All Chapters of Mated to the Dragon Twins: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
62 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One.
That night I had a restless sleep. My brother plagued my dreams, his sneer and clear discontent for me, blazed in his eyes, the look of a demon staring back at me.
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Chapter Thirty Two
I hear voices around me, but they sound dull and muffled, whispers hushed in the corners of the room intended for me not to hear what they are saying.
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Chapter Thirty Three
I stood frozen in front of the sink, re-reading the note pinned to the window over and over, my heart was pounding behind my rib cage and felt like it would explode out at any second.
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Chapter Thirty Four
My sleep is fraught with nightmares, I toss and turn all night, my body restless from the dreams that plague my mind. 
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Chapter Thirty Five
I pad down the hall in my nightgown and bare feet, the deep crimson carpet feels soft beneath my feet almost like walking on a cloud.&n
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Chapter Thirty Six
I wake up the next morning with the sun blazing in my eyes and the warmth of the sun on my skin the spaces beside me are empty but still warm so the twins haven’t been gone that long. While we lay in bed last night they whispered their promises to me about finding Cole and they would be gone most of the day with Theo in their search for him.   I stretched out in the bed like a cat and pulled myself up to s sitting position before swinging my legs out of the bed and onto the fluffy carpet that cushioned my footsteps all the way to the bathroom, I cranked the shower on and stripped out of my clothes, testing the water under my hand before stepping into the shower.   I had a renewed sense of determination this morning I needed to get answers from Jewels about Coles dragon and how she knew him, I knew it wasn’t a tale of happine
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Chapter Thirty Seven
I looked back at Jewel's as she stared back down at me, it took me a moment to think of what to say back, that poor woman had been ripped away from her mates and forced into a relationship with a man that didn’t care for her he abused her at every opportunity he could because she would not choose him over her mates. “What happened with Tammy’s father? Why did he hand her over to Kristian?” “Kristian paid her father for her, his business was failing and he needed an influx of money to keep it going, but he had nothing to sell no assets, no jewellery nothing so he bargained the only thing he had, Tammy” My mind was running a hundred miles an hour, I couldn’t understand how a parent could do that to their own child. “Did he know what Kristian was like?” She nodded her head in reply. “Kristian had a reputation around women and his name got around, people knew he was brutal with women a few of the working girls were ruffed up by him and ref
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Chapter Thirty Eight
Morning came around far too quickly. I felt like I had only slept for a minute before my alarm started ringing out. The twins were on either side of me, legs and arms everywhere, I slowly wiggled my way out of the bed and padded over to the window that overlooked the acres and acres of land that sprawled out behind the twins home.
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Chapter Thirty Nine
I ran towards the twins and the unmoving body lying in the road, and threw myself down on my knees as I skidded to a stop next to the body laying there. I looked down and my heart nearly stopped when I saw his face covered in multiple bruises, his eye swollen shut and his lip was busted too, I reached out carefully and laid my hand on his chest, searching out his heartbeat, my hand skimmed across his chest until I felt the dull thump-thump of his heart.
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Chapter Forty
We stayed with Landon throughout the night, the beeping of the machine was a constant reminder of where we were. The twins slept in the chairs across the room whilst I was in the chair next to Landon’s bed, my head laid next to him on the bed as I held his hand.
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