All Chapters of TO BECOME HIS LUNA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
“And this is my room," I tell James as we come to the end of our tour. "Well, it will be when I fix it up," I correct myself.I push open the white door and flip the light switch on then take a look around. I have only ever been in this room one other time, so I am still getting used to it. It is definitely not as grand as Samuel's room, but it is still very nice and it's going to suit me perfectly. Everything is white and wood colored.Tomorrow I'll have Samuel take me into town and pick up some paint for it. I think it will look beautiful with half purple and half white walls with a thin border separating them. I can practically envision the whole thing."It's nice, I guess; for a girls room anyway," James says, looking around."Well I guess it's a good thing you don't have to live in it then," I laugh, slapping his shoulder teasingly.He walks further into the room and looks around before plopping down in the pale pink chair in front of the window. He kicks his feet up on the bed n
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Kyle and Luka seem more than happy to accompany us into town. Today Kyle is being his usual funny, laid back self and it is a refreshing change from the past couple of days. I liked the funny Kyle much better than a serious Kyle.After an hour of torturing the guys with girly songs on the radio that Laura and I have chosen to listen to, we finally arrive at town.We all pile out of the vehicle one by one and make our way into the huge store. I already feel lost and I haven't even began looking for what I need. Kyle sees my overwhelmed look and offers to lead the way. Thankfully he knows his way around much better than I do.In my town we only had a small hardware store off Main Street and the selection there was very limited. Anything that wasn't used on an everyday basis had to be specially ordered. It took days or sometimes weeks to get what you needed. Being in a big city like this one really makes me realize how limited my hometown was.Here, I am like a fish out of water. This is
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His lips are soft and gentle and they work in sync with mine. I'm not sure at what point it happens, but I quickly find my hands running through his hair and pulling him closer. I shock myself by how much I am enjoying the kiss.I have never really pictured myself kissing him or anyone else that wasn't my mate for that matter. But here, and now, it just feels right. I can't even begin to explain the emotions that are running through me.The moment is broken, sooner than I like, when Samuel chuckles and pulls away from me. He gently trails his hands up my arms that lead to his hair where my hands are entangled. He brings them down and holds them in his.My mind is reeling from our unexpected moment of passion and I am trying my best to make sense of it. I'm not sure what has overcome me, but it scares me more than I'd like to admit. I've never given in to someone so easily."Believe me; as much as I'd love to stay and see where this goes, you need to get ready. David will be here soon
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It's now four hours since Samuel claimed me and I am still in a world of pain. I cry for hours on end because it is almost unbearable. If it were not for him holding me in his arms I'm sure the pain would be incredibly worse.My emotions are also all over the place as well and I can't think straight. I have never felt more bipolar in all my life. This is another reason for my tears. One minute I am fine and the next I am crying. The sheets on the bed are covered with blood and the room in the scent. It's a good thing I don't have an aversion to blood or I would be sick.At times I find myself hating Samuel for causing me to be in this extreme amount of pain and want to push him away. Though when I start to go through with it I back out and can't do it. I need, no want him next to me. His arms offer so much comfort. I think the claim is starting to forge the bond already and my wolf is accepting it. She has yet to make her appearance though. I can only hope that he has saved her.An ho
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My heart drops into my stomach. Oops. Am I in trouble? What did I do? We didn't ruin anything with the paint.I immediately shake my head at how I am reacting.No this is stupid. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm just overreacting. He has nothing to be upset about.I nod my head and walk past Kyle and Luka to meet Samuel. As soon as I reach him he takes my hand and leads me out the door. He quickly pulls me into his room and shuts the door behind us. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed as if he is waiting for something."Is something wrong?" I ask with the raise of my eyebrow.He simply frowns. It is just amazing to me how hot he looks even when he does that. I just want to reach up and kiss him.He reaches into his pocket and pulls out my phone and hands it to me."Your friend Doreen called you three times in the past thirty minutes. It seems important so I thought you'd like to know. You left your phone by the bed," he answers briskly."Okay," I say, still wondering why
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To my dismay, my mom doesn't have much to tell me about Doreen. She says that her mom told her that Doreen left with some guys but that is nothing of value to me. I already know she is mixed up with the wrong people.Mom also tells me that Doreen's mom has not heard from her for a week and there are people out there looking for her.I don't tell mom that Doreen is coming here in case she is hiding out from someone. The less people that know about her the better, I will not risk anything. If she wants anyone to know her whereabouts she will tell them herself. I lay in bed worrying while Samuel sleeps soundly next to me. I am much too scared to sleep. However, after three a.m. exhaustion gets the best of me and I fall helplessly into a deep state of sleep, dreaming once again of Logan and my rejection. The only difference this time is that unlike the other times, it doesn't hurt me and I'm thankful to Samuel for saving me. When morning comes I am alone in bed. The clock reads nine for
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"Open the door," Samuel yells. "I think we need to remind the rogue who is in charge again. No one threatens me or my mate."At that point I decide to take my leave. Though Samuel and his wolves have good reason to do what they are doing, I can't bare to watch it. I am not a fan of torture. I need to get away quickly.Samuel doesn't stop me when I leave, to my relief and as I pace from the building I can hear the cries of pain from the rogue in cell three. Five against one, he doesn't stand a chance. Back at the mansion I call my mom. I need to know whether she and my dad are alright. After Noah's threatening question I am more than shaken up about it.She picks up on the third ring."Mom, how are you?" I ask anxiously."I'm fine dear, what the matter?""And dad? How is he?"No doubt my questioning will raise some suspicion."Yes, he fine as well. What is this about? Are you okay?" Worry and is prominent in her voice."I'm fine, but I would be better if you were here. Do you think you
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My breath is caught in my throat in surprise. My eyes grow large in size. "They're all after me?""Yes," she nods. "Grog more than anyone."His name sends shivers all over me and I gasp. No it can't be. The rogues are the bad people Doreen got mixed up with. I stand next to her and grab her arm."Was Grog among your kidnappers?""Grog? No, he has a mate; if you could even call her that. Amelia was stolen too. She was taken from her mate and forced to be with him. Her mate died at the hands of Grog.""That's awful. Couldn't she escape with you?" I ask. She shakes her head. "No, there was barely enough time for me to escape and she wouldn't leave without him anyway. The forced bond has made her love him even though she believes what he is doing is wrong.""So she's kind of stuck," I quip."Yes. And I couldn't allow that to happen to me. Thankfully, Noah was captured before he was able to make it back to me and the rogues. Amelia borrowed Grog's phone and was able to send me a text tell
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It has been four days after the marking and I am starting to grow hopeful that Alpha Arthur and his mate were wrong about the side effects of it. Yes, there is s some longing between us, but nothing that can warrant me being locked up over, thankfully. Other than Samuel being more Alpha than human, we are fine and I feel confident it will stay that way.I wake up with a smile remembering that Doreen is staying with us now and I can't wait to run next door and see her again. We have a lot of time to make up for. We have never been separated for as long as we have been this time. It is unsettling and I am overjoyed to have her back.I take a shower and get dressed all before ten A.M and I marvel at it, being up before noon, perhaps it is all the excitement of Doreen being here. The news of a new pack member joining us have spread like wildfire since yesterday according to Samuel and the pack is eager to meet with her. Doreen is less enthused though. She is nervous, and is worried that t
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My throat constricts and I release the photo letting it fall easily onto the desk. He is there the entire time, just watching me. The thoughts of him being so close to me sends unwelcome shivers up my spine."What do I do?" I ask shakily.Samuel goes round the desk and grasps my shoulders. "We don't do anything. I'll handle it.""Handle it? Handle it how?""Let me worry about that. The less you know the better," he says, hoping to ward me off the subject."You said you wouldn't keep things from me and I'd like to know."He just stares back at me, unmoving and silent.I place my arms on his and walk into them leaving our faces only inches apart. "What are you going to do?Please tell me it's not killing Noah.That will only make things worse. Grog will revenge. He remains unmoved as he speaks. "But this is only the start of my revenge. He threatened you and killed my parents. He has it coming to him."I run my hands through my blonde lengths, letting out a sigh of frustration. He is ac
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