


There is a certain sweetness to solitude. Yes, that sounds depressing and absurd but I still stand by it. For some, solitude is a time of reflection, a chance to explore their thoughts and worry about things they can't change, sad. However, for me, alone time is a chance to clear my mind and reset. It's an opportunity to let go of everything. When I'm alone, I'm able to find a sense of stability and calmness that is hard to come by in the company of others.

There's this power in being alone, and for me, this power manifests most palpably during the sacred ritual of dining alone. However, today that power wouldn't be manifesting as my father decided to eat with me on our grand table adorned with over twenty seats. Though my father had said nothing yet, the room was quiet, save for the gentle scraping of cutlery against plates and the quiet footsteps of the servants serving us. Even the air seemed still as if the room itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. I knew my father had something to say, but he was holding back, letting the silence speak for him. Finally, he broke the silence. "So... how's school?" he inquired, his voice carrying a weight of paternal concern.

"Just the usual grind of medical school," I replied, popping a morsel of meat into my mouth.

"Hope it hasn't been too stressful. Wouldn't want that handsome face of yours to end up like mine," he smiled, attempting one of his old boring jokes 

"Nice try, Dad," I chuckled, a hint of amusement softening my tone. "But let's cut to the chase, shall we?"

His expression shifted back to its customary stoicism. "What do you mean?" he asked, his gaze penetrating.

"I doubt my academic performance is the reason you joined me for breakfast for the first time in quite a long time dad, Or is it?" I asked, helping him skip the father-and-son chat he didn't want to have.

"You've got me there, as sharp as ever, just like your mother" he conceded with a wry smile.

"Williams, I want you to take a more active role in the Scorpiono business," he declared, his tone grave with intent.

"What more is there to do? Apart from trading substances for quick cash," I asked, reclining in my chair and swirling the half-full glass of crimson wine. The absence of servants did not escape my notice.

"There's much more beneath the surface, and I intend to unveil it to you. But first I need to see your commitment to uphold our legacy," he said, sounding more serious than I felt he should.

"If abandoning medical school or diverting my attention to your business is the measure of my seriousness, then count me out," I stated firmly.

"Correction, it's our business, not just mine. You're my son, and you'll inherit the mantle," he asserted, his tone resolute.

"Not if it means forsaking my medical studies, Dad," I countered, determination lacing my words. "I'm not trying to force you to abandon your medical studies, but to channel more effort into our business," my father's voice carried a plea. I let out a heavy sigh. "Dad, we both know why I chose this path, especially after Mom passed..." My words trailed off, a silent tribute to her memory.

"I have an aim, Dad, a burning desire to discover the cure for cancer. You may not understand it, but-" His father's hand slammed down on the table, cutting me off. "Enough! Many have tried and failed. What makes you think you'll succeed? It's pointless. You should give up this foolishness and focus on taking over my role as Don," he said, face twisted with anger. A second of silence or two passed then he continued "Maybe you need some time to digest this." With a final glance, he left me for my solitary meal.

Soon, the servants timidly returned to the room, their unease palpable. A slender maid, in her nervousness, spilled wine on my precious and rare attire while clearing the table. Already annoyed, I gripped her neck firmly. "Do you have a death wish ?" I sneered. She stuttered an apology, unable to form a coherent sentence. With yet another sigh, I pushed her away grabbed my jacket, and left, I still have a morning class to meet up with.

******      **********    ******    ******  ******

As I stride through the corridors of Toppings, the whispers and stares that follow me serve as a constant reminder of my status on this campus. I am not just another student; I am 'Robins Tyla', a name that commands respect and instills fear in those who dare to cross me.  My actual name though is Williams Stone but I had to go with an alias here, couldn't risk being known. My security comes first.

Topping's medical academy is a school filled with ambition and competition, and I thrive in this environment. For the past consecutive years, I have arrived as the best medical student with a different research of mine that has been of use so yes I'm used to the fame and stares. With each step, I exude an aura of power and authority, my presence demanding attention from those around me without even saying a word. I am that guy, and everyone knows it.

I achieved this reputation because while others may revel in the distractions of social life and extracurricular activities, I remain focused on my projects and research knowing my goals and I won't stop till I get it.

Talking about a famous reputation, as I enter the lecture hall I am approached by 'The Elites', the most famous girl group at Toppings. They didn't get this fame by any academic achievement but by showing off how wealthy they were. Everyone at Toppings is wealthy or at least rich as Toppings is the most expensive college in the whole of Mexico but these girls flaunt their riches, throwing weekly parties, wearing flashy clothes from top brands, and cars worth huge budgets, they work so hard to show it off. 

"Hi Roby"  Roseline, the leader of The Elites speaks first, calling me in a way that makes my ears itch. I don't know if it is her tiny voice or the name she calls me that does that. "it's Robins" I corrected giving her my fake name. The name everyone knows me with at Toppings 'Robins Tyla'

"Oh please, it's less boring, right girls?"  "Of course, duh" Ava and Lilly the remaining members of the elites responded simultaneously as if they were planning this thing

"What do you want Roseline?" I asked as I was already walking to my locker. "Well there's a party tomorrow night at my place, it's going to be so lit and I wanted you to be there," she said, inviting me to her party for the tenth time this semester.

She always does this, she wants me involved in all she does, she seeks my attention and I won't blame her she's not the only one but the thing is I can't feed my attention to just anybody, not Rosaline "Not interested" I said, increasing my pace " slow down Roby'' she's almost yelling now trying so hard to catch up with me.

They finally make it to my front, making me stop completely. "Listen, you've rejected our invitation a lot of times, you've attended Zero parties, come for zero hangouts, you're part of zero extracurricular activities and you have zero friends. For crying out loud Roby this is your final year, don't you think it's time to socialize?" she said, sounding exhausted.

As crazy as it sounds she is right I don't care about my social life, I have been alive long enough to know that letting people in your life would do you no good I'm also not interested in finding love as that's what parties are for these days, though I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend just given that she doesn't add to my everyday stress and she is 100 percent loyal, that's my number one dating rule, I would never forgive infidelity. "No" I replied, finally getting to my locker, packing what I'll need for the class, and slamming it shut "Fine Roby, just do you, though I'd like you to be there. Here's the card In case you change your mind" She slipped the card into my pocket with a subtle flick of her wrist before turning on her heel, her entourage trailing behind like loyal subjects.

Parties are not me though the thought of getting a little break doesn't sound bad. I peeked at the card in my pocket, will I go or not?

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