

The sky was blue and nothing fits so perfectly than a day off work. I stood by the window with a cup of tea; reminiscing on how Christian had my birthday so much fun. Cakes, the heels, dishes prepared specially

for me by his chef, a tour to the beach at night and pictures. He was a perfect gentleman, although he might not be that all

perfect but he made my day worthwhile.

I chuckled as I recalled some of the crazy things he did until I remembered the very night I went into his bathroom unannounced.

I recalled what I saw but shook it off immediately.

"That's not right." l said to myself as I walked away from the window.

My cell phone rang. I picked the call.

"Hello Bella." I said

"Hello ma, There's an emergency."

She uttered quickly.


I followed a nurse who led me into the intensive care unit.

I looked at the poor woman; she was pitiable. I sat close to the bed and called her softly.

"Mama Adanma."

"Aunty." she called with her local accent.

"How serious is it?" I asked

"Stage four, stomach cancer."

“We can do something about it."

"It is fifty-fifty."

I sighed as I saw her resist.

"But..." I attempted to speak

"Adanma has come of age and I believe she can take care of her siblings. Give it to her instead of trying to waste it on my misfortune."

She insisted as she spoke pitifully. I got teary.

I had no choice than to fulfill her last wish by paying her children the sum of ten million naira for her life insurance... The money will never fill the void she had left but it will surely make her dreams for her children come true.

She had prepared… I was leaving the hospital, heading towards the parking lot. My phone rang, it was Mr Richard.

"Hello sir." I greeted after I had

answered the call.

"Jolá Jolà" he teased like he always

does whenever he's in a good mood.

"I just got an email now and I've told them to forward it to you. it's a good one and a huge project that will advertise Apex insurance." He explained.

"That's great news, sir." I replied gladly and stood by my car.

"Yes.. I want you to give it your best as I hope for a positive result. Check your email for details." He concluded

"Alright sir." I added before the call ended.

l entered the car; used my seat belt and picked up my laptop to check out the mail.

It was the first email I received. It was from a movie agency.

"Oh no!" l exclaimed the moment my

eyes caught the time and date for

the meeting.


I was not even officially dressed.

So, my day off work was not really a day off. I had just thirty minutes left to go back home, get dressed and straight to the office.

I drove into the firm parking lot exactly five minutes to the meeting.

I picked up my things as I alighted from the car and dashed into the building.

I met Bella who was already worried; "I saw your text." I told her."

They are waiting in the boardroom.

"Get your things and prepare to take

the minute." I ordered.

"Right away, ma." She collected my

stuff and took them with her things as she followed me hurriedly into the board room.

I met with staff who came from the agency led by the director.

I greeted them officially and the meeting commenced.

"We would love the wide range of your clients to be added to our audience as we will be glad to make use of the firms' name and as stated in the official mail; we would be glad if you can work with our writers to help them with explanations and duties pertaining to insurance." The director explained.

"So, I guess the project is going to be

for a mutual benefit." I added.

"Of course." He replied.

"We could reach more audiences and make known the benefit of insurance that equals more clients for you. We strongly believe that our lead actor will deliver well." He continued and I nodded in affirmation.

"Great! Then let's start with the project." I said and we attended to all necessary documents.


Mr Richard was So excited that the deal was sealed successfully and particularly for monetary benefits too.

Apex insurance was about to be known by a larger population of the country.

The agency found a perfect location for the movie and the writers were fun to work with.

I visit the location when necessary with Bella always by my side; until I bumped into him once again.I was shocked. What was I expecting? There's a higher probability that it could be him.

Our eyes met; as we stared at each other.

The voice of the director who had joined the scene brought us back.

"Since he's one of your clients, we thought it would make it much better for him to take the lead in the movie." The director Said.

I felt like it was a coup as I stared at the man and Zach repeatedly.

Bella couldn't do anything but watch the whole scenario.

Everyone knows that we've once dated yet they all seem to love playing with my emotions.

Why can't they bring someone else?

Why does it always have to be him?

I smiled in return at the director and left the scene with Bella.

I watched Bella drive out of the location. There was no one in the area. The moment I opened the door to the driver's seat, someone pushed it back to its former state.

Who could have closed the door? I raised my head the moment I recognized the scent.

"Zach!" l called timidly.

He pushed me gently against the car, resting his palms on the car as he leaned towards me.

"What do you want?" I asked with disgust.

"You." He replied softly. He was excited to see me.

That was intentional.

"Let's just keep things official." I told him and tried to push him backwards with my hands on his chest. He grabbed my hands and

made them stay on his chest. I couldn't set myself loose.

"I'm glad we are working together." He said.

"It's for the firm's sake." I tried to ruin his excitement.

"Isn't this fate?" He asked me.

"It's just a coincidence." I replied.

"Mistakes happen, Joláadé. But Fate can't be decided. I guess we'll meet more often." He replied.

"What are you doing? Do you plan to be with Jade and me at the same time?" I asked him angrily.

"Jade and I never worked and I realized that what I felt for you is genuine. I didn't feel the same way with Jade.

My heart races at the sight of you. I can't control myself, Joláadé. " He replied passionately and inhaled as he moved closer to my neck line.

"Your scent!" He muttered.

I gulped.

"Let me go" I mumbled into his ears.

He let go of one of my hands and gently stroked my neck around my ear.

"Let me go." I mumbled again. He wouldn't listen.

"There's CCTV."l added and he stopped but didn't let go.

When I thought it was over, he went out of control and pulled me to the other side where the CCTV couldn't reach. He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. He wasn't ready to

let go any minute. I forced myself out of his hold and I slapped him.

That was a mistake; I shouldn't have but I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm not your toy, Zach." I told him furiously as a sign of warning. I got teary and I saw the disappointment in his eyes.

At the same time I was Scared of losing him even when I knew it could have been the best thing.

He felt stupid.

Maybe I didn't deserve him or he doesn't deserve me.


I stayed away from the site for days, I made Bella do my duties for me over there as she sent reports to me regularly.

She had returned to my office one day with a bouquet and a card. It was an apology note from Zach.

I became more confused. I wasn't expecting him to be so cool. I felt bad for the slap anytime I remembered him.

He would send pictures of himself at work, apology text and love emojis.

Until a fateful day, I decided and went to the location since it was the last day on set. Everyone was worried as the female cast wouldn't be able to make it for the rehearsal before shooting the scene due to traffic congestion.

The director had wanted Zach to rehearse his final words so badly that he begged me openly to represent the female character.

"No.. not at all. You can pick Someone else." I refused.

Then our eyes met, he pleaded and I felt pity towards him, he cherished his duty.

Everyone wanted me to rehearse the

Scene with him.

"What am I supposed to do.?" I asked.

"Nothing much.. no dialogue..." the director replied. It sounded easier.

"Action!" shouted the director as we took our position.

I watched Zach go on one knee with the ring raised towards Me.

"I have made a lot of mistakes that have robbed me of your trust but If only you could see my heart and know how badly I want to be right for you.. I'm sorry; I should have understood it was more than just desires and feelings. I should have known better. Please give me another chance and be a part of my forever." He rendered the dialogue with affection.

I knew it was more than just the dialogue. He meant every word.

I raised him up and instead of giving him a hug according to the script. I gave him a dashing kiss... Everyone was silent.

No one could utter a word until the kiss was over.

I heard them murmur until the director ended the scene.

"Cut!" He had said.

Zach saw l was afraid to face the crowd so he grabbed my hand and led me out of the place.

When he realized we were away from the crowd he stood before me and he smiled.

I smiled in return. He might have his own demon but some good is within him somewhere.

"What am l doing?" I thought.

There's always two sides to a coin, maybe I should get to see him for who he's trying to be.

One of the team members called to return to the set.

"I'll call you." He said and felt a bit reluctant to leave.

"Go" I told him and watched him

hurried back to set.

I was walking towards my car when I realized someone was waiting beside it..

"Christian?" "How did he know where I was?" I asked myself.

Could he have seen the scenario or he had just arrived?

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