All Chapters of Mated to the Dragon Twins: Chapter 61 - Chapter 62
62 Chapters
Chapter sixty-one
I woke up the next morning surrounded by my two favourite men. I was laid on Dragus’ chest, while Darian was snuggled in behind me. I tried to stretch a little to test my body. We had made love until the first light of dawn started to appear in the big windows, and then I had fallen asleep in both my mate’s arms as we watched the sun come up fully. My body ached everywhere, but it was a good ache. The kind that sent shivers down my spine and had me smiling at the memory of last night. 
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Hi everyone  I want to start by apologising to all of you I haven't been able to update since last month and want you to know why so you can hopefully understand   i have a full time job and writing is my hobby I am a finance manager for a transport company I have 2 beautiful children so as you can imagine I have my hands full constantly!   last month my son got covid then my daughter and then me I was quite poorly with it so I wasn't able to update.   on top of that I am now in the process for splitting from my childrens father after 14 years. As you can imagine I'm heartbroken and trying to keep myself together.   I have suspended updating for the time being until I can get myself in the right headspace to continue with the book You have all been so supporting of the book and I thank you deeply for it but I do hope you understand what I'm going through. Please keep your
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