All Chapters of Shadow Wolves: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
"Lucas!" With Nathaniel and his beta in custody, the rest of the pack had eventually surrendered to the agents. It was amazing there had been no casualties although there were plenty of horrific injuries on both sides. Medics were busy with working out who needed medical attention urgently while agents worked on processing the prisoners and securing them so they couldn't escape or cause any harm. There was still some chaos but the senior agents were able to regroup and take stock of the situation. Forensic teams had moved in to gather evidence and process everything while soldiers flushed out any fugitives trying to run like rats abandoning a sinking ship. Lucas was relieved to have Nathaniel off his hands. Never had he met anyone he hated more than that vile and pathetic excuse for a werewolf. It had been a long night but it was far from over and Lucas had no doubt in his mind that it would be a few more long hours before he could even try and sleep. He had been taking stock of t
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It had been three days since the raid and so far, no one had found the girls who had made a run for it. They had simply vanished like ghosts leaving no trace behind. For Lucas it had been three days of frustration. He had been snarling and snapping like a caged up tiger, lashing out at everyone. He argued that without the girls they couldn't class this case as won. They had promised they would help all of the victims of Nathaniel's despicable deeds not to mention that those girls probably wouldn't survive as rogues, which they technically were. It didn't help that his moon-blessed was amongst the missing girls. If he ever found her then he would be making sure that she was never out of his sight again. What was perhaps even more frustrating was that Chloe hadn't recognised him as her mate or, she had pulled off the performance of the century by acting like she didn't recognise the bond. Lucas doubted it was a performance though. He had sensed something off with not just Chloe but w
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The first day passed without incident despite everyone waiting with bated breath for something to happen. When a few more days passed and no one came to drag them back to their prison, everyone began to relax a little and yet the tension was still palpable. There had been no sign of Omar despite Katie's continued assurances that he would turn up and when he did, they would leave Wyoming for good and find somewhere else to call home. They were pretty much lost without him since they had no idea where the nearest town was. They didn't even know where they were in relation to the borders and state lines. They had explored the cabin to see what they could find as well as any clues as to who really owned the place. Their searching had resulted in them finding coats suitable for the weather and a hunting rifle. There were no clues as to who owned the cabin and when they might return. The fourth day of waiting had started with a thick blanket of cloud hanging low above the cabin. The air s
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Her heart leapt into her throat and her ocean blue eyes widened as she watched the steady movement of the figure through the heavy curtain of the snow. Part of her wanted to run inside and hide with the other girls while the other part of her was trying to work out if she should fire off a warning shot or wait until the intruder was closer to determine if they were a threat. She silently cursed her past self for thinking she was brave enough to protect them. She didn't normally out herself in such situations and with good reason. Those who tried to defend themselves and others normally suffered the wrath of Nathaniel's temper. Katie was a perfect example of that and yet, Chloe couldn't deny the urge to step up that had come to life inside of her. Was it because Nathaniel tried to violate her or was it because they were so close to freedom? Either way, Chloe couldn't be a victim anymore and she would sooner die fighting than be cowed once more. "Chloe?" The familiar voice dumbstruc
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"Your reports have been reviewed and we are pleased with your progress. As soon as the storm clears, we will send in reinforcements to assist with relocating those women and children who would like to leave the pack." "And what about the former Alpha and his men?" The laptop screen flickered as the vampire on the other side shifted in her seat. A sharp black eyebrow lifted upwards over unearthly green eyes that resembled a serpent with blood red lip set themselves into a hard line. "As you know," Cassandra finally spoke. "The committee intends to give Nathaniel Thorn and his men a fair trial. Those found innocent will be released from custody and those found guilty will be given an appropriate punishment. However, Thorn's Alpha title is suspended pending investigation, meaning the pack has no Alpha and so makes it susceptible to being invaded by another pack of rogues. Word will get out soon and it won't be long before any wannabe and their friends come looking to lay down a chall
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Night had closed in silently around the cabin but there had been no let-up in the blizzard that continued to hammer down. It had been at least six hours since Omar had left again and yet there had been no sign of him. With each hour that passed, Katie grew more worried, pacing the small living room like a caged animal while her dark eyes danced between the windows looking for any signs of the male wolf. Chloe could only watch on as her friend fretted over Omar's wellbeing. Between making sure Katie didn't do something stupid like try and go out on the snow to find the male and making sure Emily was okay, the blonde had already worked out that she wouldn't be getting any sleep either. In truth, she was worried about Omar as well. He was being hunted and she feared that whoever was chasing him would get to him before he got back. Nothing about the situation was ideal and Chloe didn't think she could sleep until it was all over, and they were far away from this place. With most of the
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The blast from the rifle echoed through the frozen air just as Chloe was thrown back. The force of the shot knocked the she-wolf off her feet and she landed heavily in the snow, her head smacking against the rough bark of a tree. For a few moments, everything was silent again except the ringing in her ears and the sound of her blood pumping through her vein. The world of white and grey tilted and spun, forcing Chloe to squeeze her eyes shut to prevent herself from reacting to the dizziness. The pounding in her head pushed away all thoughts and worries. She didn't care if the snow was melting into her clothes or that she was lying defenceless just yards from three very dangerous men. She wondered if she just laid here forever if eventually the earth would reclaim her and the moon goddess would welcome her soul into the moon's light. Her vision blurred as she opened her eyes again, but Chloe managed to focus on the naked tree branches above her right before a terrifying face filled h
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"Ah!" "Hold still." Katie huffed as Chloe hissed in discomfort from the brunette dabbing the cut on her head. "I need to make sure there is nothing in it." Katie and the other girls had been waiting for Omar and Chloe. However, the relief of seeing the pair return was short-lived when everyone realised Emily was gone and Chloe had given a vague account of what had happened out in the wilderness. Once again, an uneasy atmosphere had filled the cramped cabin and the bitter scent of fear permeated the air. Even the sun sitting up in the sky couldn't chase away the tension or the worry. Chloe had found herself with a headache and her shoulder hurting every time she moved it. She had no doubt she would be feeling it tomorrow and only hoped she wouldn't slow down their escape. Omar had gone back out as promised to try and find any sign of what happened to Emily. He had returned empty handed and with no clues. Now he was sat on one of the few chairs in the small living room area, fingers
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At some point Chloe had fallen asleep, however the depths of slumber were far from peaceful or energising. The moment her eyes shut Chloe found herself surrounded by watery images of the snowy forest. Blood stained the pure white blanket while the shadows of everything stretched out from the base of trees or bushes, crawling towards her like worshippers. Despite not having a thread of clothing to protect her, Chloe didn't feel the cold. She felt calm and safe. Even at the sight of blood and ice, Chloe didn't feel afraid, not even when the shadows finally reached her and curled upwards to brush against her hand like the welcoming nuzzle from a dog. The feeling of thick fur brushed momentarily against Chloe's fingertips before she felt like she was being shepherded forward, further into the winter wasteland. It felt like she had been alone forever. Well, not *alone* because the shadows kept her company as they followed her, dancing around her bare feet as she walked through the snow. Ch
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Suddenly the world stood still and all Chloe could hear was the pounding of her heart and the breath she sucked in. She was paralysed and yet she could feel everything from the icy bite of the winter winds to the scorching trails of Lucas' gaze on her flesh. Her clothes suddenly felt inadequate and unable to keep her body hidden from the male prowling towards her like an enraged tiger. No, not enraged. Determined. Something stirred within Chloe, battling against the fear that wrapped around her like cutting chains. Whatever it was waking up inside of her reacted to the presence of this male as he dominated the space around them. The winds had cut across his cheeks and nose to leave them pink and flecks of snow clung desperately to the wisps of jet black hair peeking out from under his woollen hat. He looked different in what appeared to be fatigues. There were crisp sharp edges that were almost as deadly as the assault rifle strapped to him. The black of the material seemed to abso
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