All Chapters of Rain's Rebellion: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
157 Chapters
Chapter 111
Beginning of Volume 3: Rain's Return   Smoke burned her lungs, and every muscle of her body was on fire, but Rain wasn’t going to quit. She had ten more reps to do to complete her training for the day, and even though the last thing on earth she wanted to do was start the obstacle course over, she knew she had to run through it ten more times if she ever wanted to go back to her room, take a shower, and collapse on the bed. Lt. Gordon Laurant was a nice fellow when one was sitting across from him in the parlor at dinner, but on the training field, he was a savage, demanding more of them than Rain could’ve ever thought possible. Yet, as she took off again, making another loop through large tractor tires, a muddy swamp, over spinning logs, and across a ropes course that had left her hands burned and full of rope splinters, she knew no one could train her to take on the Mothers like this
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Chapter 112
The orders were pretty simple. It told them what to bring with them and where to arrive in the morning. All of their gear needed to fit into one backpack that would be light enough for them to carry, so there wouldn’t be any room to bring anything extra along. Luckily, this time, there would be supply trucks along with them to refill anything they ran out of along the mission.Rain had her bag out and was packing it while Adam was in the shower. She used the checklist Josie had sent her to make sure she had everything. Hers was a little different as she was a back-up medic, in case there was no official military medic around when someone was injured. So she had a kit that contained Quebecian versions of the same instruments she’d used back home, more or less. A few items were missing, and she had a few she’d had to learn how to use. Quebec’s technology was not as advanced as Michael
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Chapter 113
Riding in the back of a large military transport vehicle wasn’t new to Adam. He’d ridden in one to different training facilities several times before. It jostled them along the road so that their teeth were chattering, but all of the soldiers on board didn’t even notice as their minds were on other things. They were shipping out. At least three dozen uniformed soldiers, wearing the black and olive green of the Quebecian Army, sat shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip on benches in the back of every vehicle, and the convoy stretched on for miles both in front and behind him, as far as he could see. They were on their way to the military airport where they would all board transport flyers where they would take a four hour flight to the territory now occupied by what was called the Unity, which consisted mostly of forces from Quebec and Seth’s home country of Oklasaw to the north of Michaelanburg and Spanish-Amer
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Chapter 114
Of all of the people from their group of friends Rain could’ve found herself on the transport with, Seth probably would’ve been her last choice. It wasn’t that she didn’t like and respect him, but after they’d shared that kiss, their relationship had become increasingly awkward. Especially once Adam came back. Seth had known all along how Rain felt about Adam, so he should’ve kept that in mind before he made his move. Perhaps he didn’t think Adam was coming back, or maybe he couldn’t help himself. Either way, the uneasiness between them wasn’t comfortable for either of them.They weren’t allowed to speak to one another during the transport anyway. Instead, they’d sat near each other on the truck to the airport without speaking or even looking at each other, and now they were strapped into an airplane, sailing far above the territory they&rsq
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Chapter 115
Setting up camp this close to the front was jarring to Rain. She helped her team assemble the tent quickly, but after that, there wasn't much to do except for to await orders. The commanders were all being hush hush about when they might actually be moving in. The sound of gunfire and an occasional explosion in the distance had all of them on edge, waiting to see if the battle would loom closer or if their forces were making enough headway to push the Mothers back. Gretchintown was only a few miles from where she was standing. These woods were connected to the area where she and Mist had found the book in the cellar of an old, falling down house. She wondered if any more fighting had taken place there. The images of the Mothers shooting construction workers who were hiding there came to mind so that when someones’ hand came down on her shoulder unexpectedly, she jumped.
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Chapter 116
Before the sun came up the next morning, there was a soft call to rise sounded by a lone trumpeter. Rain opened her eyes, momentarily forgetting where she was. As soon as she saw the other three women lying next to her on the ground and hardly recognized them, it came back to her. She was back in Michaelanburg. And she had a job to do.She pulled herself up to sitting as the other girls did as well. It was early. No rays of sunshine filtered in through the thin fabric of the tent. They must be hoping for the element of surprise.As they always did, the women had a few minutes to take care of their personal needs at the latrine, and then they were expected to fall into line by the time the trumpeter played a different song, one they were also all familiar with. The notes of the lonely wake up song sounded haunt
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Chapter 117
Crouching down in the woods had become uncomfortable, but Rain tried not to think about the pain in her legs. They’d been in the same position for almost two hours now as the battle raged in front of them, not so far away. The sound of explosions, of gunfire, and screams were close enough that Rain could imagine they were just on the other side of the trees in front of them, though she knew exactly where they were hunkered down and that Gretchintown proper was still about a hundred yards in front of them, on the other side of the woods.The scent of smoke had begun to hit her lungs about an hour into their wait. Not only were the bombs they were using capable of creating great plumes of smoke, she had a feeling that several structures were on fire. She couldn’t see any flames, but she smelled wood burning. At least she couldn’t smell burning flesh, even though she had an idea that there w
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Chapter 118
The medical complex in Gretchintown was one of the most important buildings in all of Michaelanburg. As Mother White stood inside of the central office, watching the monitors, she couldn’t help but think about what would happen if this building were to fall to the enemy.The results would be devastating for Michalenburg.That was exactly why she’d been sent there. President Violet had pulled Mother White back from the front line where Spanish America was making inroads, moving up to a half a mile into Michaelanburg each day. The situation was beginning to look dire, and it was no longer just a rebellion that was problematic; the world seemed to be against them now. Despite the training of their military and the technological advances the country had made over the last two hundred years, sheer numbers were enough to obliterate their female led nation
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Chapter 119
The moment Josie had given the order to infiltrate the building, Rain and the others had moved forward, completely prepared to knock through the door in front of them. It came as quite a shock when they realized the door was unlocked. It made absolutely no sense to Rain. Why would the Mothers want to let them into such an important building? Unless… this was a trap.The soldiers took up positions in the hall near the door, waiting for everyone to make it inside of the building before they moved any further. They had been given orders not to speak so that they wouldn’t be heard, so all Rain could do was catch Adam’s eyes. She could tell by his expression that he was also concerned about how easy that was. Josie was the last one in, so there was no time to catch her attention before they were all sitting ducks in the hallway.
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Chapter 120
The combat uniforms Rain and the others wore were made from the most advanced technology in the world. Even at close range, most of the Military Mothers’ bullets could not penetrate most of the material that covered them from head to toe--except for their faces, which were exposed and their hands. That didn’t mean that none of the Military Mothers’ bullets would make its way through a weak spot in their uniforms or that one of them wouldn’t take a bullet in the eye and lay them out, but it did mean, as the invading forces returned fire on the women in brown uniforms, they had a much better chance of taking out their targets than the soldiers from Michaelenburg.One of the soldiers behind Rain screamed and fell to the ground. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her to find out what had happened to him as her fingers continued to pull the trigger. She aime
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