All Chapters of Rain's Rebellion: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
157 Chapters
Chapter 121
“The records room?” Rain repeated. “Is that where we were headed?” She hadn’t been certain what their objective was, other than to kill as many Military Mothers as possible and get them out of the way. But now that she knew exactly where they were headed, she had to wonder why.“Yes,” Seth said. “We need proof that the Mothers are using fossil fuels, and we believe all of that information is kept there, in the records room.”Rain’s eyes widened as she thought about what else might be kept there. Would it be possible for her to find out who her parents were? What about the Bridge? Would there be something in the records that proved that the Bridge was actually a device used to kill people, rather than send them back to start again?“It’s this way
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Chapter 122
“Where the hell are the babies?” Adam asked, spinning around to look at all of the containers in the room where they were standing. There were hundreds of containers sitting on the tables. The amber fluid within them was still, the cords and tubes that were hooked up to each of them not making a noise or moving in anyway. “It doesn’t make sense,” Rain said, walking slowly down the row where they’d all landed after exiting the air vent. “They couldn’t have possibly taken all of the babies over the Bridge, and without these incubators, they’d die.”“Is it possible that all of the fetuses grew large enough to be taken out of their incubators while you were on the road or training?” Crichton asked, adjusting her helmet. Rain shook her he
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Chapter 123
“Claw marks?” Adam repeated. Rain looked up at him and nodded, watching his face morph from surprise to shocked disgust to doubt. “How do you know that?” he asked.“Run your fingers over the marks,” Rain said. “You can feel where the fingernails dug into the concrete. Adam leaned down and raked his hand over the portion of the wall Rain was referring to, but his hand didn’t linger there long before he pulled it back, clearly put-off by the idea that someone was lying on the floor clawing at the walls.A lot of somones.“So you think they dropped people down here, and then… what?” Adam asked her, shining the light around the space again.Rain stood and fo
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Chapter 124
“Adam?” There was no answer except for the echo of her own voice around the empty chamber. “Adam!”The light wand was still rotating slightly, casting odd shadows before it stilled. Where was he? It didn’t make any sense. They hadn’t been able to find a way out of this room, but all she had to do was turn her back for a few seconds, and Adam was gone.Rain’s breath staggered, and she felt her heart start to race. Tears clouded her vision. She pulled her knees up to her chest and did her best to stay calm, but it was impossible. She was all alone, trapped down here. Adam was gone, and she had no idea what had happened to the rest of her squad. As far as she knew, no one else had any idea that she was down here, except for Adam, and he was gone. Had he fallen through another trapdoor? She was certain there was no one else
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Chapter 125
Sitting on the floor crying was not helping her at all. Rain knew that, but she didn’t know what else to do. Adam was gone without a trace, and she had no idea where he had gone or how. They’d looked for openings. There were none.Clearly, there had to be some, though, or else he would still be here. He hadn’t just vanished into thin air. Rive got up and took the few steps over to the light wand and picked it up. She wished she had a comm on her shoulder so she could call Adam--or Seth. But only the commanders had working comms. She was on her own, unless Seth or someone else saw the opening in the wall that had sucked her and Adam down to this hellhole.The light wand cast strange shadows on the wall. They danced across the ceilings and the floor. The floor--she hadn’t checked the floor. Was it possible that they weren’t actually
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Chapter 126
The buzzing sound assaulting Adam’s ears was familiar in a way that made him never want to open his eyes again. His head felt like it’d been run over by an army transport vehicle, and the smell burning his nostrils was also a stinch he’d hoped he’d never smell again.“Are you awake then, 24C?” The voice he heard scratched his inner ears, it was so offensive. He knew exactly who was speaking to him before he even slit his eyes to look at her.Adam’s worst nightmare had come true. He was strapped to a chair in the Insemination Ward. The lights were out, except for the soft glow of the safety lights, and across from him stood one of the Military Mothers.He knew which one, even though he couldn’t see her face. Nothing co
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Chapter 127
The feel of hands around her ankle lingered even after Rain was pulled to safety. At the top of the silver tube, Mist and Walter yanked her up out of the slide. Her hand was aching and cut from the rope, but she didn’t care. If it meant leaving one hand behind, she would’ve done anything to get out of that room.“The Mothers were grabbing me,” Rain said. Her breathing was labored, her heart pounding in her chest. “I don’t know how they got in there. We looked everywhere for a way to get out.”“Where’s Adam?” Walter asked, resting his hand on her shoulder as Rain bent over and tried to catch her breath.Tears filled her eyes again as Rain said, “I don’t know. They had to have taken him.” She stood up, wiping at her eyes.
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Chapter 128
Mother Jaguar had the needle in her hand and was coming at Adam, ready to inject that chemical into his thigh. Normally, it would go in their buttocks, but he was sitting on his, and she wasn’t going to unstrap him for that. Flashes of images filled his mind. Bruises. Pain from the needle. The numbness that followed. The hard-on he wouldn’t be able to control. All of those women mounting him like he was an animal or a prop. Not a person but an inanimate object that they could use however they liked. As Jaguar got closer to him, he could see her maniacal smile. She looked so pleased with herself that she could inflict one more round of torture on a man before the Mothers were blasted into oblivion. She had to know at this point that they couldn’t win, didn’t she? They were outnumbered, and the Quebecians and their allies had far superior weapons and more of them. So, why do one more sadistic act before she
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Chapter 129
Following Walt down the hallway, Rain tried to keep her heart from hammering so loudly that she couldn’t hear anything else. They needed to find Lightning and get her to a computer that was hooked up to the rest of the Mother’s databases to see if they could possibly get behind the firewall that protected the records. If anyone could do it, it was Lightning, the brains behind this entire rebellion. If she was even still alive. “The quickest way to get downstairs is going to be going back toward the front of the building, away from all of the action,” Walt said as they rushed back the way they’d come. The further down the hallway they traveled, the more distant the sound of gunfire sounded. Rain just hoped it stayed that way. “Won’t the Mothers be watching us on camera and know what we’re up to?” Adam asked as they ran along through the corridor so close toget
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Chapter 130
“Stand back,” Mist told them, her voice calm and collected.  Rain wasn’t sure what her friend had in mind, but she had to trust her. Along with Walt and Adam, Rain retreated away from the door, all three of them going back further into the stairwell they’d just exited. Rain couldn’t quite see what Mist was doing, but a few moments after she commanded them to get out of the way, she came running at them, full speed. Walt grabbed her in his arms and pulled her away as a ball of fire came shooting across the opening from the door to where the four friends stood huddled on the stairs. They weren’t quite far enough away to avoid the synge of the explosion. Their uniforms were somewhat fireproof, but not entirely. Rain lifted her arm to cover her face as the sound of a bomb going off shook the floor and sent piece
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