they come unexpectedly. She wouldn’t know what hit her.

“Would you need a driver?” Harry asked, he was just one of the hotel staff and thankfully, I didn’t have to keep all their names in my head as he wore a tag.

“No Harry, it’s still my honeymoon. Just want some lone time with my wife.” I said sweetly, placing a kiss on Emily’s hair.

Being sweet with her in public was like killing two birds with one stone, first, it helps news travel faster as the old man would be filled with lots of news and pictures about Emily and me even before we came before him. I wanted to give a very considerable gap before taking her to him. Second, it gave my company a wonderful promotion as everyone now sees me, not only as a great businessman but also as an awesome husband. Thirdly, it would be hard for Emily to leave me against my will as every proof pointed at me meeting every one of her needs.

I read an article yesterday and professed that I was madly in love with my wife. The thought alone was nauseating but it was good the public thought that. It was also the first time almost all the King brands, got a uniform increase of 32.8% increase in sales. If I had known marriage would earn me a lot of money, hell, I would have done it sooner.

And today, I was going to spend a big chunk of that money on Emily for the world to see.

I informed her as I started the car. It was one of my best. Normally, I didn’t let anyone drive or even sit in my Model X Plaid Tesla, but Emily looked clean and wouldn’t dare touch anything without my permission, so it was safe. Also, the media was going to go hyper on this.

“Don’t touch anything,” I warned as she fastened her seatbelt.

“Yes sir.” She sighed, her tone was soft and her eyes looking out the window, it was like she hadn’t even realized she spoke and once again her mind seemed to have traveled elsewhere.

It made me wonder what she was thinking of; what she had been thinking of earlier too. Another guy? Was it Justin? There was a weird contact on her phone, of a guy named Justin. His was the only contact she had attached an emoji to. A heart emoji to be precise.

Had she been thinking of me when she kissed me?

Or he was he who gave her all her sexual experience and thought her how to be so good at giving blowjobs.

Instead of letting the stupid thought of Justin annoy me, I pushed the acceleration, and we zoomed out.

“Just in case you were wondering… We’re going shopping!” I announced.

I expected a smile, a huge one, like what every other woman gave when a rich guy offered to take her shopping. I wanted to indulge in at least one of her smiles, not the fake lips up she had been giving all day.

I knew after my stunt that she would try to please me, I expected her to be all scared and shaking, not this smiley look stature in front of me.

All I got was, “Okay.”

“Wouldn’t you ask what we’re shopping for?” I snapped.

“You didn’t ask what I wanted to shop for and that meant you already decided what to shop for and we’re shopping for you and not me.” She replied, her eyes still glued outside.

“You look at me when you’re talking to me,” I replied with all the ice I could muster, and she obeyed immediately, but there was no joy in her obedience, her eyes were sad and dull.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I told myself I was doing this just to live up to what people now thought of me. A good husband.

Not only that, she had been fake all day but not like this. This was sad. What had happened between the few minutes that we left the suite and now that she had become so sad?

Was it our kiss? Was she mad that she had realized I had been the one she had been kissing and not Justin?

I felt myself getting angry at it.

“I’m good.” She replied.

I said nothing in reply.

We parked in front of Tiffany’s.

“Wait.” I wanted all attention on us, most people knew it was my car, and now they would guess I was here with my wife.

Everyone would want to see us step out, cameras would click.

Then I slid my door open, and when Emily made to do the same, I shot her a death glare. She folded her hand on her lap immediately.

I stepped out and looked around, the stage was set, and everyone trying to make it less obvious that their attention was on us.

Regard Awe

Who wants to meet Justin already?

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