All Chapters of Bestie Sugar Baby: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
"You're welcome." I tell him when we're walking to his car for our Saturday dinner at Mum's."For...?" "Sienna." That's when he smiles, "Hihi, thank you." I never thought I'd see a sincere smile from him again. Guess pimping my colleague is all it takes. "Is it a one time thing or you're going to ask her for a date?" But before he even answers I attack him again, "Don't you dare make her a one night stand! She works with me, Toffer! At least take her out to dinner, don't make it too obvious." "Hey I'm not an asshole okay," he counters back, "I do plan to take her out tomorrow evening." "Good for you!" I tap twice on his shoulder as he opens the door for me, "Thank you Toffer my best friend." And that's when both of us freeze. Shit. That came out wrong. He doesn't say anything when he closes the door and goes around the car to get into the driver seat. I too remain silent as to dismiss my stupid mistake when we’re just about to be good again."Christian is coming tonight?" He a
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"Never have I ever had sex with the person on my right."Without hesitating, Christian who is sitting next to May takes the glass, gulping it all in one sitting. He finally looks at me once he's done, probably wanting to know my reaction. Good thing I already know about it from May. "Never have I-" he suddenly gets cut when he’s just about to start the next round as May shows her index finger to the audience with a stern voice, "We're not done yet." He frowns at his best friend’s remarks, “I already drink the whole thing.""Somebody else hasn't." I feel like my chest is bursting by how fast my heart beats upon hearing her. I knew it, I knew we should’ve acted our age and never play this teenagers' game. But Sienna was too bored to just eat and chat tonight, so the four of us agreed to her suggestion for the sake of finishing the wine. The six bottles of wine that May brought. "Who?" He looks at us one by one, starting from his right to left; May, Toffer, me, and lastly Sienna."I
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It's hard, when someone who you normally see every single day dates the one whom you see five days a week at the office. Have I told you about the explicit details I'd get during the absence of those two days? Urgh, I'm currently listening to it now. Fuck my life for lending my headphone to Fred who urgently needed it for an online meeting since he forgot to bring his. Here we go, LIVE talkshow featuring Jenna and Alice with their forever guest, Sienna Miller. "So you're bringing him tomorrow?" Jenna asks her excitedly."Of course I am." Giggles, giggles. "I'm finally gonna see the real Christopher that seems too good to be true." Oh Jenna, I've lived with that guy for four years now, and has been his best friend for more than a decade, he is definitely NOT who Sienna has been telling you. That man is way funnier than she described, and sweeter when he was with his ex-wife back then. Well, I guess he’ll be as sweet as he was with Lauren once they’re officially boyfriend-girlfri
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"Hey," he knocks on my door when I have just arrived home, dropping my heavy work bag on the floor and about to close my bedroom door. I don't really close my door but whenever he has a girlfriend I normally do that. It's too awkward to listen to their flirty conversations from the kitchen or the living area, or simply from his room if they forgot to close the door. You know, too caught up in the moment. "You've had dinner already?" He's standing tall at my door frame, only in a pair of boxer. "Not yet," I unbutton my blouse revealing my bralette. Meh, there's nothing to see. I have two small boobs that is nothing compared to Sienna's. And this batman-patterned cotton panties is so not sexy. Heck, even if I'm naked he wouldn't even bat an eye on me since I'm not his type. "Do you want to join us for dinner?" I knew it. There will always be Sienna in the plan. He even dare to ask me if it's okay to bring her to our Saturday dinner at Mom's. Look, I don't hate her. But unless you
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"Have you ever wanted your own kid?" It's not even day one of lockdown and here I am, being caught with his weird question. "Ummmmm why are you asking that? Out of nowhere." I munch my drummet as I watch him with his. We are having dinner together for the first time in uhh, I'm not sure, since last year? Before Thanksgiving?"Because I saw your books. There are so many pregnancy stories in your reading list." "Oh my God,” I gasp, “you're stalking me again! First with Italian Mafia, then you took my virginity. Now my pregnancy book? What? You're gonna make me pregnant now?" That's when both of us stop eating. Oh God, I'm breaking my own rules. But he smiles after a few seconds, "You have Christian for that." "I don't." "You don't? What do you mean?" He puts his chicken, staring at me, wanting to focus on my answer. "We broke up." "What?!" He jumps from his seat and marches towards me, "When? Why? Howww?" I shrug, "Two months ago." "TWO MONTHS AGO?!" He's actually shouting a
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"Can you PLEASE put the leftover in a food container instead of putting it on a plate? You're gonna make my fridge smells like food!" Here we go, domestic Toffer is picking on me again for the umpteenth time this week. We've only gone through the lockdown six days but it feels like I've been stuck with him for a month already! "It's a fridge, it's SUPPOSED to smell like food! What? You want it to smell like feet instead? I can put this then," with that I hastily take off the sock from my right foot and dangle it in his face. "I mean it Nina, fucking put the leftover in a food container." His warning should send shivers to my bones but that only happened four days ago. I'm used to them nowadays. "And don't keep anything that you don't even want to eat. The trash can is there for a reason." "So you can shove yourself into it?" I reply nonchalantly as I put my sock back to my foot. *** "Can you PLEASE take out your clothes from the dryer?" Urgh here we go again. "Your clothes ha
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"Are you looking for something?" I ask him when he runs through the stuff I brought back from the store but doesn't help me put them in the fridge or the pantry. He shakes his head but I can see the disappointment on his face. Heh, he must be looking for a treat. Because every time I go out for supplies I'd always buy him something. This time around I'm going to make him tell me something first before handing him his treat. I get a feeling he's hiding something from me. And I very well know about what. I just want to force it out of him, making him admit it. "We're having salmon tonight," I announce as I wiggle the packaging before putting it into the fridge. "Okay…”He's like a little boy who is sulking for not getting what he wants. But he tries not to show it, solemnly dragging his feet to the hallway, back to his room. After I put everything out, ensure the washer, dryer and dishwasher are in the state that he requested, yes I've taken the liberty to listen to his requests e
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Do you know how hard it is to masturbate when you have a clingy best friend who never leave your side? Urghhh I haven't had my much needed release since seven weeks ago. Like seriously, Toffer is next to me all the time. ALL. THE. TIMEEEE. He sleeps with me, he eats with me, he showers when I shower and when I try to do it in the bathroom there's a big fat chance he'd barge in to borrow my toothpaste or something. He even moved my working desk next to his just so we'll be together during working hours. "Why didn't you tell me you're doing laundry?" See, I just want some peace with my dirty clothes and this washing machine. "It's not even full,” he comments further, “Wait, let me get mine!" And just like that he disappears as I hear him running towards his room. I sigh heavily while dumping the detergent pod in the washing machine. When can we finally go out and live like we used to? I'm soooooo desperate for a release. Lockdown sucks.He comes back with his laundry basket, the
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"Do you want me to help?" I startle at the question that comes a second after my bedroom door flies open. I knew I should've locked the door."You can pretend I'm one of your toys. I won't say anything, I promise." This is awkward, but not that embarrassing. Seriously being caught with a pink dildo inside of you is nothing compared to what he had me done during that six months. "I'm fine by myself," I choke on my own words. It's been two hours but I'm only at my second orgasm. I've tried porn, it doesn't work. I've tried imagination, and that somehow got me somewhere. But the catch was, I had to fantasise being rammed by this guy. Cliche. "Are you sure? We can play like we used to, minus the fucking." Why would he minus the fucking? That's weird considering it's just another act following the foreplay and oral. "Let me try just once. If you're uncomfortable I promise I'll stop." He doesn't wait for my answer but jumps right on my bed, sneaking into the duvet and the next thing
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"Sign this." He drops some papers on my desk later in the evening when I've already removed my sexy outfit. I'm back with my shorts, his old t-shirt and this signature ponytail of mine with matching ribbon. "What's this?" I ask without looking at it. I'm busy doing this last minute assignment my boss decided to drop on me two hours ago. His meeting ended one hour before that but he went missing despite my teasing. He certainly did not enjoy being teased to the brink of a climax for three times. In a row. Hihi. I would've tried the fourth if it's not because of my boss's annoying phone call. "Marriage cert." "Marriage what?" I snap out of my work, focusing on him that is still standing next to me, "You're kidding right?" My hand grabs those papers immediately as I glance at him one last time then read the title of the form. It is indeed a request for Marriage Certification. "Sign it so I can send it today before 5." "Did I drink last night?" I don't think so. I'm pretty sure th
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