All Chapters of He's a lazy wolf: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
115 Chapters
Chapter 91
"Do you wish to die soon?" Wyatt asked him with a glare.His assistant shook his head and looked at him in horror. 'Why would I have a death wish? I plan to live quite a long time even with the very low salary compared to what I used to get from earlier.' He decided in his mind."Do not forget, I haven't forgiven you for what you had done that day yet. I have just somehow managed to convince her to speak to me. Are you trying to cause trouble once again?" Wyatt muttered with a huff."No, Sir. I am not!" His assistant shuddered."If it was not urgent, I would have never asked you to come here. From now on make sure to not show your face in front of her ever. Did you hear me clearly or should I cut more of your salary?" Wyatt spoke in a harsh tone that left no space for any negotiation."No, sir! Please don't cut my salary. I understand everything you are saying. I am hardly earning anything now, if you cut more of my salary then I could not even aff
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Chapter 92
"Think about all the wealth we would have in our hands once we take control of the mansion," Earl tried to brainwash Florence by inserting the greed he had in his mind.She just huffed in disgust after listening to him quietly until then. She then poked his chest and said,"I am not interested in wealth. All I want is the power that old man has. For how long, do we have to live under his leadership? Since you plan to kill all the wolves in this forest, I don't know what I will even do with that empty power I would get later. An alpha with no pack is not an alpha but only a lone wolf. I don't want to end up a lone wolf."She shook her head in protest and whined at him. She was rather disappointed with him as he tried to use such a silly thing to change her mind."Haha haha haha… Flo, you foolish wolf. Do you think I will let you rule this forest without a clan or even a pack?" Earl asked her and laughed out loud.Florence glared at him and wa
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Chapter 93
"You could have very well gone to the mansion and alerted everyone about Florence. Or is it that you still have some lingering feelings for her? And you want to cover up for her once again even when the clan is in trouble?" Anayka asked Drake with a poker face."If only I am capable of doing such a thing, then I would have better died in that pit. All I wish right now is only to have taken you right here and shown if I had any feelings or not for some other she-wolf. Don't you already know that I only like to cover you with my naked body? So, what do you say? Should we try to do it once here out in the open to declare my love to everyone and also show them who I love and how much I love her?" Drake mumbled and pinched her waist.He even dared to point at a thick bush near them using his long finger and tried to pull her behind it. Anayka resisted his sudden attack and was left speechless."You! You!" She stuttered as she was beyond saying any more words to confr
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Chapter 94
Without knowing what was going on in Anayka's mind, Marlon continued to say,"I met your mother when she was hardly sixteen years old. She told me that she ran away from home because some bad person took away her parents. She was afraid to go back home as that bad guy may come for her life too."He stopped speaking for a few seconds as he remembered Adele's young face. He couldn't believe that the memory of their first meeting remained so fresh in his head. He hadn't recalled those memories of her for a long time now."She was very thin as if she could be broken easily with just a slight touch. At first, I sympathized with her and tried to get her into a foster system until she is of age to take care of herself. But Adele was against my decision as she feared that the bad guy could easily find her if her location was known to anyone. So, I took her home and hid her there." Marlon said.Anayka had never heard anything much about their story before. They ha
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Chapter 95
'I have never done something like this to Drake before. Will he also like it if I do it with him?' Anayka wondered and her body started to heat up.Then she at once remembered his request which he made when they were under the bush earlier. She gripped her dress and stood like a statue as she imagined his thing in her mouth."No! I ... I... Can't do that... It's too... too..." Anayka blurted out loud in horror and started to stutter.She squatted on the ground while holding her hands together over her mouth. She then patted her face continuously as she felt like she might almost have a nose bleed due to the heat that traveled across her body."Can you stop imagining wild things and come over here? We were really not doing anything inappropriate that you were thinking using that small brain of yours. I simply fell on him because I had a leg cramp and nothing else," Joyce said in an irritated voice.She had been waiting for Anayka to leave so that sh
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Chapter 96
"All right! Now is not the time to talk about all these matters. Since Drake said he was actually not in a serious relationship with that flower girl before… Let us just forget about her for now…" Bernard tried to soothe things between the grandfather and grandson duo."But Grandpa Bernard, we cannot just ignore her yet and…" When Drake said that Bernard was rendered speechless."What do you mean by you cannot ignore her? I am here trying to make some compromises and was even ready to forgive you for your insolence… But right now you are claiming that you cannot forget her? What sort of nonsense is this?" Bernard questioned him and looked at him with menace."I told you all already, he is good for nothing and he is not suitable for our granddaughter. But no one listened to me before. Are you all seeing his true self now? He is not only lazy but also a cheater," Faris complained about Drake and howled in distress.Drake couldn't
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Chapter 97
"That's true..." Joyce said and then all of a sudden she stopped speaking as she started to stare in a particular direction.She rubbed her eyes to see if she was really seeing them or not. "Isn't that Florence and Earl? Did grandpa already catch them and not inform us?" Joyce was astonished to see them both inside the mansion."It seems like grandpa Ernest had already made plans to make Drake take over the clan as the Alpha leader. Also, since we found Drake or he found us, Beryl would probably be made the first Alpha, and given a pack he could choose to lead," Anayka commented while looking at Florence with enmity."You could also be given the equal chance as both of you succeeded in this task together," Joyce said enthusiastically."Yes, but I am still an outsider. Also, it would be unfair for other wolves to make me an alpha female as I had the most advantage and was given leniency in this Alpha fight." Anayka shook her head and said."You are
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Chapter 98
"Mom, no need to thank me. I am your daughter and I know it might be considered cowardice to run away from our problems. But I feel that taking a step back to calm our minds is not wrong. Unless they are in our shoes no one would understand what we are going through, mom," Anayka said to her.Adele lifted her head to look at her daughter once and then dropped a weak smile. She held her daughter's hand and walked out of the room. She had a determination that at least her daughter understood her.When they came out they saw Joyce was waiting for them outside the room while leaning against the wall. Adele looked at her with wariness as she thought Joyce was there to stop them."I couldn't get to meet Florence and Earl as the guardian wolves were strictly guarding them. And my grandfather had put restrictions to not let anyone see them for now." Joyce informed Anayka without noticing the cautious eyes of Adele.She continued to say, "I have decided to help yo
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Chapter 99
Adele cast a spell upon her daughter and chanted a few words in Anayka's ears. Then she took out a golden band that had the spell imprinted on it from her pockets and gave it to Anayka."Wear this and never remove it from your hands at any time. Once you remove the band, the spell will lose its power and we may never be able to control it again," She informed her.Anayka took the band from her mother and examined it in front of her eyes. It had a carving of a wolf and a hunter entangled with each other.She gazed at the golden band and asked her mother, "Will this conceal my powers forever?""Not forever but at least for a few months. But if you remove it at any time, then the band would lose its powers and won't work any longer," Adele reminded her once again."Mom, if you have given this to me before then I would have not hurt Drake again. And now we don't have to leave from here in such a hurry," Anayka said while wearing the armlet at once.
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Chapter 100
"Again with this normal human life… Why do you think that living as a normal human being is easier and nice?" Nora asked Adele with a poker face."Mom! I too don't think that I want to be a normal human being. I actually want to be someone who could support Drake at every step he takes. And for that, if I am a normal human, then I can't do anything to help him at all." Anayka said.Adele shook her head in disapproval but did not say anything other than focusing on driving the car in an unusual route.Nora and Anayka looked at one another as they both understood that Adele was in angry mode. They also know that Adele would not reply to their question even if they ask her multiple times."Aunt Nora, why does mom always want me to be a 'normal human'?" Anayka asked Nora.Nora glanced at Adele once and then leaned very close to Anayka. Then she whispered,"It must be because of your dad. Even before you were born, your mom had a slight id
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