
2: More Bad News


"Please, please." The choked whisper fell from my lips, seemingly falling on deaf ears as Atlas’s hands only tightened around my throat.

Tears were beginning to sting my eyes and I was losing my breath. Seeing he had no intention of letting me go, I brought my trembling hands up and attempted to free myself. It was a futile attempt.

He is an alpha and as good as I was in combat. I’m just an omega.

“Atl—“ he let go of me abruptly and I broke out into a fit of coughs. My hands rubbed around my throat that felt like it was burning.

My eyes burned with unshed tears. Pain blooming in my heart at being treated this way by the man that was supposed to love and protect me.

"Anniversary?” Atlas’s voice was filled with rage. “Who told you I give a fuck? Haven't I made myself clear enough? You should stop trying so hard. Do you really have a problem comprehending things?" He kept on yelling. Breaking my heart some more with each word he utters.

You’ll think I’ll be used to this by now.

“Leave. I don’t want to see your face.” He pointed at the door's direction.

I breathed in what sounded like a laugh and a snort.

“I know you don't care about me,” I said with no emotion. “I only wanted you to make this day special for me. It would not take anything from you.”

He opened his mouth to speak but then his phone rang. He brought it out and I saw his eyes soften when he saw whoever was calling. I didn’t need to look at the screen to know it’s Annie.

“Make sure you remove yourself from my office before I come back.” He stomped out after that. Leaving me a crying mess on the floor, trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart left on the floor.

Every conversation with Atlas ends this way. He always finds a way to stomp on my already broken heart. How it is still beating. I don’t know.

The scene kept repeating itself in my head. My chest is burning in turmoil. I didn’t know when the tears that had gathered started to fall.

He didn't have to humiliate me this way.

Footsteps made me jerk. The familiar voice made me realise I was still sitting on the floor.

“Jade? Jade, what are you doing here?” Andrew crouched so we were almost at eye level.

Andrew was the beta, and he was really close with Atlas. He was the only close friend that I had at the pack.

He would always fight for me whenever, and wherever.

I faked a smile and wiped my tears as best I could when I saw how he was watching me with scrutiny. I didn’t want him to ask what happened.

He was the only one that would scold Atlas and stand up to me against him.

“Are you fine? Why are your eyes red?" He questioned softly.

"Uhm.. it's nothing." I stuttered and tried to smile again but my lips wobbled.

"You can't tell me that it is nothing. I have known you since we were kids.” His eyes narrowed before he made an angry sound. “Who did that to you, Jade? And don’t even try to brush it off. I can see the finger marks in your neck. Did Atlas do this to you?” He growled.

"Yes!” I gave up and snapped then shook my head immediately after. “You shouldn’t mention it to him please. It would only make him more angry and he’ll lash out more." I pleaded with him, and then he let out a huge sigh.

"Okay fine,” he grumbled. “I won’t ell him since that is what you want but this is the last time anything like this will happen."

I nodded. Just so he would let it go. Thankfully he did.

A shrill ringing pulled both our attention away from my neck. I scrambled for my phone that had fallen to the ground. I didn't even know at what point but I had been holding it with the tray.

I squinted at the name of my grandmother's doctor flashing on the screen.

“Hello?" I said softly, a bit hesitant.

My heart was starting to beat fast.

"Mrs. Montgomery, you’re needed at the hospital please.” The doctor’s voice was cool and levelled as always but I already knew something was wrong. She wouldn’t be calling if there wasn’t a problem.

“Is my grandmother okay? Please tell me she is fine.” I gripped the phone as I pleaded.

“It’ll be best if you come and see her immediately. So you can say your goodbyes.”

A sob broke from my lips when the call ended. I rushed to my feet and started running to the door. Not caring that I looked like a mess. I even forgot about Andrew that was standing. He was the one that called my name and then gripped my arm.

“What’s wrong? What happened to your grandmother?”

“I-I don’t-hospital. I need to see her.” He nodded and pulled me close before walking out of the office.

The short ride to the hospital was quiet, save for my small sniffs here and there.

I was feeling numb and in pain at the same time. My grandmother is the only family member I’ve ever known. My mum died when I was little. I don’t even remember her. And I’ve never seen my father.

She was the person that raised me and taught me everything. And now, she is leaving me too.

Why does everybody leave me?

I rushed straight to her room, my heart almost leaping out of my chest when I didn’t see her. But then a nurse came and told me she was moved to the ICU. That already didn’t sound good.

When we got to the ICU, my grandmother’s frail form welcomed me. She looked so weak and little on the bed that I almost started crying again. But I didn’t want her to see me like this.

"Grandmother." I said in a choked whisper.

Her eyes moved to me and they creased the sides. Her bony fingers attempted to pull the oxygen mask from her face but she couldn’t. I rushed and did it for her. Then I slipped into the bed beside her.

She was so small that she didn’t take much of the space and I managed to get in.

“You’re here.” Her voice was soft and croaky.

She didn’t sound and look anything like the woman I know. It was gut wrenching to see.

“I’ll always be here, grandmother. Forever.” She gave me a small smile but didn’t say anything.

We sat like that for a long while before I felt a soft pat on my hand. I sat up and asked if there was anything she wanted.

Her hands moved under her pillow for a bit before she placed something cool in my palm. I sat up and looked at it. It was a small necklace with a locket.

“Keep this safe. It’ll help you answer every question that you may have in the future.”

I frowned, staring at the gold object. I tried to pull the pendant open but it didn't budge.

“Grandmother, why is it—“ her hand slips from mine and a loud still sound fills the place.

I’m unable to move for about five seconds before my brain kicked in and I jumped off the bed. I started screaming for doctors while desperately trying to wake her up. But whatever I did, she didn’t move. She didn’t wake up.

The doctors and nurse rushed in. They tried to push me out of the room. I screamed for them to let me go. One of the nurses held me back as the doctor checked her.

I saw the small shake of his head and then he looked down at his watch. My breathing stopped and I didn’t know when I released a loud cry.

The nurse dragged me out of the room and took me to the reception. She was saying something but I couldn’t hear her. The single elongated beep from the heart machine was all I could hear in my head.

It felt like forever and I was sitting on the chair, staring at a blank wall. A familiar voice pulls me from my trance and I thought I was hallucinating but then I looked up and saw Atlas’s form disappearing into a room.

Did he hear about my grandmother and rush here? That seemed unlikely but it didn’t fail to make my heart skip a beat.

I got up and robotically followed him. When I opened the same door he walked into, my dreams shattered once again a the sight of Annie sitting on the bed.

They all tended to face me and for a second, I couldn’t have sworn I saw guilt flash through his eyes.

“Jade, what are you doing here?”

I opened my mouth to answer but a shrill voice spoke, gaining his attention.

My eyes moved to Annie who was scrunching her made up face in mock pain. But it seemed Atlas was blind to her theatrics. He fell for her trick and went to ask if anything was wrong, ignoring about my existence.

I was forgotten in the shadows once again.

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