
The lobby activity

I snapped back to reality to see a very beautiful lady standing in front of me. We were all staring into the picture in the phone I was holding but my mind had been so far from my body that I had no idea someone had joined us.

“I’m so sorry. I got carried away.” I apologized clumsily. I didn’t dare look up at the look on Alexandro King’s face. I couldn’t help wondering if this was another slip-up.

“I understand my dear, you both look so good together,” Then she moved closer to my ears and muttered, “How can a woman not be distracted the morning after her wedding night.” Then she stood upright and stretched her hands, “I’m Lauren Gerr.”

She had a nice smile but she added nothing to give me an idea of who she was to Alexandro King and he was standing beside me but didn’t volunteer to fill in the information.

“I’m Emily King,” I replied with a smile on my face. “Can I ask a favor?” I asked. It was an opportunity now that there was someone available, instead of just asking a random person. “Can you take a full picture of us?” I pleaded, I was tempted to add ‘please’ but there was something about Alexandro King’s indifference to her that made me feel she was someone below me.

The smile I had thought was nice seemed to falter as she stole a glance at Alexandro King before taking the phone from my hand.

I stood just where I was beside Alexandro King, but it seemed he wanted our picture to come out differently like we were close and affectionate. He pulled me by the waist and brought me so close, that my back was against his rock-hard chest, and I had to place a hand on his to get a grip on myself.

At that moment, his scent invaded my nostrils, and I almost slipped my eyes shut to bask in that masculine glory. I tried to keep my hands on the camera, but I lost concentration again when I felt his hands slip to the top of my ass. I lost balance on my heels and my weight fell on him, I could swear I felt a bulge push into my back.

Then the memory of having it in my mouth came flooding back.

“I think that should be enough, Thank you so much, Lauren.” I stretched my hand for my phone, moving off Alexandro King and standing on my own feet.

She stood and was going through the pictures she had taken, but I was impatient and walked up to her, leaving Alexandro King behind.

“I think this post is awesome, Alexandro looks most handsome here,” She said, smiling. I looked at her to see she wasn’t looking at the picture but at me. “How come I haven’t met you before?” She asked.

I noticed how her tone changed and for some reason, she seemed cold. But here was one of the perks of being Alexandro King’s wife. I answered to no fucking body.

I snatched my phone from her hands and like I’ve decided to deal with my adversaries, I smiled at her, “Thank you for your time.”

She brought out her card from her bag and slipped it into my hands, “I like you. Maybe one of these days we can meet up and talk about what Alexandro is like in bed. I’d like to know if he’s still as good as before or has changed.”

She had slept with him. She wanted me to know Alexandro King and Fucked her.

Something very disgusting rose from my stomach and wedged at my throat. There was something I learned during my time in the streets. Always have the last words!

“Believe me, I’m sure he’s better.” I turned away from her and came face to face with Alexandro King.

I hadn’t realized he had moved and was standing behind me, all I wanted was to give Lauren something to think about and walk out.

He must have heard Lauren and I conversing because his words were low and sexy.

“I didn’t know you were so impressed by my performance in bed.” He muttered, his eyes still on mine, he was standing too close, his hands had slipped up my neck which was bare as my hair had been packed up and I felt every connection of his hands. “I love it when you talk dirty, it makes me want to have you again.”

His words were intimate and soft, anyone listening would think we had spent the whole night doing the dirty deed but all the sexual intimacy between us came from him punishing me by asking me to suck his cock. I couldn’t tell if that was a punishment or just him seeking pleasure.

The thumb of his hand on my neck moved and graced my lips, “The wonders these lips do.” He muttered.

I couldn’t tell if Lauren was still standing behind me or not, my sole attention on Alexandro King.

My eyes were fixed on his, dear God, not only did his voice sound sexy up close. He looked more handsome up close.

My attention was distracted by his lips, I watched his tongue wet them. He first ran the tip of his tongue over his upper lip, before licking his lower lip.

When I felt him move closer, I couldn’t help but slide my eyes shut. I told myself I wasn’t awaiting his kiss, that I just wanted to close my eyes and let him do whatever he wanted. I wasn’t going to participate in this, that I would let him use me because I was going to use him too. I would use him to get the life I wanted. At the end of this, I would come out as a winner.

But when his lips touched mine, it didn’t feel like a battle. His lips were softer than I remembered. I had braced myself for him to force his lips against mine, to push his tongue in and to squeeze a response out of me, but instead, his lips were teasing, licking my lower lip, sucking on my upper lip, goading them apart.

When I finally gave in to the temptation and opened up for him, it came out as a moan. The urge to suck my lips as he had sucked on mine was a bit too strong for me to resist. But the moment I made to suck at his lower lips was the same moment he chose to invade my mouth with his tongue. I sucked at it. The pleasure was divine. His response was immediate, his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer and mine moved up to his neck to allow us closer, giving room for more body contact.

He broke off the kiss only to pull at my lips from another angle, doing again again, drawing out a tiny moan from me every time he released my lips to allow me to breathe, when he didn’t claim my lips after a second, my finger hooked around his hair and drew him back.

I was almost grinding my whole body against his.

“Get a room!” Someone shrieked. We broke apart in surprise. It was a woman walking with a little boy giving us a disapproving stare as she covered the boy’s eyes with her free hand while the other held her handbag.

What the fuck just happened?

Did I just make out with Alexandro King in his hotel’s lobby?

Regard Awe

Don't you think Emily got too distracted? Never mind that, what do you think about how she handled Lauren?

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