All Chapters of Shadow Wolves: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 Chapters
“Police are investigating another suspected animal attack after the body of twenty-three year old Chrissy Leyland was found by a dog walker just three hours after she was reported missing. Police are asking the public to be vigilant...” Johnny groaned and jabbed at the TV remote with his thumb to try and find something to watch that was better than the news. He’d been in the states for a few months but didn’t enjoy the TV much. Then again, he was usually too busy to watch TV but being bed-ridden had left him with a lot of time on his hands and no way of filling it. He had tried on several occasions to convince Ursula that he was at least fit enough to do light duties but the woman as stubborn as her aunt and she refused to let him leave the infirmary. Just as he was contemplating chucking the remote at the TV, the door to his room opened and Lucas appeared looking tired and frustrated. “And I thought I looked like shit.” Johnny teased. “I see you’re feeling better.” Lucas mumbled a
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Thirty one
The news that Nathaniel and his men were gone had felt like a wrecking ball smashing through everyone’s stress and the tension that had settled over everyone. At least that was how it felt to Chloe. She had watched from the dining room as the large black transport trucks had slowly rumbled off into the distance. Seeing the convoy had left the blonde feeling confused, relieved, and worried. Her life had been a prison for so long now that Chloe had no idea what to expect now. Was she free to leave? Would she have to find another pack to call family? What about her family? Did she even have one to find? The anger she suddenly felt rolled over her like the stifling air of a summer heatwave. It filled her lungs and boiled her blood. Chloe hadn’t spared a thought to her parents ever. It wasn’t because she didn’t care but because it was an anguish she wanted to avoid especially when there was nothing she could do about it. But now, as her Nordic blue eyes settled on the convoy once more. Chl
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Thirty two
The inky depths seemed to go on forever with no end in sight. Chloe couldn’t tell up from down. She felt like she was sinking and any attempts to try and swim in the opposite direction simply had Chloe falling further and further into the watery void. Then, without warning, the void disappeared and the world around the blonde morphed into snowy ground and frozen trees. She could feel the snow under her naked feet and the cold wet air caress her skin like the fingers of the dead. Someone had cleared the pavement of snow and under the night sky, the asphalt looked like a river cutting neatly through the white blanket of snow. Orange Street lights illuminated the bellies of the grey clouds that hung above and in the distance were the lit signs of stores and restaurants. Chloe didn’t recognise the place but something in the back of her mind told her this was a human settlement of some kind. It wasn’t in the same state but was also close enough to share the same kind of weather. The shad
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Thirty three
Mate. The word reverberated in every ounce of Chloe’s being. Every synapse, every cell, every ounce of her body seemed to light up and sing the word like it was the only thing she knew and understood. Even the golden wolf locked in her mind had joined in the chorus until Chloe’s ears felt like they were ringing from the calamity within her. It felt like hours passed as the shocking revelation knocked the blonde for six, her heart skipping a beat when Lucas raised a rakish eyebrow questioningly at her as if he could hear every thought (or rather, the one single thought) on Chloe’s mind. The world seemed to fall back into place with that. Reality reappeared with a thud and what had felt like hours had only been a few seconds. Those few seconds were enough for Alvaro to depart, leaving Chloe alone with the black-haired, intimidatingly handsome male that now towered over her with eyes that reminded her of the forest and the ocean colliding. It was conditioned instinct for Chloe to run
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Thirty Four
Despite the pressure of having thirteen werewolves about to go through their first shift and another werewolf critically injured, Ursula looked as calm and composed as a statue. Her cool demeanour when the witch spotted Lucas and Chloe felt like a blast of arctic wind had just barrelled through the infirmary. It was obvious that the frigid welcome was solely for Lucas’ benefit as the towering male’s presence filled the small examination room like an overpowering wave of dominance and strength. Chloe had only seen the pair interact once before but she could already tell that some bad blood ran between them. It was the type that formed between family members or those one might consider family. Their presence was never outwardly welcome by the other but their history, bond and loyalty to each other was what kept the peace. It just didn’t stop the verbal jabs whenever the opportunity arose. “I need you to check Chloe over.” Lucas was straight to the point. “I’m a bit busy here, Lucas.”
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Thirty five
“You need to move them outside!”Lucas had been trying to help a nurse with one of the girls thrashing violently on a infirmary bed when the rushed voice of his mate rose up above the cacophony of noise. He looked up to see Chloe entering the infirmary, blue eyes wide and lips parted in shock. The noise they had all heard from the small examination room didn’t prepare any of them for what they wound when they entered the infirmary. Even Lucas had found himself shocked and he had seen his fair share of carnage during his time as a police officer and now an agent. However, the look was only there for a moment though before Chloe’s lips pursed together and her eyes darkened with determination.“I thought I told you to stay where you were.” Lucas replied roughly. “If you haven’t noticed, it’s a little chaotic in here!”Chaotic didn’t seem to aptly describe what was currently happening. Lucas was grateful that they didn’t have to also deal with the women and children that had been found in
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Thirty Six
The tidal wave of shock was quickly followed by anger before a maelstrom of confusion, grief, disbelief and rage cut through the pack bond like a punch to the chest.Chloe felt like the air had been knocked from her lungs and it took everything she had not to be dragged down by the riptide. Hecate’s hold on their body released like a rope snapping under pressure and Chloe was quick to take the reins and shift into her human form. She ignored the biting wind on her naked flesh as her blue eyes focusing on the scene below them. Around her, wolves shifted into humans as everyone let Emily’s words sink in. “Are you sure?” Chloe finally asked Emily, turning away from the gravesite. “I’m positive.” Emily replied quietly, her tone as solemn as the silence that surrounded them. “Don’t you feel it?” The blonde frowned in confusion, shaking her head softly. “Feel what?” “The bond with this place.” Freya spoke up from behind the pair. “It’s difficult to explain. It feels like...” “Coming ho
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Thirty Seven
"Hm…" "Hm?""Yes, hm."Chloe shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the urge to get up to run and hide squirming inside of her and pawing at her willpower. She felt her muscles tense in order to spring into action freezing only when hazel eyes landed on her, pinning her to her seat. It wasn't malice or disapproval that Lucas conveyed across their strengthening bond but assurance that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. She was safe, even if the old crone currently scrutinising her looked like she had the power to turn them all into dust. Dagmar was silent for a few more seconds before breathing in heavily and muttering a few foreign words. She finally limped over to an overstuffed armchair and collapsed into it, pulling a packet of cigarettes from the pocket of her cardigan. "Well?" Ursula's was as sharp as the eyebrow she raised on her blue eyes, her irritation for the other witch far from subtle and souring the air. "Well, what?" Dagmar challenged. "The girl is healthy. The moon
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Thirty Eight
The light from a fire jerked and writhed against the heavy stone walls that surrounded the small space. The smooth rock face went up some ten feet before curving inwards to create a ceiling that was painted inky black by the shadows.The naturally formed den was big enough for a small family to congregate. Mats and piles of furs were bundled tidily in one corner while primitive cushions littered the floor strategically. Treated hides had been stitched and then hung over the several exits that stopped this place from being a tomb to being a safe space. A home. The air was warm thanks to the fire in the middle of the room and the smoke lazily floated upwards into the only void of shadows. The scent of herbs and dried flowers fragranced the air, adding to the warmth until it felt like a thick blanket was wrapping around everything. The shadows pooled wherever the light of the fire couldn't get. They bubbled and boiled high above like a canopy of stormy seas. The life force in them puls
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Thirty Nine
Just like the previous times, coming back to reality was like plummeting from some great height into the depth of stormy seas. The surface swallowed her up like the mouth of a giant fish, sucking her down into the maelstrom of freezing cold darkness. It rolled her like a washing machine until she couldn't tell up from down or dark from light. But just as quickly as she had plummeted into that strange void between reality she knew and the reality she had come from, Chloe felt herself being pulled out of the depths. As she broke the surface, Chloe opened her eyes to be met with dim light and something soft and light covering her face. It took a few moments of sleepy confusion to work out that it was her hair that was blocking her vision and making her nose and cheeks tickle. It took a few more moments to realise that the light pouring in was from the morning sun.Pushing her hair from her face, Chloe froze when her blue eyes landed on the face of her male. It only t
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