
Chapter Two

I awoke the next day to find that he had left, "We start school today, maybe he already left." I sighed.

I brushed my teeth, showered and wore my uniform, for some reason it reminded me of HIM, the same color tie and everything but now, he'd be my upperclassman. I walked out, imagining that a nice, hot breakfast would be waiting for me, but in my household, there was no such thing. I left the walked out the door and saw Daichi walking out of his as well, I tried to sneak a peek at his uniform but his older brother blocked my viewn until Daichi got in the car. 

I got out of the bus, the school looks really big, how am I gonna find him. 

"I want to see him." I breathed.

"See who?" Someone blew air on my nape causing a small shiver to run down my spine.

I turned to see no one other than Daichi but he was with Akito, a mutual friend of ours. 

"Daichi? What are you doing here? And how are you guys with him?" I asked surprised.

"You really think we'd let you go to a school that is overrun with alphas." Akito patted my head. "What kinda friends would we be?"

I smiled at them, happy that they would be going to the same school as mine. We walked into the school and a wave of alpha pheromones hit me, different smells at once, I couldn't breathe and almost lost all strength in my legs.

"Damn!" Akito exclaimed. "That's a lot of pheromones."

"Tell me about it." Daichi commented.

They hadn't noticed me trembling yet, I tried to distinguish the smells but I couldn't find him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Akito asked after noticing me.


Just then, a particular scent found it's way to me, It smelt familiar. It was him and he just walked past me, my friends kept asking if I was alright but all I could think about was him, I ran after him but his scent kept fading until I couldn't smell him anymore and I fell to the ground overpowered by all the pheromones.

"No running in the halls." I turned back and there he was, standing right in front of me, "You??" He said, sounding shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"The school started admitting omegas 2 years ago." 

"I know that but why are YOU here?" He emphasized the you.

"I wanted to see you again."

"Why? I told you to leave me alone."

"I studied hard to enter this school to-"

"Oi Matsuzaki, what are you doing here? You just suddenly disappered." Someone said. I assumed he was his friend because he knew his name. "Huh?" He noticed me, "Do you know him?"

He looked at me. "No, I don't, let's go."

"He kinda smells nice, is he an om-"

"Hina, why'd you just take off like that?" Daichi asked, now behind me. "Akito went to look for our classes, uh..." He helped me off the floor and looked at the two alphas standing in front of us. "Are these guys bothering you?" He didn't wait for me to answer before he started again. "Two alphas ganging up on an omega, is this what this school is like?"

Matsuzaki's friend grabbed Daichi by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "You wanna say that again?"

"Leave him be." He intervened.

"Ma-Matsuzaki, thank you for-"

"You," He looked at me after pulling his friend away from Daichi, "just act like you don't know me, okay? We met once and I help you that's all." and they walked away.

That was cold, he could've at least let me thank him for helping me that time.

"What a dick." Daichi said, fixing up his tie. "They think just because they're alphas, they can strut around like their hot stuff, piss off." He yelled but they were probably too far to hear.

Daichi is a beta and he's hated alphas for as long as I can remember but he's friends with some people who are alphas. He might hate alphas but in his words, "Only the Alphas who are too proud to distinguish right from wrong." Akito on the other hand is an alpha that he trusts, we all met in elemtary school but Daichi and I were friends first.

"Where were you guys? Anyways-" He stopped, noticing Daichi's ruffled collar, "Did you get into a fight? On our first day, no less."

"No I didn't, it was just a friendly arguement." 

"If you say so." Akito said but you could tell he was still worried about this "friendly argument."

"You were about to say something." I reminded him.

"Oh, Daichi and I are in class 1B and you, in 1A."

"What?" Daichi yelled.

I looked at him and it showed on his face that he did not like this arrangement.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it." Akito sighed and looked at me. "Guess you'll have to lay low and take care of yourself until lunch."

We walked together to our classes until we came to Dachi's and Akito's class and said our goodbyes. When I walked into my class, the teacher wasn't there so I decided to take my seat in the back of the class, a window seat, and the whispering started, too little for me to hear, why did it have to be after I walked in.

"Hey, your pheromones are leaking out." The guy next to me said, covering his nose.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said and took some suppressants.

"Okay everyone, take your seats." The teacher walked into the class and everyone scurried off to their spots.

"We're gonna start by introducing ourselves." He stopped to write his name on the board. "My name is Kanagaki Tsuyoshi."

Let's start with you, he started with the row closest to the door.

It was the turn of the guy next to me, he stood up. "Kuroda Tadashi." He said, then it was my turn, I didn't really like speaking in public but I had no choice. "Makino Hinata."

"Since there's no one else, lets start the class." The teacher said.

After class, we were asked to go to the science lab for the next period and Tadashi cornered me.

"You know, I've never met one before." He said sniffing my neck.

"Met one what?" I asked, confused. He was so close.

"A male omega, they are said to be really rare, rarer than alphas." He answered and continued sniffing me.

"Oh it's you." A voice behind him called out. "Hina, it's me, Daisuke." He said.

I didn't know who it was, I didn't recognize his voice either but this person knew my name.

"You're the omega from this morning." He yelled making everyone look towards us, causing Tadashi to walk away. I looked at the person talking and it was Matsuzaki's friend.

"Thank you." I said.

"I helped you, so you owe me one now." He walked away and started talking to some girls.

I don't know why but I don't like the idea of owing him anything, I walked to the science lab and had to partner up with a girl.

"Makino, come sit with me." She said.

"Uh okay."

"I'm Mano Ryoko but you can call me Ryoko or Mano, whatever is fine."

"Ryoko then."

"You seem close to Kuroda." She said as the teacher started talking.

"Oh not really." I already knew what this was about.

"But you seemed really close in the hallway." She moved her face close to mine, hoping to catch a change in my expression.

"We are not cl-"

"Mr. Makino, Miss Mano, do you need to be excused." The teacher called us out.

"I was just asking him if he understood what you were saying." She lied.

"Okay, then next time ask me and don't consult your classmates."

Why was she asking me when she could just sit next to him and ask? I really don't understand girls.

It was time for lunch so I went to B class to see Daichi and Akito but they were preocuppied, talking to some girls. Daichi and Akito were fairly handsome so I wasn't surprised that girls would approach them while all I had going for me was the fact that I was an omega.

I walked to the lunchroom when I passed by a room, it had alpha pheromones seeping out of it so I got curious and peeked, then without warning, a girl burst out, clinging onto her shirt, she saw me and ran away.

"I guess you'll do." Someone pulled me into the room.

I got into the room and it was dark, I couldn't see any faces and there were so many scents in the room, I got dizzy, but there was a particular scent that calmed me down, it was Matsuzaki, he was in here at some point because his scent was faint. Someone pushed me on what I figured was a bed and his scent got stronger causing me to feel dizzy again. My body started heating up and may ass was throbbing again, I was shaking uncontrollably. I felt like I could come at any moment, Matsuzaki's scent became more and more faint as the pheromones of this alpha became stronger, overpowering it. The scent became more and more aggressive causing me to go into my heat.

"How could this be happening? Going into heat in a school filled with alphas." I thought as I was about to fully succumb to my instincts when I hear a familiar voice.

"Damn, I used all the condoms."

"Dai~suke." I say not expecting it to come out as a moan but it did. 

"You really know how to rile someone up," He paused and I heard the unbuckling of his belt, "you smell real nice too."

He got on top of me, ripped off my shirt and I felt something hot press against my stomach, I tried to resist but my body wasn't agreeing with me because this was something I it yearned for, an alpha, but I didn't want him. He pulled off my pants.

"You're really wet, you want this, don't you?" He whispered in my ear which made me shudder.

"Yes." No. "I want it." I don't want this. "Please, put it in." No, don't. My thoughts and my words were contradicting each other.

"Don't worry, I'll put it in."

He was about to when someone barged in.

V. Mikami

Honestly, this is my first time writing boyxboy but I've read some novels and comics before so I decided to give it a try and I would really like it if you leave comments on whether you liked it or not😊😊. Oh and sometimes I might just do the point of views of some characters to make the story a little better but the main povs are Touya's and Hinata's.

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