All Chapters of Hybrid Luna : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
78 Chapters
Chapter 11
Neaera-Standing inside my old room, I was overwhelmed with many various emotions. Returning had proved to be more challenging than I had expected. From the moment I saw Stryker, to the moment I locked myself in my old room, I had nearly succumbed to the same girl I had once been.If there was one thing, I was good at doing, it was hiding what I was feeling, even though it was nothing more than a façade. I had thought I would be okay when I arrived, but that thought quickly vanished when I saw Stryker. Just like myself, he has changed a lot over the years, losing his boyish charm and becoming more rugged.I wasn’t sure what to feel regarding him. On one hand, he looked like the brother I once knew, while at the same time he didn’t. The only thing I knew was that my feelings for him weren’t simple. Hopefully, I can complete this mission before I have a chance to figure it out.Pulling out my phone, I looked at the screen to check the time. In about two hours the sun will be down. Once
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Chapter 12
Neaera-Having decided not to let it worry me about if I was found out or not, I returned to my room to get a few hours of sleep. When I woke up, I was surprised to find an array of dishes on the dining room table. All my old favorite foods were scattered around the table, as well as some other types.Stryker was sitting at the head of the table, where our father used to sit. I had to remind myself that it was Stryker’s father and not mine. Expecting that his parents would be joining us for breakfast, I felt a moment of panic.Since I arrived, I haven’t run into them, even though I knew it would be a matter of time before I did. I was tempted to turn around and wait until later to come downstairs. Taking a step back I thought I could get away without being spotted.Before I could take another step, Stryker looked up and a smile spread across his face. Oddly, I felt strange with the way he was looking at me. An image of him from when he was younger flashed in my head, and I nearly forg
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Chapter 13
Neaera-Arriving at the school, I had mixed feelings about going inside. The school was my biggest regret and held the most memories. Pausing just outside the glass double doors, which would take us inside the school, I couldn’t stop myself from remembering everything I went through.Stryker turned towards me and for a moment I thought he was going to find out the truth about who I was. I couldn’t think of a good enough excuse as to why I was standing here, afraid to go inside. Without looking at him, I could tell he was watching me closely.“This is where all the kids in the pack attend school. Everyone from preschool, all the way up to high school. I know it doesn’t look like much, but this is also where we do most of our training and pack meetings.” Stryker explained, although I already knew why we were at the school.I was just thankful that he didn’t see through my hesitation. Unlike other packs, this one focused more on training and education. Therefore, there wasn’t a large pac
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Chapter 14
Stryker-Hearing Chloe question Neaera had both my wolf and me wanting to lash out at her. From the way Chloe was staring her down, I could tell she was trying to show dominance toward Neaera. Taking a step forward, I was about to force her to submit to me, but I stopped when Neaera started speaking.“I suppose you want me to prove myself to you?”A smirk appeared on Chloe’s face as she folded her arms over her chest. At this point, I wasn’t sure what to do. My first instinct was to protect my mate, just as I always have. As I looked over at Neaera though, I realized she wasn’t the same as she once was.Other than her eyes and the knowledge she was my mate, there wasn’t anything I knew about her. In the five years that I missed out on, it was obvious that so much has changed. There was a powerful aura around her that was hard to miss.“That is exactly what I am saying.” Chloe said with a show of arrogance written all over her features, from her head all the way down to her toes.“Name
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Chapter 15
Neaera-I had no intention of letting the fight drag out. Even if I had to play my trump card, I was going to put Chloe in her place once and for all. It was a pity that she didn’t know who I was, but I knew who she was, and I remembered all the things she had done to me.Watching her strip out of her clothes, I did feel a little envious of her. Although I was part werewolf, I couldn’t connect with my wolf in the same way she could. I could connect to my wolf side, but I lacked the bond a werewolf has with their wolf after they undergo their first phase.While I had been human, I had dreamed of being a werewolf and being able to shift with the others. Every time I watched the pack go out for their pack runs, I had been left alone to observe from afar. Still, it was a dream I would never achieve since my vampire side prevented me from being able to fully connect.Being one-half of two worlds would always put me at odds. Some days I had even wished I was human, just so I could belong so
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Chapter 16
Neaera-Over the next few days, I managed to avoid Stryker as much as possible. I could feel his eyes on me every time we were around each other but to my relief, he didn’t bother me. It was obvious that he was suspicious of me, which I hoped would go away as long as I didn’t let myself slip up again.There had been a few times he attempted small talk with me, but I managed to make up an excuse that I had something else to do. It wasn’t a complete lie, considering I have been busy trying to find a connection with all the vampire attacks. I have been here for nearly a week and still, there hasn’t been another attack.As bad as it sounded, I kind of wished they would attack. The longer I was here, the more I felt that my secret was going to be revealed. Keeping up with false pretenses for extended periods of time was difficult.It wasn’t just about hiding that I was a Hybrid, it was about hiding that I was once his adopted sister. I no longer viewed him as my brother, yet we did have a
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Chapter 17
Neaera-With the grace that rivaled that of a vampire, I landed on the ground. Since I didn’t know what direction the vampires were coming from, nor how many, I didn’t have time to worry about revealing that I was a hybrid. Digging my toes in the wet soil beneath me, I pushed forward and started running as fast as I could.I knew Zach and the others could handle themselves, yet from the sound of things, I was going to need to use every ability that I possessed. Forcing all thoughts and feelings away, I allowed my bloodlust to take over. If I had any chance of finding the vampires before they found anyone in this pack, I needed to tap into my vampire side.Having come to terms that I was part vampire, regardless of whether I liked it or not, it was the only thing I had that gave me the upper hand. A burning desire to kill flowed through me. Dropping my mental block, I prepared myself to be bombarded with emotions.Concentrating solely on the emotions that I recognized from the bloodlus
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Chapter 18
Neaera- Looking into his eyes, I silently pleaded with him to not turn away from me just because I was a freak. I expected him to at least think about whether or not to save me, but to my astonishment, he pressed the inside of his wrist to my mouth. Fresh tears fell from my eyes as I widened my mouth and pierced his flesh with my fangs. The moment I tasted his blood in my mouth, my eyes widened in surprise. Unlike when I tasted Zach’s blood, I felt as if I was connecting with Stryker. It was like his blood was alive and sending light tingles through my body. With every tingle, I could feel myself becoming stronger as my body healed. With the extensiveness of my injuries, I was a little thrown off by how quickly it was working. There was something about his blood that was different. Drinking from Stryker felt more intimate as a feeling of pleasure took over me. It wasn’t sexual, but it did feel good as warmth spread across my body. I heard myself moan as more of his blood filled my
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Chapter 19
Neaera-His expression didn’t give anything away as he stared at me for a long moment. I didn’t fully understand why I was so anxious about his response, or if he would accept me. Hadn’t I been ready to be done with this mission so I could get as far away from here as possible?Now the idea of leaving again scared me more than anything. Coming face to face with the Vampire King had left me feeling uncertain about everything, including who I was. I would give anything to go back to who I was before meeting Dimitri.“How did this happen?” Stryker asked after a long silence.“I don’t know for sure. After I left here five years ago, I learned that I was a Hybrid. Zach found me while I was in the middle of transition and took me in to help and train me. I am a little different from other hybrids, but I don’t know why. All I do know is one of my parents was a werewolf, while the other a vampire.”“So, you are telling me that you were never a human?” He looked confused now, his eyes diverted
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Chapter 20
Stryker-Looking between Zach and Nea, I couldn’t help but wonder if their relationship was more than friends. My eyes fell on Zach’s hand, which was holding onto Nea. Seeing another male touch my mate didn’t sit well with me.I couldn’t react to it though, especially since my relationship with her was rocky at best. Not to mention she didn’t know she was my mate. Then there was the fact that I still had to make up for our past.It was going to have to wait until later though because this wasn’t a conversation that Zach needed to be a part of. When he first showed up, I had nearly lost my temper with him. Not because he barged in without gaining permission, but because for the first time since Nea arrived, she had trusted me enough to tell me what was going on.Our conversation had been gaining ground until Zach interrupted us. I still had many more questions to ask, and I thought that we could come to terms with what happened five years ago. Needless to say, we barely scratched the
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