Semua Bab Bestie Sugar Baby: Bab 11 - Bab 20
70 Bab
 Perhaps he's being considerate, or Cassie is away for the holiday, but they haven't fucked since last Friday night. The night that I complained she was too loud. "Are you reading those smut stories again?" He asks while putting a bottle of wine on the coffee table, along with two empty glasses. "Girl's gotta learn, buddy." I grin, now focusing on him instead of my online romance novel. "Instead of reading, you can just ask me. I'd like to think I'm an expert in that field." He pours the wine while looking all smug. "Do you know that that's how the stories always start? The male lead offering the female lead sex, showing 'the right way' of how it's done. Then BAM! Th
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I don't remember when did this tradition start, either the first year or the second year of our bachelor degree, but every Christmas Eve, Toffer and I would spend it together at Mom's. Then after dinner, we'd go to his parents' house for the Christmas party. Every year, without fail, Toffer's parents would organise a full-blast Christmas party. All of their family members and close friends would gather until midnight, drinking and dancing as if they're a bunch of teenagers.Though we too hadn't acted our age with the infinite shots and embarrassing dance moves so I can't comment much; we're all peas in the same pod! One thing for sure, I really, like reaaaally enjoyed myself that I'd have to stay the night there since it would be a reckless behaviour to brave through the extreme weather while being drunk. Truthfully, I stayed because the next morning, all of the family members would sit under the tree to open the presents. I've been joining them without fail every year, even during
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“Are you going to the wedding?" May asks while we drink another serving of champagne. We occasionally hang out here at my house instead of hers since we can't be loud there; kids equal early bedtime equal good, exemplary behaviour instead of this inappropriate drinking habits."Whose wedding?" "Oh," is all she says then she drinks again. A decade of knowing this lady, I absolutely can sense that she has mistakenly asked the question. And now she's trying to cover it up by drinking the alcohol. "Very well, I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that." I conclude, too tired to drill her since we've been at it since the past three hours. Though we weren't talking about me or her but gossiping about our friends instead. "Alright, last item on the agenda," she finally looks at me, "when are you going to end your dating strike?" "Why would I?" "You're gonna be thirty in three months!" "So?” I roll my eyes, finishing my drink. Think we should call it a night. I'm almost drunk and she's t
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I finally know why May buried the topic about the wedding she accidentally blurted two weeks ago. No, we didn't talk about it. I didn’t bug her about it because I fully respect her decision not to tell me. I accept that the topic was closed, as simple as that. Huh. I wish it's as simple as that. What happened was, on a boring Monday night, I was wasting my time by scrolling through my Faceb0ok feed when a friend of ours posted wedding pictures he attended the previous weekend.It was a photo of Christian and May, who’re chatting happily in their formal wear, sipping on champagne, with his right hand curled around his new woman. My heart broke a little noticing the intimacy between them; Christian and May being cheerful without me, and Christian with that new woman for the fact we had an excellent date few months ago before he ghosted me. Guess that's the answer I've been waiting for; there's no more hope to get back together with him. Perhaps that’s why he ghosted me- he doesn’t
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“What do you want for your birthday next month?" "Hmmm?" I turn around to watch Toffer jumps on my bed, in his usual shirtless state. We're just home from our Saturday dinner at Mom's. "I honestly don't know what else I should get you. You've got everything, Nino!" I grin as I pull my playful look, "Except a boyfriend that I can lose my virginity to."He keeps quiet as his fingers tap the phone furiously. He must be texting someone, perhaps Cassie since he hasn't seen her for two days now. Yes, I am fully aware of their meetings. Because he'd bring her here every time they go out on a date, to continue their passionate work out routine since they stuff themselves with too much food the previous hours; Toffer's words not mine. "I thought you're still on dating strike?" He is finally back to the conversation after a good two minutes of silence. Guys and their bad multi-task gene, pffft. "I was thinking," I turn around again from my laptop, still sitting on my chair but facing him w
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It's been two weeks but I can't wrap it around my head that my bestfriend, the one I've shared my secrets with since a million years ago, had foursome with his buddies but I don't even know he has that in him. That, the kinky part. I don't want to judge him but come on, he had a freaking foursome with his friends. What else did he do? Because the way he told me two weeks ago, it's as if there's absolutely nothing abnormal happened. Did he ever shared Lauren with them? Cassie? Or any other girl he fucked before? What else did he do? I'm really curious what are the kind of things that he considers as worthy-of-feeling-awkward-with since that freaking foursome was mentioned as normal as everyday's-life-routine. "Why are you so interested in dark romance?" He asks all of a sudden when we are on our way to work, “Is that your fantasy? Being raped? Used? Humiliated?"..... okay. Note to self, I'm not sharing my Wattpäd account with him anymore. "I'm not really comfortable discussing th
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"Done." I announce as I walk back to the kitchen. He's sitting on the bar stool, swiping the phone screen furiously, which I know by heart that he's playing Fruit Ninja. "Good. I've already told Cass I'm busy today so," he puts his phone on the kitchen island, now focusing on me. "Okay." Another rule for our friendship day and that sacred one-pass-a-year; nobody interrupts us. I figured the only person who would do that in my life is Mom and May but they both have their life to live, so nahhh, no need to inform them about this. We don't even contact each other every day. Being best friends doesn't mean we have to talk every day. "Let's have breakfast, shower, then go to the park. Okay?" "Okay." I grab the omelette and squirt some ketchup on the side, "What time did you wake up?" "Six." Wow that's early. Though he does wake up at 6.30 every morning on weekdays. "What time did you sleep?""I don't know, around 3. Maybe." I nod a couple times, munching the omelette without aski
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“Do you feel like having Italian?" I ask him on our way home, it's only two hours since we had our big breakfast but I'm already craving for some pasta. "Italian? You mean pasta? Or the Mafia?" "Stop it Toff! Pasta!" I hit him on the arm as he laughs. Both of us are absolutely at ease since we've settled our issues. I am again comfortable with my best friend. "You want me to cook or you want to eat at Carmine's?" He asks after he’s done laughing at his own joke. "Do you want to cook lunch or dinner? Choose one. Either lunch at Carmine's or dinner at Crabby Panties." His eyes light up at the mention of his favorite place, "Alright I'll cook lunch!"He strips his clothes once we're home, cooking in just a pair of boxer as I take my own sweet time to change into a comfortable shirt and shorts. Fine, this is his shirt too but like what happened to his previous shirts, it's mine now. "I've always loved your pasta!" I sit on the bar stool, planning to watch him cook while doing nothin
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We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about random stuff but knowing us, we mostly talk about sex and relationships. That's when I know Cassie is actually uncomfortable with how close he is with me. No, let me rephrase that. Cassie doesn't get why he is so close with me as if there isn't enough men in this world to be his best friend that he has to have me, a woman, in his life so yeah, Cassie is ‘very’ uncomfortable with how close he is with me. That's why for the past three, okay almost-four months, Toffer always go out on a date with her five to six days a week, and would send her home every morning instead of going to work with me as we always have. In short, she doesn't want Toffer to spend time with me anymore. Though he has not failed to show up to our weekly Saturday dinner at Mom's, which he will later disappear right after sending me home and will only come back with dearest Cassie for their passionate love making -insert gag face here-. I seriously didn't know that
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When I wake up the next day, his side is already empty so I immediately go out to check if he's preparing his infamous Big Breakfast Sunday. But the kitchen looks empty, so I check my room to find snoring May is still on my bed. I quickly grab my phone on the nightstand to call him but it goes straight to his voicemail. I shoot a text asking of his whereabout, if he's okay.Once Princess May is awake, both of us have a brunch near her place then I spend the rest of the day with my god-daughter and god-sons. Countless texts and calls remain unanswered, I am seriously worried by the time I reach home that night. The house is empty, and his room looks exactly the same as I left it this morning. Throughout our friendship, he only went missing once, when he broke up with Lauren for the third time. He was in a mess, and they broke up for the longest time ever. He was beyond sad to find out Lauren cheated on him with her childhood friend but they somehow got over it; exhibit 1: birth of Ka
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