All Chapters of Rival Mafia’s Matrimony : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
93 Chapters
*****Nikita POV*****After the provocative shower, I could not get Leo’s sexy body out of my head no matter how hard I tried. It took me the whole two hours of turning and tossing in bed struggling to fall asleep after he left he hanging like that. The bastard is really hot and he knows it. I head straight to the shower the first thing in the morning and last nights memories come rushing in, leaving me breathless. The way his body pressed against mine and how his experienced hands touched me at all the right places still linger in my mind. I wonder how the real thing feels like. “Careful now, Niki. He is playing games with you, don’t be so gullible. You can play this game too, remember?” My pep talk is enough to get me ready for my revenge. I strategically leave my toiletry bag half closed, tempting him to look inside. I wish I can be here to see his expression when he sees the condoms I left inside. I did not take Father and Hunter’s offer to get condoms the day I flew here because t
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Broken trust
*****Leo POV*****Niki is unsurprisingly shocked when I tell her that uncle was the one who tried to abduct her years ago. We spent so many years hating each other, I don’t want her to find out the truth and hate me over again. I also want to make it clear to her that Owen and I had nothing to do with that. “Obviously! You were fifteen back then, dummy,” is her response. I love how relaxed she is around me. I want to tell her that even if I wasn’t fifteen, that even now I would never hurt her, but I can’t because it’s not true. In two months time, I will kill her father if I can’t find Jake’s killer. Knowing her, the chances are she might want to stop me or avenge him and I can’t guarantee that I won’t hurt her. I don’t make any promises but I pull her closer and kiss her instead. This, pleasuring her and making her scream my name, I can rely on, and that’s what I will do the whole week. I cant suppress my laughter when she feels my dick pressing on her thigh. She has the unique abi
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Davi army
*****Leo POV*****Owen and I roll on the floor with his gun falling a distance away from us. I catch a glimpse of Niki before the door closes and a sense of relief washes over me. The bullet missed, she is alive, but that was too damn close. I roll away from Owen and jump to my feet. “What the fuck, Owen!” I yell, ready to tear my stupid cousin apart. I can’t believe he actually shot at Niki. Owen sits up and looks at me, dumbfounded. “She shot you.”I completely lose it. Owen has not been himself lately. I understand that everything has been stressful but his slip-ups are becoming really dangerous. “It’s Niki, freakin’ Davi! i.e. the reason we are still alive and our damn life insurance. What the fuck is wrong with you?” I am really frustrated with him, I can’t help it. He seems to have forgotten why I agreed to be Niki’s bodyguard in the first place. Owen sighs. “She shot you and I panicked, okay?” he explains and I totally get him. He will chose me over anyone else and over any
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*****Niki POV*****The walk from the courtyard to the elevators feels really long. It’s hard to walk with Leo insisting on walking right behind me with his arms around my waist to conceal his erection from noisy hotel guests. My heart is already pounding and panties are already damp. His erection, that is pressing on my butt is not helping. I give out a sigh of relief when we finally reach the elevators and jump right in. We are midway up when Leo presses a stop and block button and we come into a standstill. “Le…” I don’t complete my sentence and our lips meet into a passionate kiss. Soon, my back is against the corner with my legs up around his waist and panties pushed to the side. Leo’s pants are down to his ankles and his manhood is pulsating inside me. I am not a shy person but sex in an elevator is not something I would have imagined ever doing. “Yes! Ahh..” I smack my lips shut to mask the moans but he won’t have any of it. “You are going to scream my name over and over agai
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My blood
*****Leo POV*****I honestly did not expect Niki to let me take her in the elevator. I was trying my luck, it was her irresistible response to my kiss and touch that made me loose every bit of control I still had. Once I was inside her, I wanted to fill her core, saturate her every sense and hear her scream my name over and over again. Her bootylicious body was already vibrating against me when the doors opened and I could feel myself so close to reaching the peak. At that point I did not give a damn who saw us. I don’t know what Niki is doing to me. Even after I pulled out, I still wanted her. I planned on ravaging her for the rest of the day until I got over this obsession I now have, but we are greeted by Wendy when we walk into the penthouse. Wendy is Riah’s only child. She is five years younger than me and three years younger than Owen. Owen and I dotted over her ever since she was still a kid. She and Riah moved in permanently with us when we became orphans. She is smart, extre
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*****Nikita POV*****I am pacing up and down Leo’s penthouse, fuming. I can’t believe that his performance in bed was starting to fool me into believing that he was not so bad after all. He is an uncultured asshole and will never change! I take out my phone and demand that Father gets me out of here. He does not object, I was meant to return home a day before anyway. I am still livid and cursing Leo when Luca arrives. He greets and just sits there without moving or saying another word.“Where is your stupid boss?” I ask and Luca just stares at me. “Don’t just stare at me, where is Leo?” I shout. I am already pissed off to start with, I don’t have any patience for attitude from anyone right now. “Boss is at the hospital,” he responds. Argh, so he did not respond because I called Leo stupid. How dumb loyal!I raise my eyebrows, hoping that he would explain further on why Leo is at the hospital but Luca just stares at me. This is going to be a long afternoon. I already miss the talkat
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*****Leo POV*****Owen is still unconscious when I leave the hospital. Wendy is so upset with me she does not even acknowledge my goodbye when I leave. I make some arrangements before taking Wesley to the penthouse. Both Niki and Luca are really shocked when they see whom I came back with. Niki’s reaction is worse than I expected when she realises what is happening. It is safe to say that whatever was between us and everything we shared in the past two days is definitely over. I guess it was never going to work out but this is not how I would have preferred for it to end. It takes a lot of courage for me not to react when Wesley grabs and pulls her hair like that. I can tell that he is testing me. I keep myself in check and constantly remind myself why I made a deal in the first place. I hope Niki understands. She would have probably done the same thing if this was her brother. “Boss,”Luca calls to me when Wesley exits the door with Niki. “Shut up and check what’s in this,” I say a
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*****Leo POV*****Two days later….The whole country is in chaos with every convicted criminal appealing their sentence and accusing the feds of tampering with the evidence. The government has distanced itself from any ploy to setup the mafia. The minister of police initially refutes any allegations that he was involved but he can’t explain himself when the photographs of him with a supposedly dead Kate are leaked to the media. He is fired with immediate effect and arrested for corruption and defeating the ends of justice, but I don’t believe it for a minute that the presidency had nothing to do with this. The more the journalist dig into the matter, the more information gets revealed but the biggest one is why detective Solomon, the country’s top detective, resigned days before Owen’s arrest. Detective Solomon does not hide his desire to eliminate crime and the mafia but he would not get his reputation and hands dirty by faking the evidence. That’s why he resigned as soon as he dis
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*****Leo POV*****Ten days later in Lilly town. There is no sign of Niki. Her room is deserted, not even maids walk in it. I have spent hours staring at the spyglass screen. I can feel the nothingness of the room that once held the passionate, unreasonable and defiant, drop-dead gorgeous obsession of mine engulf me. She trusted me, gave me her virtue. I can still smell her scent around me. The way her arms and legs effortlessly wrapped around me. How her core gripped and welcomed every inch of my cock. It’s been ten days since we made out in the elevator but her dried out fluids still coat my dick. I just can’t get myself to wash it off. It’s a memory of her I am trying to hang on to. I still have not sleep since. I see her blazing eyes every time I close my eyes. I stood there and watched Wesley drag her out. I grab my sideboard clock and smash it across the wall and my door opens. Owen walks in and inspects my upside down bedroom before stepping over the glass pieces remnants of
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*****Nikita POV*****Leap is a beautiful country ruled by a monarch. It has mostly very friendly diverse people who have very strong mythological beliefs, especially when it comes to love. The Leap citizens absolutely adore their royals and rugby. It’s been six months now and I can safely say, I love it here. I get out of a cab and run fast towards the five storey building that has become my workplace for the past four months. Kita Brown is a law abiding citizen, a low profile model who works hard for her money and actually has friends. Two best friends to be exact. I have no guards, I no longer look behind my back to see if someone is following me. I absolutely love my life here. “Hold the lift!” I shout my lungs out and squeeze my body inside the packed lift. I let out a sigh of relief and pat myself on the back. I am only five minutes late today, that’s progress. “You are late, again, Kita,” Mr West says the moment I walk in our boardroom. “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir,”I say, breathl
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