
Chapter 11

The day Zara and I attended the concert, was the day Dad told me of a meeting with the Delances. that we would be having Dinner with the Delances. In his words, “You will be having dinner with your in-laws in wo days time.. It will be an opportunity to know all the family,,”

So here I was with Dad, dressed in a shimmering blue gown and walking through the door with a man called “butler,”. We were at the Delances Mansion.

Butler led us into a little hall, when I barely heard my name and was enveloped in a hug.

“Sarah!"  Delance's mother said. I inhaled her expensive perfume, which was soothing and I suddenly missed having a mother.

"Hello, ma'am" I said nervously when she released me from her hold. Then I saw the man beside her. Mr Delance. My amazinggg father in law.


“Hello darling,” his eyes lit up with joy as he pulled me in for a hug. I didn’t know when I relaxed in his hold. What is wrong with me?

I was supposed to be mean to him because of what he did by making that video, but there was this tenderness- a certain vulnerability I saw in his eyes that calmed my pain.

"Good evening Mr Delance,” I smiled

“Call me Tim, after all, You are going to be my daughter,” 

My eyes came to rest on three pretty ladies behind Mr Delance. “Hello,” I mumbled to them. Two of them scoffed and looked away, only one of them smiled back.

Leaning on the wall also was a tall boy. He was the only guy present. I wondered where Damian was.

"Damian isn’t here, yet?" I heard Dad ask. I turned to see Mrs Delance look away in embarrassment.

 "He will be here soon, please excuse me," Mr Delance answered, removing his phone from his pockets. He walked to a corner.

Okay, what is going on?

"Pumpkin, let's go have our seat with the others," Dad said, pointing to the other three ladies and guy who were now seated before the dinner table of assorted kinds of food. Mrs Delance, Dad and I took our seats.

Oh God,  Are they going to talk about my marriage with Damian? Please, let it be postponed!

I was seated next to one of the unsmiling girls. I figured she was Damian’s Step-sister. She looked so bittered and I wondered if they were forced to come.

The "scowling guy" was sitting opposite me on the other side of the table, and we could easily stare at each other. I wonder what must be going through his mind. Mr Delance walked into the hall frowning.

"Okay, let’s have a little introduction, right girls?" Mr Delance gestured to the three girls as he took his seat beside his wife. The maids started dishing out the meals.


"I will go first," the one who smiled back at me said. She seemed friendly.

"I am Emily, Damian’s cousin" she beamed.

Oh! She is Damian’s cousin; not his step sister. Maybe that is why she is friendly.

Daddy nudged at me to respond. I cleared my throat “Thank you, I am Sarah. Sarah Wright,” I said with a smile.

“I am Ruth,” the one beside me said, keeping a straight face. I could tell that she didn’t like me. I simply nodded.

"Bernie," the last one said, chewing on her food. She looked the youngest of them all. Bernie and Ruth had some resemblance  and I could tell that they were sisters, maybe daughters of the first wife.

I think I would like to meet the first wife, and by the way, where is Damian?

The scowling guy smirked before introducing himself “Call me Duke,” He said, sipping some wine and staring at me in a flirty way.

Woah! The nerve.

I gritted my teeth “Nice to meet you, Duke” I nodded.

And for the umpteenth time, where is Damian? I bet he wouldn’t show up. Of course! I should've expected this. He doesn't want to be part of this- marriage. Why would he want to get married to someone he is 2 years older than? an 18 year old girl with no influence or whatsoever? 

I started chewing on the vegetables, but the taste was bland on my tongue. Everything sucks! I was thinking of excuses to make in order to leave the choking dining hall, when I heard the clicking of shoes. Someone had entered, and everyone had turned to see. 

He walked gracefully like a Demi-god into his territory. Damian.

For a moment, I was lost staring at him, his features; footsteps, powerful aura. It was ethereal.

He was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie that complimented my dress. Geez! Did our parents plan the matching outfits?

But why does he look so good? What was it about him that made him so perfect?

Marrying him and standing beside him would be so awkward. He was perfect and me, I am just plain. I don’t think I’ll be able to cope or be his perfect wife- someone that would compliment him perfectly.

"What took you so long?" Mr Delance asked but Damian didn't say a word.  He just took a seat next to his mother and mumbled something into her ears. She smiled brightly. It seemed like he complimented her.

"Welcome Damian" my Dad said and I wondered why he had to great him first. 

Why was everyone treating him so special?

"Thanks" he said simply and the maids hurried to serve him his meal. He didn't even look or acknowledge me.

We all started eating silently when his mother mentioned the wedding. Sweats immediately greased my palms.

 “I was thinking that Damian and Sarah should get married on the 10th, Monday,” she said

“Oh darling, they still have schools. They are both in their final year,” Mr Delance said “and well— it’s their day. What do you think of Mr Wright?”

“Actually, whatever date is fine for me but I think we should ask them. It’s their day after all,” My dad replied “What do you want, Sarah?”

“What do I want? Well, Dad, it’s for this marriage not to happen!” I bit back the words from coming out of my mouth. I shrugged instead.

Mrs Delance chuckled and smiled warmly at me before turning to her son “Do you want to answer that, son?” 

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