All Chapters of He's a lazy wolf: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
115 Chapters
Chapter 101
"That would be an honor to serve you, Alpha," Nestor swore to Drake."Dad! What are you doing?" Jerry darted near Nestor to lift him from the ground.He was upset that his dad would give in so easily and accept Drake as the leader of their clan. But Nestor's single glare was enough to make him go on his knee. He too put his hand on his chest and stated,"I am also honored that you chose me to accompany you to meet the hunters and the wolves of another clan.""Well! Now, it's final. Let's all go… Standing here for so long took away all of my energy… I want to finish this meeting as soon as possible and go lie down somewhere to relax." Drake lifted his hands on top of his head and stretched his muscles.He even let out a loud yawn to show everyone that he was really tired. Jerry clenched his fist and stood up from the ground with a dark face. He can't believe that he will be serving this lazy wolf from now on.'So, it's just as F
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Chapter 102
“Yes, we all are,” The wolf kid nodded his head and then said, “Even our fathers and brothers and cousin brothers and uncles and nephews… We are all here…" He showed his hand across the forest.Then he continued to say, "Except for our mothers, sisters and cousin-sisters, aunts, and nieces… All the she-wolves went ahead to meet our grandparents since we could take care of these nasty wolves by ourselves...” Once he finished speaking, several other wolf cubs turned into human kids and rushed near Drake. They too sniffed him and commented that he smelled good. They started to admire him and even threw some praises at him.Drake blushed and his ears turned red because of their sudden affection towards him. He wondered what Grandma Betty could have told them about him which made them react in such an appealing way. Moreover, they found him instantly without being introduced to them.Just when he was feel
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Chapter 103
"I … I … am not the …" Just when Nestor was about to say that he was not the leader of the Red moon clan, Drake communicated to him and stopped him."You are the leader of our clan for today. Make him leave on his own without a fight. If he doesn't then I have another plan on how to get them to leave from our forest." He informed Nestor.Nestor immediately stopped shuttering and said, "As a leader of the Red moon clan, I humbly welcome you hunters to our forest! But as per the pact, we had both agreed on, this is an area where the hunters were never supposed to enter. So, I hope you could all leave from here without causing any trouble to us or you.""Leave? Why should we leave when you were the one who broke the pact by entering our city first?" Curtis questioned Nestor with a huff.He can't believe the audacity of these wolves. Originally all these forest lands belonged to them in the past. But then they let them occupy this part of
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Chapter 104
Before leaving with Beryl, they all growled at the hunters once as a warning to them. The Royal clan wolves did not want to let these hunters go unscratched. They even had a great desire to bring these hunters down their feet.But since they were in someone else's territory, they did not want to create a bigger issue for the other clan. So they quietly followed Beryl into the forest with a grumpy face.Once they all left, Nestor looked at Curtis and asked, "I hope we could make a deal that would benefit both of us. We will convince the wolves to not attack the hunter while you let the city accident slide…"Curtis nodded his head to accept the proposal Nestor made to him. He knew that even if they tried to persuade further into a fight then it would only result in their loss. They were also outnumbered compared to these wolves right now."Fine! But please refrain your wolves from visiting our city anymore. If I see any single one of your wolves near
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Chapter 105
Then another kid said to grandma Betty, "Grandma Betty, you should have looked at uncle Acel's face. He was almost crying and begging us to let him come with us. I felt so bad for him and even cried along with him. He wanted to come with us so badly but we had to leave. My mother also said at least one of our family members has to stay behind. So we had no other choice but to listen to our parents and elders.""It's ok. Don't worry about him, he will be fine. Next time, we will allow him to come with us while we let one of you stay behind. Then your uncle Acel will also be happy instead of sad," Grandma Betty said with a cunning smile."What? No!" All the kids screamed and denied it at once.Then they started to run away from there. Grandma Betty gave her evil laughs and she was satisfied that she had bullied her grandkids enough.Drake smiled a little after seeing that but then he left from there without lingering around any longer. His mind was a mess r
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Chapter 106
Jerry shook his body once before running towards the entrance of the forest. 'I hope Grandpa Ernest will recognize my strength and give me some high position in our clan.' He thought.Left with no other choice, Beryl and Drake also dashed behind Jerry to the edge of the forest. But before they arrived the fight was already over, and their clan wolves had defeated the hunters."See, I told you… Our wolves are strong and brave that they could take care of these mere hunters within a few minutes. And see what happened now, we just made a waste trip…" Drake howled at Jerry and proudly said.Jerry whined a little and went to help the other wolves drive the nasty hunters out of their forest. At that moment, Nestor came near Drake and said,"It seems like Curtis left the forest after a fight with his son who wants to take over their clan. He and his fiancee are enjoying themselves outside the forest. What should we do with them?""Drive them
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Chapter 107
Anayka saw their eyes slowly turn black and his breathing started to become worse. She tried to check the wolf's heartbeat but she couldn't feel any pulsation.At that time, she heard Drake's voice and she tried to approach him. But all she got was a cold shoulder from him and then he left without even glancing in her direction.She went after him but then he got busy with bringing the injured wolves into the mansion. She waited patiently while examining all the injured wolves. Every wolf she checked had the same symptoms and after hearing Eunice's diagnosis, she tried to recall if she had ever heard of such a poison.Suddenly something emerged in her mind and then disappeared before she could grasp it. She tried to recall what she remembered but she could not get a clear picture of what had just happened. At that time, someone came near her and pulled her inside the mansion."Where were you all this time? We were all worried about you," Bernard said and
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Chapter 108
Anayka then gripped the golden band in her hand and started to play with it. She couldn't make a firm decision on whether she should remove the band or not."Oh! Come on… Just remove it… And stop playing with it," A voice in her mind shouted impatiently."So, you can talk even when I am conscious…" Anayka asked the voice in her head with a surprised tone."What is there to be so excited about? I could always see and hear what you were doing all the time. Even when you rolled under that wolf shamelessly and let him take advantage of you, I saw everything clearly and even felt it. Disgusting… Don't you feel ashamed of your behavior?" The hunter almost scrunched her face and put her tongue out in disgust."Shut up! I did not try to communicate with you to discuss my sex life. Also, who I sleep with or make love is up to me." Anayka muttered in an angry voice."Oh! Please stop behaving like a virgin and come straight to the
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Chapter 109
“What do you mean by the medicines you prepare? Have you done that before as well? Then the fragment of memory that I saw earlier was related to that medicine-making process?” Anayka asked the hunter.The hunter did not reply to her immediately. She only had a sly smile on her lips and stared at the mansion in front of her.“Why are you not answering me?” Anayka demanded her.“What do you want me to answer when the body already knows what I had done...” The hunter questioned her back.“Have you taken control of my body even before my wolf power was awakened?” Anayka inquired with a shocked expression.“Yes, I did!” The hunter smiled deceitfully and then said,“Also listen, finding those herbs that are needed right now will not be an easy task for you. Only I can find them as humans had almost destroyed most of the exotic forest ranges. Moreover, these herbs were always highly
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Chapter 110
If the hunter missed this chance to go out of the enchanted forest then it would be highly impossible to escape from here later. So, she forced Anayka to get into the car at any cost.'If you can't help me get out of this forest right now then you can only dream about saving those wolves. Whether these wolves survive or not is in your hands. So, make sure that this loverboy takes you along with him. If you miss this opportunity then you can never get me to help these wolves ever,' The hunter warned Anayka.Drake looked at her pale face and his heart ached. He wanted to do something for her so that her face would brighten again. The only problem was that he didn't know what he could do to make her eyes sparkle.He sadly thought, 'In the end, she decided to leave me once again. Just when I thought she could not be any crueler, she never hesitates to shock me even more. She had just come back to me but now she wants to go away from me again? And that too forever!'
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