All Chapters of TO BECOME HIS LUNA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
I suppose my Mom's words have made him see things her way. Relief washes over me. It means more than I can convey that he supports me in this decision to leave. It is the complete opposite of what he felt only half an hour ago.The peaceful silence we fall into grows. Mom and Dad smile at each other then at us. I know what this means for us and it is going to be harder than I imagined it would. I feel a strange sense of comfort when Samuel reaches under the table and places his hand on top on mine. Our hands rest in my lap."I guess I should start packing then," I say, breaking the silence."Would you like some help?" Mom offers."I would like that."It is going to be the last time she will get to spend any time together with me for a while. I need this because I am going to be parted from her for who knows how long.Samuel gives me an encouraging nod. "I'll just run into town and fill up the tank for our journey back. It's going to take us at least two hours to get there providing tr
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I press myself even further into the wall when he takes a step towards me. A whimper unintentionally escapes my throat. I can only imagine how weak I appear to him. However, he doesn't look much better. Behind his eyes, he is broken. Perhaps not as much as I am, but he doesn't get out of this completely unscathed.He stops mid stride and holds his hands up in front of him, allowing me to see he won't come any further. If he does, I am sure to break all over again."I'm just here to talk," he says. "I won't come any further if you will prefer it."I don't speak. I am afraid to. My voice can't hold up speaking to him. If I do, everything I have buried deep inside of me will come spilling out with my words. Instead of answering, I just nod and he understands. He drops his hands and sits on the edge of my bed facing me.My wolf is all ears."I had to see you before you left. I need to explain myself before you decide on hating me forever."His words seem sincere. My wolf believes him."I w
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Samuel places the last of the bags in the back of his truck. My parents stand by the door, with my father bracing mum as she watches us with tear filled eyes. It is a mix of both happy and sad tears. Although she is happy that I am getting a fresh start, she is also sad to see me go. It is the same for me.I have spent the last half hour, while Samuel was loading up, telling them goodbye. I have hugged and kissed them at least a dozen times. I was not sure they were going to let me go."Are you ready?" he asks, closing the tailgate and proceeding to my side of the vehicle. His hand rests on the door handle while he awaits my reply. He watches the brief exchange of emotions between me, my Mom, and Dad.I smile at them and they return it just as happily despite the tears. They are truly happy ones. I lift my hand and give them a last wave goodbye with a slight movement of my hand while trying to convince myself that this is the right thing to do. I know that it is, but now, here in the
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I tense at his words. The next full moon? We haven't discussed our mating date yet. I thought I was supposed to be a part of that decision?I shoot him a disgruntled look but then I decide that I'll wait until after this is over before I question him about that."I hope you will all give her a warm welcome to our pack. I want her to feel at home here," he finishes, then he shoots me a breath taking smile that surely would have melted me like a hot knife through butter if I wasn't still hurting due to recent events.There are murmurs of kind words and delighted looks of the faces of the pack. Almost immediately people are lining up to greet me. They have obeyed Samuel's request without issue. None of them seems forced to be polite."It's nice to meet you Grace," an older woman says, shaking my hand. "I'm Agnes, Samuel's Aunt. It's nice to finally put a face to the name." "It's a pleasure to meet you too," I reply.She smiles fondly at Samuel. "She's so pretty, Sonny. You picked a good
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When the morning comes I have forgotten where I am. Nothing looks familiar to me and it isn't until my consciousness fully returns that the events of yesterday start flooding back into my mind. Left pack...slept in Samuel's room.Samuel.He isn't here. The room is empty and the couch that served as his bed is made up and utterly untouched. It is as if he hasn't even spent the night here at all. I have to think back to yesterday just to be sure I haven't imagined him being here.I glance at the clock on the bedside table and yawn. Nine-thirty a.m. it reads. It isn't much different than time I normally wake up in the mornings at home.I slide myself to the side of the bed and push myself off with ease. My feet meet the blue carpet I had admired yesterday.I quickly make my way to the bathroom to use it, before my bladder bursts, then attempt to clean myself up in front of the mirror before anyone catches sight of my ghastly appearance. My hair is in every direction on top of m
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The pack territory is even bigger than I had imagined. What Samuel had referred to as a small housing community for the pack in the woods, is no small community at all. It is quite large; almost the size of our pack village, just slightly smaller. Samuel's pack still outnumbers them by double nonetheless.The houses are nice. The community is a close knit neighborhood. Though the houses are on the smaller side they make up for it in beauty. Side by side, the houses are lined up next to each other, not very far apart.Kids play outside while several adults and wolves roam the land. Most of them seem to just be keeping an eye on things. Some of the familiar faces I met last night stare back at me with smiles, all of them bowing their heads in respect. It surprises me that they are already treating me like Samuel's mate even when we have not yet made a step in the mating direction yet."Welcome back to the territory, Alpha," one of the men says."Yes, it's been too long," another person
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I don't sleep well. I try to suppress the memories deep in my subconscious but they resurface over night and the dull wounds left from Logan's wake feel entirely too fresh for me.I scream and clutch my chest all night. My soul is being torn apart all over again as the vivid dream plays through my mind like a horror movie on repeat.Somewhere in my mind I think I know it is merely a dream, but I can not find my way back to reality. I am lost in my own mind with no one to bring me out of my suffering.He has rejected us, my wolf whispers. He has chosen another mate.My wolf whimpers at the new realization and I wish for anything that I can in some way console her, but I am just as broken as her. I feel weak and sick. I have to grab onto the counter just to keep my balance. Logan becomes concerned, but he doesn't move to help me."She's pregnant. Josephine is having our pups," he says.No.The pain inside me is more excruciating than I can convey. It feel as if something inside me has
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You helped Samuel with this didn't you?" I ask him.He shoots me another sympathetic look before standing from the bed and answering me. "Yes and one other couple. Your situation is very rare; there are very few people who take on other mates. Unfortunately, it happens though. It's more common in wolves that have lost their mate to some unfortunate circumstance, like a war or illness. That is if they survive the loss.""You know someone else who has gone through it though," I state. "Yes, there is a couple in the pack who lost their mates and the dreams were the same. The only difference is, they would feel the pain of their mate's death all over again, instead of a rejection."I sit silently. I suppose that is much worse than a rejection. Though a rejection is much like death. You still grieve the same way. You grieve for the loss off your mate. However, I wasn't mated to Logan. That would have destroyed me completely. I doubt I would have survived it."They were able to overcome it
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Once again Samuel and I find ourselves inside the big city that we stopped in on the way to his territory. I am doing my best to adjust to it, but like before, I feel like I stick out- and not in a good way.The restaurant we are in this time is not like the one we were before. This one is nicer and better yet, it is Italian- my favorite. I ask for the spaghetti.After we have eaten our meals we sit at the table making light conversation over dessert, which is almost finished off now.I find it surprising how easy it is to talk to him sometimes. When we aren't worried about things like our rejections or the mating, we fall into conversations effortlessly. It is really nice. Samuel even seems to be quite laid back and carefree tonight which is something I haven't seen in a while. It is very unexpected after how Alpha he went on me today. I'm just glad he has more to him than just his job.Even now, we sit in the nearly empty restaurant laughing our heads off at a story he is telling me
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Even with so little effort to get ready this early in the morning Samuel can still look so good, like some kind of model or Greek God, with sculpted figures. Life isn't as fair to me.He is watching Dominic and Dylan with a carefully trained expression. I can tell by their reactions something is wrong. Dylan must have mind linked him and told him what was going on seeing as their expressions all mirror each other. I let the blanket fall to the bed when I take his hand and stand up with him. He places his hand around my waist protectively and walks me to the door.Dylan and Dominic respectively move out of our way and start down the hallway just ahead of us. From what I can tell, almost everyone is still in bed except for the few early risers, and some of the pack fighters that have been on boarder control overnight.They bow their heads at us respectively as we pass by them.I grow even more confused when the group traveling with us leads us outside. Kyle is now with us as well, and B
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