All Chapters of Wolf Tales: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
43 Chapters
Chapter 31
Riley's night had been long and tense, and the condition of the victim had imprinted itself on his mind. How, he wondered, could one human being be so brutal with another? Leslie Finnegan had suffered both a broken arm and cracked ribs, a concussion and severe bruising and tearing in the vaginal area. He was sickened by the medical report and more determined than ever to find this piece of scum who had invaded the peaceful environment of his town. The worst part of it was they had no leads whatsoever. Today, after he managed to catch an hour or two of sleep, he and his partner would start the door-to-door canvas in the neighborhood to find out if, hopefully, someone had seen something out of place."He may not live in the neighborhood," their lieutenant had cautioned them. "Or even in Calderwood."That was true. But Riley and his partner had been cops long enough to know predators like this often went hunting in their own backyards. They were egotistically confident no one would susp
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Chapter 32
By late afternoon, Riley was more discouraged than when they'd started. He met his partner, Charlie Ramos, on the sidewalk. They'd decided, after the first couple of hours, to split up somewhat. They'd alternate houses on each block. That way, they'd finish up faster and could compare notes."Anything?" he asked when they met back at their vehicles.Charlie shook his head. "Nada.He'd make it a point to stop by and see Jamie and Mike before he went home tonight. They needed to have a straight and honest conversation. Electric chemistry between them aside, Riley sensed no threat to anyone from Lia. He was relying on his cop instincts here, and they had never failed him. So the questions now were, would Jamie and Mike talk to her, and what was her real motive for her search?But that was for later. Right now, he had a rapist to identify, and the prospects so far were less than nothing."Okay," he said to Charlie. "We've worked the streets closest in proximity to where the attacks to
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Chapter 33
"This is either really bad," Mike said in a tone only half-joking, "or very good. Come on, Riley. Don't keep us in suspense.""Okay, here's the bare bones of it. And the reasons why I think you should talk to her."He told them about his lunch with Lia and the afternoon they'd spent together. Told them her reasons for wanting to meet Jamie and ask about the book. He gave them his assessment of her as a person and why he did not think she was a danger to them. As delicately as possible, he hinted at the connection they'd instantly made, hoping his friends wouldn't either laugh him out of the house or be pissed off that he was pursuing a relationship - and what a mild word that was for what he felt - with someone they found suspicious.When he told them he'd brought her home to stay, they didn't seem to be nearly as shocked or angry as he'd expected."Why aren't you shouting at me?" he asked. "Or telling me I'm out of my mind?""Finish your story," Mike said, "and then I'll answer y
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Chapter 34
Lia sat with her hands clenched together in her lap, knowing Riley was waiting for her to open her car door and get out. She was trying to control the worst case of nerves she could remember having in a very long time."It's okay," he assured her yet again. "I promise they won't kill you.""That's not funny," she said. "There are some things worse than death.""Well, this won't be it. You have my word. Come on, they're expecting us."By the time she undid her seat belt and gathered her purse, Riley had jogged around to her side of the car and opened the door for her. He reached a hand out to her, and she put one of hers into its blessed warmth. When he circled his fingers around it, she drew strength from him.This was so not like her. She was usually fearless, never afraid of anything. But this was so important, on so many fronts. It would be a turning point in her life."Trust me," he told her.She let out a long breath. "Okay. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."He kept h
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Chapter 35
"No," Mike said at last. "Not yet, anyway. Are you sure there's nothing else you want to tell us?" Those golden eyes seemed to bore right into her."Yes. No." She wet her lips. "I mean, I'm not sure."Beside her Riley stirred and reached a hand out to stroke her cheek."Maybe it's my turn to interject something." He cleared his throat. "It seems to me the two of you are dancing around two critical items. He held up a finger. "One. Are you related? Two." He held up another finger. "Does the book apply to both of you? There has to be a common link, so if there is, just put it out there.""But - " Mike interjected."Uh uh uh. Cop talking here. If it turns out you guys are enemies centuries back, I'll keep things under control." He leaned forward and raised a third finger. "Three. What if you are connected in some way? I know there are a lot of Romanians in this country, but how many are actually looking for this book?""Let me put this out there," Jamie said. "I've learned so much s
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Chapter 36
Riley pulled off his clothes, all except his knit boxers, and dropped them onto the chair in the bedroom. He'd worry about them tomorrow. Right now, he was so ramped up, so electrified, he could hardly stand still. He and Lia had not left the Volkas until after midnight. She and Mike had pored over the book - now he could understand why they spoke of it in italics - trying to trace all the different places they interconnected. Looking for relatives who might still be alive and figuring out how they could find them."Shifters don't exactly have genealogy societies," he'd said with a chuckle.Lia was in overdrive, so excited he wasn't sure she'd ever settle down."Do you realize," she said, "what this means? Maybe we can finally gather the remnants of the pack. We can be a unit again, even a small one." She tossed off her clothes, dropping them in a pile on the closet floor. "Oh, sorry." She grinned at him. "I'll pick them up tomorrow. Promise. I'm really a very neat person."He laug
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Chapter 37
Unable to wait any longer, Riley dropped to his knees in front of Lia and began trailing kisses over her from her navel to her thighs. She trembled at his touch, gripping his shoulders hard to steady herself as he slid his mouth over her petal-soft, sweet-tasting skin. He paused a moment to swirl his tongue around the indentation of her navel before drawing a line with the tip down to her pubic curls and the curve of her mound.Drawing in a deep breath, he inhaled her scent, an intoxicating combination of the flowery soap she used, her musk, and the faint traces of wolf. His cock, which was already harder than concrete, seemed to swell even more, to an almost painful state. With his thumbs, he opened the outer lips of her pussy and took a moment to stare at the erotic sight. The petal-pink flesh had darkened to a lush rose and glistened with her juices already lubricating her.Spreading the lips open a little wider, he flicked the tip of his tongue over the hardened nub of her clit,
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Chapter 38
"I liked tasting myself on your lips last night. Did you like your own taste as well?""Yes," she breathed, and licked her own lips for emphasis."Next time I plan to mingle our tastes in an erotic cocktail." He licked her lips again. "My flavor and that of my wolf."She smiled at him. "And how was sex with your wolf?"He gave a rough laugh. "Incredible, but we aren't finished." He rose to his feet and rearranged her on the bed so she lay with her head on the pillows. "Don't move. I'll be right back."In the bathroom, he ran cold water over his hands to dial down his heat and grabbed the box of condoms he'd stopped for on the way to the Volkas. He'd been stunned to realize he had only one left in his stash. Had it been that long since he'd had sex? Apparently so, and that was a shocker. He was a man with a healthy sexual appetite, but apparently no one had appealed to it in a long time.He swallowed a smile. That was okay. Every other woman he'd ever been with paled in comparison
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Chapter 39
Lia was stirring a pot on the stove when she heard the sound of the garage door going up then the slam of Riley's car door and the opening and closing of the door into the garage."Lucy, I'm home." he called, in the age-old imitation of the familiar phrase from the Lucille Ball show."In the kitchen," she called back.Her stomach jittered with nerves, and her hand on the mixing spoon was not quite steady. All day, she'd been going over this situation with Riley, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. And all day she'd avoided the answers, not sure she wanted to hear them. She was both anxious for him to come home and dreading it.She knew he'd head for the bedroom where he'd lock up his gun and shield. Then she heard his footsteps in the kitchen."Something smells really good in here." He came up behind her, swept her hair to one side, and placed a string of soft kisses on her neck.Lia shivered as delicious heat swept over her. Her nipples beaded, her pussy ached, a
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Chapter 40
"Okay." The word popped out before Lia could organize her thoughts. She was nervous and relieved at the same time. "I'll marry you."Mike tugged her out of the chair, tunneled his fingers in her hair to anchor her head, and gave her a kiss that seared her down to her toes. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, sweeping it over every surface and tangling with hers. Only when they both ran out of breath did he finally lift his head and grin at her, hunger glittering in his eyes."You had to know I'd never let you get away.""I hoped," she told him. "But you didn't bring it up.""Like I said, I was afraid it would break the spell and you'd leave." He sprinkled kisses on both cheeks. "Let's eat and we can talk about the future, okay?"In the end, it had been so easy, she laughed at herself for all the crazy thoughts she'd had. They'd gotten past the biggest hurdle. Her wolf. Everything else should be a piece of cake. Right?"Graphic designer," Riley mused when she told him. "You work
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