All Chapters of DANGEROUSLY WANTED: The criminal next-door: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
62 Chapters
TWENTY-Intense Bombshells
"Red or black?" "Duhh!definitely the hot one, red!!" "Slit gown or bareback?" "Definitely Slit gown, shows more sexiness" "Pencil heels or wedge?" "Pencil heels accentuate slit gowns, adds spice to the sexiness" Red. Slit gown. Pencil Heels. Definitely something Shayne would wear to a dinner or wedding  party with the hopes of hooking up with a dripping hot guy. I should have known that her profession could only suppress her slutty instincts not completely curb them. "I'm going to a dinner party and not thinking of  getting laid Shayne" I said finally flinging off  the clothes I've been showing to her on the screen one after the other and having had enough of her terribly inappropriate choices. "That place is going to be swarmed with  old men and women, besides, I have to look
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21-Intense Bombshells 2
It is true that we never learn or accept the validity of somethings or words  until we are actually faced with situations that remind us of them. They say the world in a small one and there is a 99% chance the person you know knows someone else you do. The 1% is just the slim chance that you don't know someone your friend or family knows.  I was in that kind of situation. Never in a million years did I think of the scene unfolding before me. The one where I am the leading lady. The one where it seems I have suddenly forgotten my lines and the other actors are waiting patiently for me to remember so they could go on with their own lines.  My throat down to my mouth ran dry and my eyes were probably as big as saucers as I stared back blankly at the Detective. His own face held the utmost surprise to but detective Roman being detective Roman , a smile curled up his lips almost immediately. His father , the Mayor,
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22-That Night With Him
WARNING!!!!! SEXUAL CONENT BELOW. SKIP IF UNCOMFORTABLE!!! OR SCROLL TO THE LAST IN CASE YOU FEEL YOU'LL MISS SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!!    They say, good things come to all those who wait. It is not entirely true or false in my situation. I did wait. Painfully. But I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing that came to me because I waited or if it's bad and I shouldn’t be doing it. Either way, I was kissing Dwyer back with the same urgency and tremor as he placed me flat on the wall by his door with his hands flushed on my waist and drawing me in so close that it felt like there was still enough space left in-between us. His soft lips were just as I imagined a couple of times and they fought against mine , not for dominance but in perfect sync and harmony and with the right  amount of hunger that threatened to tear me apart. My senses were clouded and the only ones worki
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23-That Night With Him 2
WARNING!!!!! SEXUAL CONENT BELOW. SKIP IF UNCOMFORTABLE!!! OR SCROLL TO THE LAST IN CASE YOU FEEL YOU'LL MISS SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!!       Nothing did.   Nothing ever prepared me for the kind of feeling I felt the moment he pushed into me. My breathing hitched and my legs came around his torso on impulse. Dwyer thrusted deep into me burying himself to the hilt and my hands flew off his tight grasp above my head, on impulse. My pleasure driven cry erupted from the deepest part of my throat when my insides knotted and tightened as I felt bolts of electrifying  jolts surge through my body.     I held on to him like I would fall off the bed if I let go. A pause and I felt myself tighten around him as he pulsed in all his hardness against my wet tightness.     "Fuck"   He cursed under his breath, pulling out of me only
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24-The Morning After
I called in sick at work that morning.  Might seem like a lie but I was actually sick to the stomach and Julia graciously granted me the privilege to skip work but with strict warning that I would have tons of workload available on my table the moment I return to work.  I didn’t mind. I was still reliving the moments from last night up unto this morning. It took me a few minutes to leave the door where I was slumped at when I left Dwyer's house after the intense and brief argument we had. I had sat with my head in-between my  laps and only left the spot when I had to receive my mother's call. She rambled on and on about why I left the party that early and if I even exchanged pleasantries with Dwyer and being sure of herself that I left the party with the Mayor's son.  "He sure is a fine man with such impressive talents but I must
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25-The Detective And The Town
"……with the killer still unknown and running wild, why does it look like the police is doing nothing about it? The town is in total unrest" "right? A picture of the proposed killer with just his back view on  the front page of every newspaper, sounds like a joke to me!" "Riverdale's local police gets a chance to prove itself and this is all they've got? pathetic I tell ya" "Who's in charge of the case again? Detective Rom----"  The big screen TV  on the office wall suddenly went blank.  "Detective Roman is doing a good job, they should all just go to hell!" And the remote control was with none other than Julia who was visibly fuming. The office room also fell into silence at her outburst as everyone turned wordlessly to whatever they were doing before the TV came on. It was a morning talk show that we all saw
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26-The Crime Scene
There are somethings we see or hear repeatedly in our lifetime that we have  now concluded that they are normal and they happen. These things don’t happen to us. But they happen. Mostly in our line of work. Whatever it may be.  Things like getting used to a kid being rebellious and wild and you have to go through hell as a teacher to help him understand the way life really works. It happens all the time and 1 out of 10 students stress their teachers as well as the school authorities out. Or a doctor who sees blood everyday from emergencies and surgeries. No matter how repellant it is , it's something you can't avoid. Or a reporter who covers the most dreadful, disastrous and horrible stories. Going to the frontlines like the police, against all odds , resisting their powers to stop us from having  a look at occurrences that would make the headlines of our news.&nb
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27-Two Men And A Kiss
Sometimes--no, most times, we're never prepared for certain encounters in our lives. These encounters happen once or twice or more and I guess it’s only the lucky ones who get to experience such encounter only once throughout their lifetime.     Encounters that will make you freeze in  whatever position it finds you. Situations that make you go rigid and thoughtless for a brief moment. Moments that render you powerless and everything but in control of your that situation you found yourself in.     I count myself as one of the unlucky ones. I was never lucky.   And it all started the day I met him.     I've had various surprise encounters with him, each one greater and more terrifying than the last. The days he threatened me. The day at my mother's greenhouse. The party. But nothing compares to this encounter. None of that seemed to measure up to this certai
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28-All Hell Is Let Loose
I think he called me about a gazillion times after I rushed off like that with him calling my name loudly behind me. The detective that is. I ignored the vibrating phone on my kitchen table while I was slumped on my sofa with my thoughts going haywire. I had multiple reasons for not answering his incessant calls but guilt topped the chat. I didn’t want to hear him apologize to me and blame himself. I was the messed up one and he doesn’t deserve to be caught up in all of this. My future was still bleak and uncertain. I had immediate issues but I chose make them remote because of the other feelings I had regarding Dwyer. He claimed he admires me but would he still feel that way if he finds out what I knew? And the things I did? Will he still think of me the same way? Dammit! I was going crazy with two men contrasting men in my life. Dwyer's kiss still left tingles on my
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29-Done Trying
I was already imagining all possible scenes as Dwyer brushed past me and into the house. Things could go all haywire from there seeing that the two men do not have a single liking for each other. Dwyer's own was understandable. The police was his enemy and he was a criminal running away from the clutches of the law. He had every reason to be paranoid by the fact that he was inside my house with me. But something told me the situation was more than that. The detective suddenly told me a day ago too that he had a disliking for him.  And me? I was at  the center of it all. They were already glaring at each other when I left the door and entered fully into the sitting room. My chest was heaving and my hands were already shaky. How do I salvage this situation? It felt like it was going out of my hands quicker than I expected?
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