All Chapters of Alpha of the Moon and Sun: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
60 Chapters
Chapter Fifty-One
I was organizing books on one of the shelves closest to my window seat when an anxious flutter started in my stomach and intensified with each passing second, an agitated tenseness started in my shoulders and a dull ache of a stress headache. Something was very wrong with Silas. I turned swiftly and speed walked to the door, just about to wrench it open when it swung inward and Silas stepped into the room. My arms were around him and I was kissing him deeply before I was even fully aware of the reaction, his arms holding me to him tightly as he lifted me and held my one thing in one hand while his other hand gripped my back.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, all tongue and teeth as he gripped me hard enough to leave red marks in my skin. I pulled back enough to gasp out a few breaths and regain control of my breathing, searching his deep honey eyes for what was the matter, smooth
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Chapter Fifty-Two
“You doubt me? How can you? We’ve promised each other going forward that no matter what we would trust each other, that we would do this together. So why now are you calling into question my feelings and promises?” I ask with a frown, my breathing hitched as I try to control my emotions so I don’t freak out or overreact. He sighs and looks away from me, moving to sit at the window seat. “I’m jealous, Kara. You’re intimate with him and it's open and public. I want that for us. I’ve always wanted that for us. It just seems there's always something in the way. First Orso, and now Silas. I just want the freedom to be with you without anyone else getting in the way.” he sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair. “Now it just feels like there’s going to be something else in the way. Or rather, someone. That Alpha Kane and Magnus Horne seem to pay you a lot of attention and I’m not happy about it.” I scof
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Chapter Fifty-Three
That night after dinner I told Silas I was going to my pond to just sit and relax in wolf form, enjoying the cool evening air along my fur. It had been a long time since I just spent time in my wolf form just because. Unless we were training Orso never liked a lot of people in their wolf forms, just another way he tried to assert control over the pack wolves. I went outside and stepped into the border of the trees before stripping out of my clothes and shifting into my dark grey wolf. I shook my fur and stretched out my front paws then my back paws, feeling free and relaxed as I let my wolf take over. I always loved the colour of my fur, a beautiful smokey grey that reminded me of storm clouds. It was a similar colouring to my father but he was dark smokey grey where I was lighter and had white ‘socks’ on my front paws, which I got from my mother who had white socks on all her paws, her fur a beautiful ru
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Chapter Fifty- Four
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, kissing him deeply, gasping as his rough hands gripped my hips and pulled me to meet his hips as he ground into me, causing me to gasp and shiver under his touch. I wracked my nails down his back, arching into him as he rolled my left nipple between his thumb and finger and pulled my right nipple into his mouth, nipping the sensitive bud and making me see stars. He ground his length against my entrance, my lips slick with arousal as I arched my hips into him to give him a better angle. He chuckled darkly against my skin as he kissed his way up to my mouth and kissed me, smirking down at me as he saw how much I wanted him. He kissed me hard and teased me as he kept grinding into my entrance but pulling away every time I tried to angle my hips for him to slide into me. “Impatient my dear?” Silas ask
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Chapter Fifty-Five
I felt warm like I was bathed in sunlight, the glittering gold of its rays peeking through my closed eyelids. It was warm and comforting and part of me didn’t want to wake up, but a bigger part wanted to see the golden sunlight because it felt so warm and welcoming. I could hear the sounds of strong wind through trees and the life of animals that loved the day, very different sounds compared to what one would hear under the light of the moon. I shifted and felt the silk of the white slip dress against my skin, a slip I only ever wore in the dream forest. I forced my eyes open, blinking back the bright light and lifting my hand to shade my view, looking around in wonder at the new place, a place I had never been in before. It was a large room, the two walls made of strange colourful stone, one made entirely of stained glass that lit the room with a beautiful rainbow of colours and one entirely open to an a
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Chapter Fifty-Six
I was vibrating with nervous excitement at the idea of going with Magnus to Insula Draconum, the Isle of Dragons. Flying on an actual dragon sounded so exciting and exhilarating. And finally going to the island in person, finding out who the red and gold dragons are, finding out about the sunrise wolf and the silver moonlight one. I had so many questions and it seemed like the island was the best place to finally get some answers. I was also looking forward to getting away from Silas for a little while. It had gotten way too hard to deny the bond and I was hoping the distance would lessen the compulsion. I had let it go way too far and come way too close to giving in on numerous occasions. Gram and Gigi had helped me clean up as best as we could without a bath or shower, the bandage at my back and the stitches still not able to get wet. Magnus promised that once on the island, the healing process would ta
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Chapter Fifty-Seven
I sat on the bed and stretched, huffing as I tried in vain to take off my shirt, lifting and straining my spine was so painful I was whimpering. I huffed, angry tears pricking my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I just wanted this feeling of being useless and broken to stop already. I wanted to be whole again. I just wanted to be back to myself. I stood slowly and undid my jeans, pushing them off my hips, turning to the door in surprise as it opened and a pretty young woman walked in. She looked at me for a moment before a smile graced her features, making her blue eyes sparkle and shine. She stepped towards me and gave a small bow of her head in greeting. “Hello, Miss Ravenfield. My name is Gem and Lord Magnus has asked me to assist you in changing for the healing ceremony. I will assist you with anything you need as long as you reside here on the island.” her voice was kind and warm and I blinked at
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Chapter Fifty-Eight
I nodded and let Magus walk to the side of the pool, helping me slide in and Cadmus put his arm around my mid-back and held me to his side, keeping me afloat in the deep water so I didn’t exhaust myself by trying to stay afloat. I blushed and ducked my head, wishing my hair wasn’t tied back so I could use it to hide my face, when I realized he was very very naked and his bare skin against mine made me tingle and shiver.  “If none of us can touch the bottom, how are you going to all hold me above the water?” I asked curiously as I looked up at Cadmus, blushing at his intense gaze. Normally men don’t intimidate me in this way, but my god, they were all so gorgeous it made me feel inferior. “We’ll all be in our dragon forms and you will be held up by our noses essentially. Sounds silly but it will work.” He said quietly, my skin flushed under his intense ga
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Chapter Fifty-Nine
I followed the 5 brothers back into the castle, my arm still holding onto Blaze’s and looked around in awe at the sheer beauty of it all. The place was mesmerizing and unlike anything I had ever seen before, like something from a dream, but then again I did dream of this place. Something that was done because I belong here, I am part dragon. It still sounded so far-fetched and ridiculous. I could not be like I could ever be some fantastic magical beast. Yes, being a wolf shifter was something from a fairytale, but our magic was not so grandiose that we could hide entire islands from discovery. Instead, we just had the magic to slip our skin at will. I could not believe that I was given some amazing gift to be both dragon and wolf. I wasn’t blessed by both the Sun and the Moon. We walked farther into the mountain and I couldn't help but think of Silas, 72 hour
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Chapter Sixty
"Oh, dear I’m sure it would have done your heart some good if I was to yes, but alas I am not. Though I do share in your pain. It saddens my heart daily to know that my big sister is no longer in this world.” Her voice was warm and kind, a little higher and softer than my mother's voice but if I closed my eyes it was like she was talking to me. I looked at her wide-eyed and let the tears fall anyway, overwhelmed with all the big bombs that have been dropped on me in the last while.“You’re sister?” I whispered in question as I watched her come into the room and smile at Aiden, sitting beside him and patting his cheek fondly as he handed her a cup of tea before she faced me.“Yes, your mother Alina, was my older sister. She was indeed a dragon. I am Deja, Deja Yarrow. I am Aiden's mother.” I looked at Aiden in surprise,
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