
Chapter Two

Dai’s POV

My parents have been persistent with throwing a success party in my honour but I know they only want to attract more investors to the Electronic Japana Group even though my job has nothing to do with the electronics the company produces.

My return trip from London to Japan from a business conference wasn’t revealed to anyone but my parents still managed to know and set a lunch dinner the next day which I declined.

It’s been one week of ignoring my family but they’re very persistent with the party.

Dad just had to use my older brother Daichi Japana to talk me into their fancy dinner which truly wasn’t going to be only in my honour but for their company’s sake.

Knowing both Daichi and Daiki are my best friends they invited me for lunch at our favourite Mexican restaurant owned by my best friend Akira Abe Mūn.

Finishing my work for the day, I head out for our planned dinner and as I’m about to press the elevator door open, it opens immediately revealing a very beautiful young Lady who has the most beautiful greyish blue eyes, an oval face and those luscious lips which are begging to be kissed.

Oh my! what am I even thinking about, I almost undressed a beautiful strange lady with my eyes as she stared at me without saying anything.

I’m wondering if she can feel the electricity around us or is it just my imagination, I had to quickly clear my throat to put us out of the starring contest which happened in just seconds.

Moving on with a certain greyish blue eyes beauty on my mind I feel like my abstinence from sex is messing with my senses, all this focus on work made me block out my sexual urges.

Arriving at the restaurant my brothers are already present, ever so punctual for any gathering. This is what I love about them.

“Hey guys, sorry I’m late” I greet them as the both nod and Daichi says “ we’ll always wait out for the celebrity of the family” which causes a fit of laughter from us.

“how does it feel to be solely independent and successful on your own terms, like how did you do it bro” Daiki says as we call the waiter to bring us some drinks and the starters.

Being regulars and the best friend of the owner put us on high standards which I’m grateful to Akira.

“Yh bro, even though we’re successful but we got it all from Dad but you built everything from scratch together with your partner” Daichi adds.

“I used my drive for success and my ambitions to get to where I am today, nothing special for Mum and Dad to throw a party for me and besides I can’t take all the credit cause my partner and other employees worked twice as much as I did to get our company to the top” I say genuinely

" we know bro but I suggest you just let our parents get away with the party while Daichi and I handle the guests, all you need to do is look all dolled up at the party" Daiki says and both my brothers laugh like they just cracked the funniest joke on the planet.

"I agree with him and you can as well get all the attention of the pretty ladies" Daichi says smirking and this just reminds me of the greyish blue eyes beauty which has my head on a roller coaster ride.

Dinner continues smoothly with my brothers and I chatting about the business world and I later head back to the office.

I get a knock on my office door and my secretary walks in with some files, " Sir, Mr. Denver requested for the applicant junior developer's demo work to be reviewed and selected by you, Miss Clara already performed the interview with the three applicants who applied for the position" she says while handing the file to me.

"okay, I'll review everything tomorrow and please notify the head of project X to see me before he leaves the building" I inform her.

"okay Sir" with that she exits my office while I glance through the files of the applicants and my eyes take note of the names of the three applicants, two of them males and also Japanese and the last file is of a young woman by name Dahlia Harrison Garcia which screams Mexican " this is interesting" I say out loud.

The next day I arrive the office earlier than everyone to review the work demos of the applicants so we could finally get our main junior developer who'll take a special training given by me.

After reviewing each demo just one piques my interest and stands out and I feel I'll be able to work with this person.

The demos don't have names on them for transparency purposes, so only Miss Clara knows which applicant has each demo cause she has a list with the name of the demo alongside the name and signature of the applicants.

I organise a meeting with all the senior developers and designers in the company to discuss about which work demo is the best and everyone voted the only one I was interested in.

Picking it out Miss Clara says it belongs to Miss Dahlia Harrison Garcia and everyone was amaze at what the lady could work on including myself.

"Miss Clara please give Miss Harrison a call and get her on board ASAP" I tell the head of HR and leave the conference room before everyone.

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