All Chapters of An Unwanted Marriage: A Billionaire's Revenge : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
146 Chapters
New venue
"What the fuck is your problem, Sarah?" Samantha shouted at Sarah at the top of her voice while storming out of her office room.   Sarah looked at her from head to toe with a disinterested look on her face as she folded her hands over her chest. Her hair was disheveled. Her dress was wrinkled and out of place. Her face was flushed. She remembered the man storming out of the room in a hurry a few minutes ago in displeasure. And she very well understood what could have caused the displeasure to Samantha. She was in the middle of some very important 'business' which might have got interrupted because of her.    "What is it, Samantha?" Sarah asked in a blank tone while acting completely clueless. That seemed to anger Samantha more as she stomped her feet on the ground like a five years old child.   "How dare you go and snitch King about me like a bitch you are?!" She shouted at Sarah, making her frown at her in displeas
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Staying in the mansion
"Why isn't he picking up the call?" Sarah said to herself in confusion while dialing Elijah once again. She has been calling him for the past few minutes but he wasn't picking up the call. It was making him worried because it has never happened before after that day in the hotel.  When she thought he wasn't going to pick up this time as well, she was going to pull the phone away from her ear when she heard his voice.  "Hello?"  "Hello, Elijah?" She said to the phone with a frown.  "Yes, Sarah." Elijah said from the other side of the phone.  "Why weren't you picking up the call? I have been calling you for the past ten minutes at least. Are you okay?" She asked with a frown of worry.  "I am so sorry to worry you, Sarah. I was stuck with some work. I am fine. Are you okay? Why were you calling me so many times? Are you in some emer
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The breakfast table
"Yes, Mary, please postpone my schedule by one hour. I will be one hour late today to reach the office. And I will be going to dad's office today first. So, meet me there, directly. Yeah… okay… see you soon." Sarah said in a professional tone over the phone while walking through the second floor corridor of the Watson mansion where her and the cousins' room were.  She cut the call and put the phone on her purse while walking toward the stairs hurriedly. She had a lot of things to do that day. As she was walking through the corridor, she passed Liam's room and at the same time Liam came out of the room. Their eyes met and they stopped on their tracks for a second. She felt awkward for a moment, not knowing what to do. She couldn't just walk away from there like she didn't see him. So, she settled with giving him a small smile. He smiled back immediately.  "Hello, Sarah. When did you come here?" He asked while walking t
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Deal and wish
IN THE HOSPITAL "Hello, Eliana." Sarah said in a soft tone after taking her seat on the chair. Just like before, she waited for a few seconds, expecting an answer from Eliana. But soon she realised that it wasn't possible. She let out a sigh.  "I know, I know that I shouldn't be expecting a greeting for you just yet as we are not that close yet." She said with a small chuckle and waited for a few more seconds. "I have an idea to solve the issue!" She exclaimed in happiness. She was talking so smoothly with Eliana that as if she was responding with equal excitement. "How about we start from being friends? Do you wanna be my friend? If yes, please squeeze my hand, I will understand. And if not, squeeze twice! I am smart, you see!" She said with a chuckle as she held Eliana's cold hand. But as expected, there wasn't any response. It made her sad but she didn't express it anyway, not even by showing
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I lo-...
"Elijah!! You came!" She exclaimed in sheer happiness when the person who knocked on the door came inside and it turned out to be Elijah.  "Hey, mi amor!" He said with equal happiness to see her and set the things in his hand on the floor as she flew out of her chair to run toward him. She ran toward him at full speed and jumped at him in excitement. He was ready to catch her already as he picked her up off the floor and gave her a small spin before putting her down on the floor. She slammed her lips on his as soon as her feet touched the ground, making her smirk as he kissed her back with equal passion as her. He wrapped one of his hands around her waist and put the other one on the cheeks to pull her face closer. While she put her one hand around his neck and tangled her other hand in his silky smooth hair. They kept each other like they have met after years. But it's been only twenty four hours, the highest since they have seen each
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In the mansion again
IN THE WATSON MANSION   "Aren't you going to come in, Elijah?" Sarah asked in confusion while seeing him not getting down from the car.    "No, I am fine here. You will be back soon, anyway, right?" He asked with a small smile. She understood very well why she didn't want to come inside and she didn't want to force him.    "I have come to the Watson mansion, Elijah. You can't predict anything here. Anything can happen any moment, anything or anyone can pop up out of nowhere, forcing you to change your plans." She said while letting out a sight, making him chuckle at her over dramatic speech.   "Fine! Fine! I understood. You may take time there. I will still be fine here. I do not plan to risk going there, until it's related to you." He said with a small smile and she let out a chuckle hearing him.    "You are so stubborn. But anyway, I promise I will try to be back
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"Oh my god! What happened here?"  Sarah turned around to look at the door to find Natasha standing there with a shocked look on her face. Sarah let out a sigh after hearing her as Natasha entered the room while looking around the room. "Well, hello, Natasha. How are you?" Sarah asked with a casual smile while ignoring her previous question. "Hey, Sarah. I am good but what happened here?" She asked once again while coming toward her.  "Don't you know, Natasha? It's not the first time it happened whenever I stayed the night over here. This happens all the time." Sarah said with a small shrug of her shoulders. Natasha's face fell upon hearing her and she looked at Sarah with guilt filled eyes.  "I am sorry, Sarah. I know it has happened before and I won't lie, I was involved in that as well when it happened previously. I sincerely apologize for this, please forgive me
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Watson fate
"Now, tell me, what's going on?" Sarah asked as soon as they were inside Natasha's room and closed the door behind. They both took a seat on her bed and Sarah patiently waited for Natasha to open her mouth. But she sat there silently, looking down at her hands, without letting out a single word. Sarah looked at her with a worried frown. "Natasha? Is everything alright?" She asked slowly, in a tone filled with nothing but worry.  "I don't know, Sarah. My life is in a mess currently and I don't know what to do." Natasha said in agony while breaking down completely. Sarah's eyes widened and she was quick to lean forward and hug her tightly. "Oh my god, Natasha! Please don't cry. Everything is going to be alright. Please stop crying." Sarah cooed in a caring tone while rubbing her back soothingly to calm her down.  Natasha cried hugging Sarah back, without saying anything and Sarah understood that she needed time.
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Her creepy smile
ON THE OTHER SIDE   "May I come in, ma'am?" Elijah knocked on the door.    "Come in, Elijah." Helena spoke up with a small and it creeped Elijah so bad that he felt a shiver run past his spine. He kept his face blank as he got inside the room. It wasn't her office room this time, it was her bedroom. It made the situation more awkward for Elijah. He didn't close the door behind him this time.    "Good evening, ma'am." He greeted her politely and she nodded at him with the same smile.    "Very good evening, Elijah. I am seeing you after so long. How are you?" She asked in a tone as if she was his biggest well-wisher.    "Thank you for asking, ma'am. I am good. I hope the same for you." He said in a low tone while looking down on the floor.    "I am good as well, as you can see." She said with a smile. "Why don't you take a seat?" She as
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He lied
"Hello, Jordan. I am very happy to see you but I would have been happier if you had knocked before entering the room." Helena said in pure sarcasm, making Jordan wonder from where does this woman get all this humour. But he was too furious to care about that at that moment.    "That bastard is playing a double game with us." He growled in fury as he slammed on the sofa where Elijah was seated previously.   "Who are you talking about? And why do you sound so furious?" Helena asked, suddenly getting serious.    "I am talking about your so-called master pawn! That damn driver, Elijah. He is playing some double game with us and that makes me furious." He said with gritted teeth, making her look at him with a deeper frown.    "What are you talking about?" She asked in a blank tone.    "I was just outside the door when you were talking with him." He said and before
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