
Chapter 11: Alexa

Charlotte’s pov

“we got a big gig” Alexa said jumping around the restaurant and I smiled at this.

I found Alexa a few years ago.

since then we have been travelling together for years and we recently stopped at this city and opened the restaurant.

We don’t stay in one place for long and usually a year and then we move away and go somewhere else.

Because Alexa isn’t wanted by a thousand supernatural beings I do everything in her name.

the restaurant is in her name, and I handle all the accounts and the money goes to her account.

My father found her on the streets.

and we gave her dinner and from then on she just kind of grew on us and we let her stay.

She is like family to me, and I don’t know what I would do without.

she is also the face of this business because obviously I cant be.

“okay what kind of gig?” I asked her and she sat down on a chair beside me and smiled.

“a huge gig, apparently there is some meeting for big shots happening really soon. It’s a massive thing and we were asked to cater to the event” she said, and I looked at her.

“aren’t you talking about the meeting of the supernatural leaders?

If that’s the case then we need to stay as far away from that as possible” I replied.

and she looked at me and shook her head.

“this is perfect, with the money from this gig our runaway fund will be full again. we do this one gig and then we wont have to do another one ever again” she said.

I could see that she really wants to do this.

“but we need to be careful, as always you will go there and be the supervisor” I said, and she smiled.

I started looking at the contract and I couldn’t help but think about the vampire I saw years ago.

was he even a vampire or was a mistaken? 

i mean he looked like one and the way he spoke.

as a kid back then i didnt suspect anything but after that it kinda made sense in a way.

and if he is one will he be there?

from the way he looked and his aura he must be someone really important.

Could he be attending this meeting as well?

I always wondered if I would see him again and I honestly think that I would love to see him again.

he was my first love even though he doesn’t know it.

does he still look as handsome as I remember?

Hell in the our world I also need to wonder if he is still alive now.

I was told to forget about him by my father.

I don’t know why but I just seem to get him out of my mind.

I closed my eyes and I see him, is he out there?

did he find the woman he was looking for?

I hope he did find her because it was clear to me that he loved her deeply.

I will pray that the two find each other.

he has been looking for her for years and the longing in his eyes was clear.

Living the life.

I am living right now will I ever find someone who longs for me that way?

I don’t think so.

I hardly have time to make friends or any connections so how will I ever find someone like that?

actually love isn’t for people like me.

I think the only friend I have made other than Alexa was the roof boy.

he was the first person to actually talk to me after what happened.

i think his name was Logan. it was so different as well.

Usually when people find me they avoid me like I am the plague.

it’s almost as if their intuition is telling them that I am person who should be avoided.

almost as if they could sense that I am bomb just waiting to explode.

that I have been marked by the devil.

I stayed the entire night and looked at the contract and everything was right, and Alexa was right.

I then went home late because of that and closed the restaurant like I always do.

“you home late” said Mary our neighbour.

she is also one of the people who really surprised me when I first moved in.

she looked at me and smiled.

She then talked about the blood mark like it wasn’t a big deal and welcomed me to the neighbourhood.

When I realised that she knew about the blood mark I wanted to run away.

but she then told me that this time I shouldn’t run.

I don’t know how she seems to know everything.

but I can feel it that she is a supernatural being like me.

she might not be a witch, or a werewolf and she is definitely not a vampire.

but she is a supernatural that I am sure of.

“yes, I have been looking at a contract. Say Mary do you know anything about the meeting of supernatural leaders?” I asked her.

“of course, they tend to go overboard of those shindigs. Why are you asking?” she asked me.

“no, I am just curious, I signed a contract with them, and I want to know if it’s a good idea” I said, and she smiled.

“you really must trust me; my answer is yes but that would be going to the lion’s Den” she answered, and I smiled.

I really do trust her.

and I can’t say why I do.

but the fact that she has known about me for months and I am still here alive and well is one of the reason I trust her.

I walked into my apartment and found Alexa sleeping on the couch and I smiled at her.

Her red hair was all over her face and her mouth was wide open,.

she is one of a kind, was abounded by her family and the only thing she remembers Is her name.

I related to her because she was like me.

but she also wasn’t like me.

she didn’t have a family just like me and she isn’t like me because she doesn’t remember.

I wish I didn’t remember about my past;

it would have been so good if I didn’t remember.

Who would want to remember the look of hate in their mother’s face??

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