All Chapters of Wolf Tales: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
Chapter 21
Harmless.The word bounced around in Riley's head as he sat opposite Lia in a booth at the restaurant. That was definitely not the word he'd use to describe her. Sensual was one word that came to mind. Luscious was another. Tempting. Oh, yeah, tempting. Because she definitely tempted him. The volatile impact the moment he walked over to her table had shocked the hell out of him. Other women had affected him, tempted him, appealed to him. But not like this. This was something completely different, and it unsettled him because he felt it was something so much deeper.The call from Jamie last night had tweaked his interest. But when she'd asked him to please check out this woman she was sure was stalking her, the last thing he'd expected to find was a petite woman with a body that begged for him to strip it naked, eyes the color of cobalt, and blonde hair that looked like a cascading silver waterfall. When she'd preceded him into the restaurant, his eyes had fastened of their own accord
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Chapter 22
This has to be the craziest thing I've ever done.Lia repeated it to herself numerous times during the afternoon. She asked him questions about his interest in Romania and the things he'd learned. She did her best to pluck as much information out of him as she could, but he really didn't tell her anything she hadn't learned from her grandparents. At the end of the day, Lia realized she had no more information about Jamie than she'd started out with.What she did learn as the day grew longer, however, was she was more attracted to Riley Morgan than she had ever been to another man. Just being with him had her nerves sizzling and her pulse doing the jive. She kept picturing him without his clothes, all sleek muscle and hard body. She had known since puberty shifters had extremely strong sex drives. In point of fact, she took certain herbs to help her control it. She wondered if even a massive dose could take the edge off what she was feeling for the very sexy Detective Riley Morgan.S
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Chapter 23
"Come on in." Riley opened the door and stepped aside so Lia could precede him."Wow!" was all she could say.The architectural design told her it was an older home but, obviously, Riley had put his heart and soul into it. The hardwood floors gleamed, reflecting the rays of late day sun slanting in through the wide, multi-paned windows and warming the rooms. Comfortable furniture in beige leather and the same green as the trim faced a fireplace and the big screen television hanging above it.Of course. Men and their toys.Riley tossed his keys into a pewter dish on a little table by the front door and, before she could ask to see the rest of the house, pulled her into his arms."Now I can give you a real kiss," he told her.Tunneling his fingers into her hair, his hand clasping her head, he took her mouth in a kiss she felt in every tiny part of her body. There was nothing tender about this one, nothing tentative or testing. This kiss stole her breath, heated her blood, and sent
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Chapter 24
"Will you take off your shirt so I can touch you, too?" She heard the faint tremble in her voice.He didn't answer her, just yanked his shirt over his head and let his gaze bore into hers like a laser. Tempted at the sight of his very masculine, very well-muscled chest and the fine sprinkling of hair that dusted it, she gave herself a treat. Bracing her hands at his waist, she leaned forward to flick her tongue over each of his bronze male nipples. A slight shudder raced through him, so she did it again. At the top of her pussy, his cock lay thickly against her, and she felt it swell and flex at the touch of her tongue to his chest."Jesus, Lia." His voice sounded tight, and his hands gripped her bare shoulders. "Have a heart. I'm right on the edge here as it is."She gave a giddy little laugh. "Already?"He slid a hand over to tilt up her chin. "Would you believe, since I laid eyes on you? But I want to take my time here, not rush things, if that's even possible. I don't want to m
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Chapter 25
Riley used his thumbs to open her even more and gave in to her mute pleas. Driving his tongue into her with a hard, sharp push, he set up an in-and-out motion that pushed her higher and higher. He went deep, pulled back, then drove deeper again, the rhythm of his strokes increasing with each plunge.Oh god, she was almost there. Almost! Almost!Then he took her throbbing clit between thumb and forefinger, pinched it hard, and she exploded. The inner walls of her pussy spasmed over and over again, clenching around Riley's tongue, the climax racing to every part of her. She pushed herself up to him as hard as she could, riding that educated tongue, eyes shut tightly as she gave herself over to a storm of sensations.Eventually, the spasms eased off to tremors, and finally the tremors to aftershocks. Relaxed against the softness of the covers, she unclenched her fists and tried to concentrate on getting some part of her brain back. Lia was no stranger to oral sex, although she hadn't d
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Chapter 26
Riley gave that deep laugh that rumbled through her. Then his face turned serious. "But maybe I can take more time looking at it later, until I've looked my fill. If that ever happens.""Take off the rest of your clothes, now," she told him. "I want a chance to look, too."He pushed himself to his feet, toed off his shoes, and unfastened his jeans. She watched him ease the zipper down over the significant bulge pressing against the fly. Her eyes were glued to him as he pushed both his jeans and knit boxers down his thighs and kicked them off. Then he stood there, a sculpted statue of muscle and bone, with its dusting here and there of very fine dark-brown hair.Her eyes dropped to his cock, and her mouth went completely dry. It rose proud and thick and full from the dark nest of curls at his groin, the head a deep purple, a swollen vein wrapped around the thick shaft. Below, the sac with his testicles hung weighty against his thighs. Every hormone and pheromone and other kind of 'mo
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Chapter 27
I've lost my fucking mind.That was all Riley could think, the phrase replaying in his mind as he drove through the streets of Calderwood to his house. He didn't usually have hot, scorching, incendiary sex with a woman scant hours after he'd met her. That wasn't his style. But, with Lia, it was almost as if he hadn't had a choice.Come see my house.Take off your clothes.Let me slide my cock into you and never take it out.Jesus. Just holy Jesus!At thirty-five, he had certainly been with his share of women, some of them for long periods, others short-term relationships. But none of them had ever affected him right at his core, right smack in the middle of his heart, of who he was, like Lia Popescue. He wondered fancifully if she was a witch who had cast a spell on him. Not that he believed in witches, although since accepting the reality of Mike Volka as a shapeshifter, nothing was off the plate.All he knew was, since he first saw her, touched her in the library, every fiber
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Chapter 28
They headed away from the library, riding in an unexpectedly comfortable silence. Riley wondered again what the hell he was doing. He tried to examine what had happened rationally, but it seemed sanity had nothing to do with this. He thought of the old adage about an unstoppable force and realized that was exactly what had happened here. From the moment he'd laid eyes on Lia Popescue in the library, it had all been out of his hands. Five minutes with her and he had to accept that she was the one, the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. How weird was that? To be as successful as he was as a detective, Riley had to be rational, sensible, logical, all those things. And none of them applied to what was happening here.Don't fight it, he told himself. Sometimes you just have to accept what Fate brings you, especially if it was woman like Lia Popescue who rocked him to his core.He knew, however, the conversation they would have shortly could have a dramatic effect on their sit
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Chapter 29
She was telling him the truth. If this thing between them that had blasted out of nowhere like a space capsule and hit them both with the force of a runaway train was to work, then the Volkas would need to accept her. She hated to think what would happen if they didn't. It wasn't only Jamie's misgivings that had to be set to rest. She needed to know if Mike Volka was indeed wolf and which pack he descended from.Settling herself in her chair, she lifted her glass of wine, needing the drink to settle her nerves."To us." Mike touched his glass to hers.His smile alone settled her. "To us," she agreed.They kept the dinner conversation light, discussing the kind of movies and books they liked, the activities they enjoyed, things like that. But when dinner was over, they carried the dishes into the kitchen, and Mike refilled their wine glasses yet again and guided her back out to the patio. The sky was the bluish-slate color of midevening, the moon an emerging silver slice against the
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Chapter 30
Lia relaxed, her hands, still held securely in Riley's. It would happen, she told herself. Maybe not as fast as she would like, so she needed to exercise some self-control. Maybe some of the material she'd studied in the library would help, too. She'd learned a lot about packs, how they formed, what the power structure was, and how they interacted with other packs. At least it would give her the background she needed and hadn't had up to this point. The ramblings of her grandparents had hardly been enough to give her a cohesive picture.Riley trusted her, and now she would trust him to handle this and get her the information she needed. If there was one tiny bit of hesitation, it was the worry Mike's family history might identify him as a member of the pack that had destroyed hers. She'd have to cross that bridge when she came to it."All right. I leave it in your hands. They're your friends, and you know how to approach them." She lifted her face to his. "Can we seal it with another
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