All Chapters of Rival Mafia’s Matrimony : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Settling in
*****Nikita POV*****It’s been a month since my father’s death and my operation. I have been through a rollercoaster of emotions dealing with all my loss and getting used to being the boss. Colton and Becca have really been a blessing and a shoulder to cry on. There is also the part of someone trying to kill me, which has yielded very strange collaborations. I now call them the paranoid cripples. Leo and Hunter have strangely been sharing notes on this and I don’t know how I feel about it. Becca walks in the study with a huge smile on her face. “Morning Niki. You woke up early,”she says, while inspecting the files on my study desk. I can’t help but smile back. She is infectious like that. “I needed to get some paperwork sorted but all is done now.”I have been up since 4 o’clock this morning. Even though our banks have managers, I still have to go through and sign a lot of the documents. I had no idea how much paperwork father and Jake had to do until now. “Work, work and more wo
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An hour later, we walk into BEAT and all eyes are on us. This takes me back to Leap. Everywhere we went there, people stared at us and the daring ones would us if we were supermodels. This would be followed by invitations to exclusive clubs and parties. Sadly, that will never happen here. By virtue of being a Davi, many would never want to be associated with me. Those who are tempted to get closer to us will be greeted by Hunter’s ‘don’t you dare’ look and immediately back off. “Welcome to BEAT, ladies and gentlemen. Table for ten?” A melodic voice I know too well welcomes us before making eye contact with Colton and blushes. “For three and point me to your manager,” Hunter says with a straight face and intimidating voice. He insisted on coming along and brought six men with him. “Hunter,” I give him a sharp look. The last time he asked for a manager in a restaurant I liked, I ended up being the only customer dining. Doing that today will defeat the whole purpose of getting out of
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*****Niki POV*****Leo reclines back on his chair and crosses his legs while looking at me with a smug. This was supposed to be a day I get out with my friends not dealing with him and the emotions he evokes in me. I put on a straight face and look him straight in the eyes. “What are you doing here, Leo?”He chuckles, making his beautiful brown eyes dance. “Joining my woman for breakfast, I miss you.” his smoky voice sounds deeper and sexier than I remember. I hate that he looks too comfortable while I am an nervous wreck. “See how they cheated on me, Colt. I was so committed to him, I even fought away every woman who came near him back at school, except her. Stupid me thought they hated each other while all along they were sneaking behind my back.” Zanine sounds all wronged while leaning and resting her stupid head on Colton. I can’t believe this chick!“You two owe Zanine’s an apology.” Colton actually falls for this crap but I’m not one to take accusations like this lying dow
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Hijacked womb
*****Nikita POV*****It’s the afternoon by the time we return home. The breakfast dragged longer than expected. Even though it did not go as I initially planned, we all had fun. Owen and Colton kept everyone entertained with their spicy stories and really hit it off. The two even exchanged contacts and planned to meet without us. but I suspect Owen is strategically trying to get to Becca. “That was fun,” I say, kicking off my shoes. “Of course it was,” Colton responds sarcastically. “Joining my woman for breakfast, I miss you,” he adds imitating Leo. I roll my eyes at him. I expected this. “Unlike you, I am not in denial about this.” Colton just won’t quit and Becca is giggling nonstop. I bet Becca has a lot of lovey dove theories about our breakfast. I ended up avoiding making eye contact with her the whole time we were at BEAT because of the witty looks she was giving me every time Leo said something to get to me.“Shut up Colt. Don’t forget that you sold me out to your girlfrien
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Biggest hijack in history
*****Nikita POV*****Dr Jili, hospital management, their lawyer and guards are all looking unsettled and avoiding making any eye contact with me.“He disappeared,” I repeat the words back at them before getting out of bed to actually look at their faces. Their armed guards move forward and I shoot a deadly stare them, stopping them on their tracks. “Stay the fuck where you are if you know what’s good for you.” I sound like a real mafia boss now and I don’t care. Becca takes a seat on my bed looking all dejected while Colt and Hunter stand on my either sides. “Basically you are all here to fucken tell me what exactly?”“Miss Davi, we sincerely apologise for this. Our staff go through very stringent verification process but that seem to have been overlooked when it came to the surgeon. He was hired directly from our CEO,”the man I recall to be the hospital manager says with a shaky voice. “Weren’t you the one who threatened to throw my guard out of this hospital when he insisted on
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*****Nikita POV*****A week later, I feel less nauseous but angry and frustrated. I still don’t know what and whose child I am carrying and I refuse to acknowledge it’s presence in my tummy. I walk into the lounge to find Becca and Colt chatting. Becca stands up and rushes to the kitchen the moment she sees me and returns with a bowl. “Fruit salad?”I glare at her. Becca and I have not been in good terms lately. She just won’t quit trying to talk me into keeping a sneaky bastard’s child. “It’s yummy and nutritious.”“I know. Good for the fucken’ baby.” I complete her sentence. “Strong language! Babies can hear,” she rebukes me. She’s been acting like my mother lately and it’s just infuriating. Colt moves between us and looks worried at me. He’s been doing a lot of this lately too. “How are you feeling?”“I am angry, no, I am furious. I had just one chance to conceive and some asshole took that choice away from me.”“We will find him, okay?”I sigh and take a seat on the couch. B
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*****Nikita POV*****~Three years later~My chubby bundle of chaos runs into the study giggling with Becca running behind him. I can’t help but smile as I get off my chair and pick him up. His sticky fingers wrap around my neck and a wet kiss lands on my cheeks. This is heaven. “What are you doing to aunt Becca?”He giggles more, an infectious sound that has completely changed my whole world. I can’t believe I ever wanted him dead. Just the thought of it sends chills down my spine and leaves me with the guilt I can’t wash off. “Nick don’t want dress.”I laugh. It’s like this every morning. My son gets chased around the house by everyone and he loves every moment of it. “And why is that, Cuteness?”He shakes his head and pouts his tiny mouth. “Don’t want to.”“You might not look like her but you inherited your mother’s stubbornness,” Becca says, amused. I stick my tongue at her. Nick looks nothing like me. The only Davi physical appearance he has is my father’s eyes. That’s why I na
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Killer’s lair
*****Leo POV*****I put on my dark shades and lean against my car while waiting for Owen to land. I am assuming that the approaching aircraft is his because very few planes use this Kali private airport. I can’t wait for this mission to be over. It’s taken three years of traveling the whole world and a lot of money for me to get to this point. Victory is almost mine, I can feel it. Tomorrow I get to go back home and finally face my volatile drop-dead gorgeous impossible queen. Saying I miss her is an understatement. Her estate will be my first stop, I don’t care if she spits fire or even shots me. I am snapped out of my thoughts by two figures approaching me. I swear Owen has a hearing problem. I give him a dead stare even before he gets to greet. “What’s Lucas doing here? What the fuck is wrong with you?”“Hi, Leo. Nice to see you again after, let me see…..oh yeh…. two and a half years. How are you? We missed you,” Owen babbles while Lucas looks sheepishly at me. I shake my head b
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*****Nikita POV*****The picnic with Becca, Owen, Zanine and my cutie pie is exactly what I needed to clear my head and get some perspective on my future. We all can’t stop laughing at Zanine, who is desperately trying to get Nick to give her a big hug like he does to Colt and Becca. “Come here you munchkin. Aunty Zan will even feature you on the cover of her magazine,” Zanine desperately pleads while Nick giggles and runs away. This is all a game to him. “You do know that he is barely three years old right?”I am really amused by Zanine trying to bribe my son like this. “Well, it’s a sexy men alive and he is a…”“A boy, toddler to be exact.” I interject before her imagination get better of her. “Fine, no cover but this is all your fault. I am very good with kids you know?”She actually blames me. Unbelievable!“How is him running away from you my fault?”“He got the vibes from you when you were pregnant.”she accuses and I am dumbfounded.“What?”“You did not like me before I met
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Long overdue
*****Nikita POV*****I am still glaring at Leo who does not look the least deterred by it and pulls me even closer to him instead. My heart is already racing, he has no right holding me like this after what he said to me the last time we spoke. I want to kick his balls really hard but I have no idea what’s really going on here. I play along and let him plant a kiss on my lips just to go along with the fiancée bull. I am glad Becca and Colt are not here to witness this because I would never hear the end of it. Leo looks intensely at me before doing the introductions. “Babe, meet my new friend, the incredible and powerful king of Kali, Franco Green.”Franco bursts out in laughter, delighted. “King of Kali? I will take it my friend,” he beams. I roll my eyes in my head. Leo really knows how to puff this asshole up. “Next to him is the amazing and also powerful, Dion Young.”I curse in my head. Dion is the general of the Kali military. He is apparently the dumbest man to ever occupy
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