All Chapters of DANGEROUSLY WANTED: The criminal next-door: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
62 Chapters
30-Leaving His Mark
I was charged up. My whole body pulsing like it was set on fire, the fire being Dwyer. And it went both ways as we clawed at each other like mating Animals in heat. His lips were rough against my own , impatiently gliding his tongue against mine as if fighting for dominance to take full control of my mouth. It was nothing like any of the kiss we've ever shared. If  those ones were fire, then this one was blaze, red burning blaze and if those ones burned, this scorched me and threatened to burn me until all that's left is my bones. Dwyer emitted anger like it was radiation and the anger he felt was evident in the way he held my waist roughly to the wall and the way his tongue shoves down my throat. And everything went so fast that we tore each other's clothe off our bodies all that's left was the thin layered underwear. I was angry too. Mine made me breathless and just like he did, I took it out on him. Grabbing his
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31-Saving Us Both
  "You got a package"   Alyssa's voice rang the moment I stepped into the office.   "Good morning to you too, Alyssa"  I replied tentatively to her unusual form of greeting. Usually , she never greets, just a pesky nod at everyone in the room and then she sits back in her little cubicle with her face buried in her books but there she sat today with an amused look on her face as if something caught her interest. I knew what did when my eyes landed on the package the size of a shoe box lying on my table. Surprisingly, she was the only one in the office when I entered.   "Where’s everybody?" I asked   "out back , no idea what's going on with them" she replied flipping a page of her book.   I knew the smile on my face was awkward when I went over to my table to inspect what the package was. It was a black box with a red bow around it. It felt  too light in the
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32-Just Sex?.....Maybe
We had an amazing night--again.   I didn’t know if he got the message as I gave myself willingly to him that night or if he just chose to ignore it. It was a clear message that I was done running and giving myself to him, to him , it might seem like the most rational thing to do because we couldn’t get enough of each other but to me , it was the only thing I could do to get him the punishment he deserves for killing someone and me, my freedom.   I had it all planned out.   If he was going to make me keep my mouth shut, then I would do anything to earn his trust, anything to get to know him till he is cool-headed enough to turn himself over to the police. Oh! I was going to  find everything out myself too. Look into him and his entire life like the reporter I was while offering myself to him like a platter of gold. I denied the constant reminder in my head of any attention. Those little angels and demons that stay on
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33-Jar Of Cankerworms
 I started working on my clues the next day.     Right after Dwyer left my bed the next morning.   Just like the last time, he left without saying a word. Slipping out of the room and going to god-knows-where. I personally knew that he didn’t return home and I pretended like I didn’t see him slip out of my room stealth like a cat. I knew that while I slept , he bored holes into my body with his eyes  for the longest of time. I had tried to control my breathing as he did, not sure why he was looking at me like that. It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable though but I wondered if he just suddenly had the urge to strangle me right there and then so he could get over his problems once and for all. And when he slept too, I did the same thing as him only he was actually deep in his own sleep. My eyes took in every detail again like I didn’t see them before. It's like every  time I see it , it mesmerizes me the more. The g
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34-Movies And Tensions
Dwyer's beautiful brows knitted together in obvious confusion.   His hand was against  the door, holding it open with his head almost touching the doorway and looking down at me with a boring expression on his face. The one that said 'what the heck are you doing?'. My eyes scanned his build briefly noticing that he was spotting  the same dress-shirt from the day at the restaurant with the detective. He must have worked there today. I shamelessly gawked at how good he looked even when tired.     His dress-shirt clung to his muscles like a second skin, showing off big broad shoulders that were squared to fit into the small door way. The shirt was still tucked into the black pants that contained the visible lines of his member and hid his long sculptured legs. I almost gulped, letting my eyes travel back up. This man always makes me stay off track with his god-like looks. Sue me!.   When my eyes meet
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I'll be in the shower   That definitely left ungodly ideas in my head that all the soap in a soap making factory couldn’t wash off. I was glued to the fucking fridge like a sticker, a huge one that wasn’t made of paper with my breathing caught in my throat and my palms red and sweaty from grasping unto the fridge a little bit too hard. It took a little too long to get a hold of my racing heart thrumming hard against my ribcage as if it was going to burst out of its restraint.   For a split moment, just a split moment of weakness that Dwyer ignited, I considered plodding over to room and into the shower with him. For one, I knew it was my sex speaking and not me but I'd go everywhere that baby wants to go of it means Dwyer would be there. Even my damned angel and demon were so whipped that they couldn’t tell me what to do in the situation I was, fucking backstabbers!. I was smart enough to know that Dwyer's words were sex-inclined. He was tea
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36-Dead Ends And A Jealous Criminal
Movie night went incredibly well.   If ending up with Dwyer's fingers deep inside of me counts as a successful and helping step towards getting a hang of the shit going on around me. I knew there would be side distractions from all that I had planned out but what I didn’t realize was that Dwyer himself would be the first and most dangerous distraction to finding evidences that point to him and solving this crime myself. I was only a few days into it and I getting mixed feelings from everything going on around me.   The plan and steps were simple and jotted down somewhere in my notepad so I could remind myself daily of the things I had to do.   A) Get to know Dwyer. This was the most important part of everything but just halfway into it and it feels like I was failing woefully. I have only been able to gather a few things about him. That is a few things he was only willing to let out. Dwyer was clo
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37-Martinez And Lindsey
"Let's go over the rules one last time"   Rules.   The one thing I hated about playing that damned game of twenty questions. I should have known that it was too good to be true when he made the call himself. For a split moment after he said that to stop me from stumping past him, the tiny voices in my head warned me that he only said that because of the words I said to him and mostly because of his unlike for the detective. It was like something he'd said on impulse because he couldn’t bare to see me with the detective or lose me to him, as stupid as that sounds though, it had me lured in and accepting of the fact that Dwyer was jealous.   It's as clear as crystal that Dwyer only agreed to letting me get to know him using the twenty questions game because he felt like he was losing something or in my case, someone. I should be worried and paying heed to the whirling warning signs in my head but at the same time, it was a
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38-Dreams And Fate
"I'm sorry Charity, I  won't be going to the victim's home today. Something came up. We'll go some other time" I think the phrase, shattering of heart is a bit too underrated and  considered too literal, used in literary works and in certain kind of situations to prove how pleasant our grasp of good grammar is cause I can testify that my heart practically broke into a million pieces that all the glue in the world wouldn’t even dare put together if they tried as I read through Detective Roman's message that morning. Christ I waited! Eagerly at that. Heck ! I even dreamt of it all night. In my dreams, I saw myself sitting behind my big sandalwood table glazed and shiny with the best of the newest computing inventions in front of me while I type away on my keyboard in a big office, yeah you got it right! Not that tiny cubicle that leaves your legs cramped after a long day of sitting inside of it. My very own
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39-The Little Things
The beautiful scent of brewed coffee dominated the air, effortlessly covering up every other scent that was meant to be in the room. I could feel my insides twist and myself salivate absentmindedly at the thought up sipping my favorite thing ever, the traditional way instead of the usual one from my coffee maker.  She said she used to work at a particular café in the town when she was 18 and so when I told her how much I loved caffeine, she was off to her kitchen to put those dusty brewing equipment to work. Her words though, not mine. Her house was perfect and warm, embracing me with the goodness of a home. It was small on the outside but big enough for the little family of three---two now. Framed pictures lined the surfaces of the house. One was a picture of her, smiling brightly in the arms of her now dead husband. And the rest was, well pretty much the same. Her husband and her, on the beach , at a party, was it Halloween? At the hospital with their
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