


Donald Black paced back and forth in his office, his frustration palpable in the air around him. The news he had just received from his men was enough to make his blood boil. The shipment of 'Venom', the highly sought-after synthetic drug that promised immense profits for the Double Axe Mob, was nowhere to be found. It had arrived but couldn't be found, though he already knew what had happened. Despite Donald's best efforts, the Scorpiono Mafians had once again intercepted the shipment before it could reach its intended destination, just as they had done with the previous deliveries. It was becoming increasingly clear that they were playing a dangerous game with them. Toying with them like they were nothing.

Donald knew the Scorpiono Mafians were underestimating the Double Axe Mob, failing to recognize the threat they posed. After all, the last confrontation had left scars that still haunted their memories. But this time, Donald was determined that the war would come to an end, with a clear winner. He had made up his mind that this time around the double axe mob would be victorious and he would stop at nothing till that happens.

Venom wasn't a drug to let go of, it was more than just a drug it was a potent and addictive substance that ensured its users always came back for more. Its euphoria-inducing effects and addictive properties made it a prized commodity on the streets, and the thought of losing out on such a lucrative opportunity left Donald seething with anger.

As he brooded over his options, Donald's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock at his door. John, his consigliere entered the room, a concerned look on his face.

"You look bothered, boss, What's wrong?" John asked, sensing the tension in the air.

Donald clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration. "The Scorpiono Mafians got to the Venom before we could, this is the second time this month" he growled, his voice laced with anger. "They've stolen our chance at a fortune."

But before Donald could spiral further into despair, John spoke up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Don't worry, boss. We'll get it back and even more. Today."

Donald's eyebrows shot up. " What do you mean?"

John explained, "Salvatore Deluca. That guy has some ambitions of his own and he's willing to work for it"

"Oh, the one you told me about. Do you really have faith in that guy? He hasn't said a word since he promised cooperation. We have no time to be trusting the enemy" Donald said strictly "Well this time around our enemy is our only key to Victory. I met with him yesterday and we made a little bargain. '' John replied with an evil smile. A surge of excitement coursed through Donald's veins at the news. If Salvatore was on their side, they had a chance to turn the tables on the Scorpiono Mafians and reclaim their lost opportunity.

Just as they were discussing, John's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. It was Salvatore, "Well well well, speaking about the enemy, look who's calling" John picked up the call placing it on speaker 

"We'll be at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town at 9 p.m.," Salvatore said, his voice low and urgent. "We'll be getting a supply from outside there. You can strike then, we are going alone, just my boss and I" Salvatore said, immediately hanging up.

A triumphant smile spread across Donald's face. With Salvatore's cooperation secured, they finally had a chance to take down the Scorpiono Mafians and reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

Gathering his men, Donald wasted no time in organizing a meeting to discuss their plan of attack. Tonight, they would show the Scorpiono Mafians that the Double Axe Mob was not to be underestimated. And with Venom back in their grasp, they would solidify their dominance in the cutthroat world of organized crime.

In the meeting room just beside Donald's office, all his men were gathered. He stood at the head of the table, addressing them. "This is our chance to take down Richard Stone once and for all," he said. "We have learned that he will be alone tonight, at the Cerrado building on the outskirts of town. This is our chance to strike and defeat him."

He turned to John, his loyal consigliere "You will lead the operation," he said. "You will take five men with you, Bill, Federico, Thomas, Cesaro, and Lucas," he said pointing at them each as he called them. "You guys will approach the building from the back, and use the window on the second floor to gain entry, this would prevent him from knowing beforehand that you guys are there, that way he'll remain isolated.

You guys must be quick and quiet. Is that understood" he asked with so much authority in his voice.

"Yes boss!!" they chorused

"You must not forget the objective. He is more valuable to us alive. So be careful and swift, bring him back to me alive.

The men nodded, their faces set in determination. " What would you be doing boss?" Thomas inquired

"I've got unfinished business to attend to. The Lombardi family owes me, and I aim to collect. I'll be going with the rest of you boys" Donald instructed.

"Richard Stone would be alone, I assure you we'll do a clean job" John promised "I trust you guys, now let's move!!" 

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****

As Richard and Salvatore cruised along the dimly lit streets, the distant glow of the city reflecting off the windshield, a heavy silence hung between them. Richard glanced over at Salvatore, noting the tension etched into his features.

"You ok Luca? You seem on edge" Richard's voice cut through the quiet of the car, filled with genuine concern.

Salvatore sighed, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Yeah, boss, just... a lot on my mind, you know?"

Richard nodded, understanding flickering in his eyes. "I get it. I'm sure you'll  get through whatever it is"

Salvatore offered a grateful nod, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, boss. I appreciate it."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sight of the looming Cerrado building on the horizon.

They arrived at the Cerrado building, a dilapidated structure looming ominously in the darkness. Salvatore shot Richard a sidelong glance before they stepped out of the car, their footsteps echoing in the desolate street.

Inside, the transaction went smoothly, and Richard felt a flicker of relief as they secured the drugs. But just as they were about to leave, John's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"Well, well, well, we meet again, Stone," John sneered, stepping into the room with a menacing grin.

"What are you doing here, John?" Richard's voice was laced with suspicion.

"Isn't it a bit obvious?" John chuckled, his hand inching towards his gun. "I'm here to finally end your reign, Stone."

Richard's eyes narrowed, his hand reflexively reaching for his weapon. "Hmm, what a dumb thing to say for someone who is outnumbered."

John's smile widened, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Whoever talked about numbers? You didn't think I'd be dumb enough to come alone, did you?"

As if on cue, the rest of John's men emerged from the shadows, surrounding Richard and Salvatore.

Richard's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation."You're all alone, Richy," John taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Even your right-hand man has turned his back on you." With a chilling laugh, John's eyes gleamed with triumph as he savored the moment of dominance over his adversary. "What is he saying, Luca?" he demanded, turning to Salvatore for an explanation.

"I'm sorry, boss," Salvatore muttered, his voice void of regret. "I told them we'll be here. It was all me."

Richard's brow furrowed in confusion and disbelief. "But why, Luca? I gave you everything. Made you the consigliere, and treated you differently from how I treated others. Why betray me like this?"

Salvatore's eyes hardened as he met Richard's gaze. "You did that because we're friends. You wanted to help your friend. You were the friend with the upper hand."

"What?" Richard said, his confusion deepening.

"And oh, Richard, you just had to be that friend, getting everything: the wealth, the fame, oh and lest I forget, the girl. You married Helen, and you and I both know that I saw her first, knew her first, and loved her first," Salvatore practically yelled, his voice dripping with bitterness.

"She loved me," Richard defended.

"That's the fucking point, Richard. She just had to love you," Salvatore shot back, his resentment palpable.

"Is that what this is about? My dead wife?" Richard asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh no, no, no, Richy. Not anymore. You see, you must have forgotten that I made Scorpiono Mafians who they are today, put in all my efforts and resources more than you ever could. But guess who's Don? You. And guess who's the smelly-ass consigliere... Yes, that's me," Salvatore sneered, his words dripping with venom. "My son would be the next Don regardless, not you."

"Well, let's see how that goes," Richard muttered as Salvatore turned and left the building, leaving Richard to grapple with the bitter sting of betrayal and the harsh reality of his once-trusted friend's true intentions.

As Salvatore walked out of the building, a sinister grin twisted his lips. He made his way to the car belonging to the Double Axe mob, his footsteps echoing in the deserted street. With practiced ease, he sabotaged the vehicle, tampering with the brakes and puncturing the tires. He had hopes that Richard would meet his end in a fatal accident; he wasn't sure if the Double Axe mob would kill him, but he wanted this job done properly. Richard was gone forever 

Meanwhile, inside the building, tension hung thick in the air as John faced off against Richard. "This can be done the easy way, you know," John offered, his voice laced with menace. "My boss wants you alive, so we won't kill you, at least not yet. You can get into the car yourself with nothing bad happening, or you can decide to use that bloody gun of yours. We use ours, you get injured, and you still get into the car either way."

"You have no right to tell me what to do," Richard retorted, even as he sent a silent message to his men.

"What are you doing?  Sending help? you really think that before your men reach here, we won't be done with you?" John laughed.

"Well, not if they are close by," Richard replied, his eyes narrowing in determination.

"That's why we need to get this over with, guys, do what you do best," John commanded, his men closing in on Richard. In a split second, Richard shot Cesaro in the thigh, causing chaos as the Double Axe mob's attention shifted to their wounded comrade.

Seizing the opportunity, Richard dashed into the building, his pursuers hot on his heels. Bullets flew through the air as Richard weaved through the maze-like corridors, his heart pounding with adrenaline. But a stray bullet found its mark, piercing Richard's leg and slowing him down.

Thomas and Federico closed in on him, their expressions grim. "We've got him," they declared, their voices cold and calculating.

"Good, take him to the car. Our work here is done," John ordered "Bill and Tom, support Cesaro to the car. Let's go!" John commanded, urgency coloring his voice.

As they piled into the car, the Scorpiono Mafians were already in hot pursuit, their vehicles roaring behind them. Bill took the wheel, his hands trembling with adrenaline-fueled fear. But as they sped through the winding streets, Bill sensed something was amiss.

"The tires seem to be going down, and the brakes seem to be malfunctioning," Bill complained to John, his voice strained with panic.

"Just keep driving, we'll deal with that later. They're right behind us," John replied,  his voice revealing his panicked state.

As if on cue, the Scorpiono Mafians opened fire, bullets ripping through the air and puncturing their tires. Bill pushed the accelerator to the floor, his heart racing as he fought to maintain control of the swerving vehicle.

Just as they approached a sharp turn, a truck loomed in their path. Bill jerked the wheel to avoid a collision, but the car careened dangerously close to the edge of the road.

"Stop the car!" they all yelled in unison, but it was too late. With a sickening lurch, the vehicle plunged off the cliffside, hurtling towards the abyss below.

"I'm trying... Fuck this stupid brakes!" Bill cursed, his voice drowned out by the sound of screeching metal and shattering glass.

In the blink of an eye, they were gone, the car disappearing into the darkness below, leaving behind only the echoes of their screams and the grim reality of their fate. Dead.

The Scorpiono Mafians screeched to a halt, horror etched on their faces as they realized the magnitude of their loss. "Noooo," Alex cried out, his voice choking with grief, as the realization sunk in that he would never see his boss again.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***

The following morning, Williams returned home, his heart brimming with pride and excitement over his groundbreaking achievement in discovering the cure for end-stage cancer. But his joy was short-lived as he was greeted with the devastating news of his father's tragic demise. Shock and disbelief washed over him like a tidal wave, leaving him shattered and numb.

As he stood in the solemn silence of his father's room, Williams felt the weight of his newfound orphanhood bear down on him with crushing force. Death, it seemed, was not content with claiming just his mother; it had now taken his father as well, leaving him utterly alone in the world.

Unable to comprehend the cruel twist of fate that had befallen him, Williams found himself drawn to his father's belongings, seeking solace in the remnants of his presence. It was there, amidst the familiar surroundings, that he discovered a small bag tucked away on the table in the closet.

With trembling hands, he reached for the bag and carefully opened it, revealing a disc and a note addressed to him from his father, Richard, accompanied by a will bestowing all of his father's wealth upon him. Emotions overwhelmed him as he read the heartfelt words "You have always been smart just like your mother . A copy of this will is already with my lawyer. Make good use of this wealth. Stay strong son. I love you".

Tears welled up in Williams' eyes as he clenched his fist. Questions kept on swirling in William's mind; why did my father leave this? Did he know he was going to die? What secrets did this disc hold? Who really are these people responsible for my father's death?

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