All Chapters of In Love Again: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
99 Chapters
Even though Alvira arrived early the next day with the hope of setting a new pace, one different from the futile effort she went through the day before, all hope of achieving that was dashed the moment she walked in through the door to Simon's room. Simon, who was still laying on his bed, welcomed her with a smile. "Miss Alvira, you are finally here. You're just the person I have been wanting to see," He said. "....." Alvira stared at him speechlessly, she had arrived early today but he made it seem as if she arrived later than the previous day.Moreover, why does his room look like it hasn't been cleaned yet? She had better go downstairs and remind the maids of their duty, she thought. "Good morning, Sir Simon, did you sleep well?" She asked with a forced smile.To be honest, she wasn't exactly happy to see Sir Simon that morning, she had come early hoping to have a few minutes to herself before she saw him, only for a maid to tell her, Sir Simon is waiting for her upstairs and
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Alvira groaned as she rolled to lie on her stomach at the edge of her soft bed and slowly opened her eyes. It was the first time she was sleeping in her bed this week, it was also the first time she wasn't being woken up by the loud annoying sound of her phone alarm, which she has to manage since she accidentally ruined the manual alarm clock she owns. It was also a day free from her abusive boss, who was no other than Sir Simon. She no longer saw him as her patient, no patient treated their caregiver the way he treated her. She thought with a sigh as she began to get moody at the nature of her job and the amount of stress she had gone through in one week. Luckily for her, her mother had asked her to come to spend the night at home when she returned home last night since she didn't have night shifts on Friday night. Alvira was most grateful for the offer that she ran home and fell on her bed with a heavy thud, dozing off before her head even hit the pillow, she didn't even bother t
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While Alvira was planning her day happily, the walker's mansion was fairly the same but for a different reason entirely, Simon woke up this morning with the kind of excitement he had not had in a long time, he had another plan in place for Alvira and he couldn't wait for her to come over. He was so excited, he got on his wheelchair the moment he woke up, called Jared in to help him pick his clothes, took a bath, applied his long abandoned cologne, had breakfast, and waited patiently, as he read the newspaper, which had become a habit of his since he began to bully the poor girl. Hours passed and he looked up at the wall clock in his room which read '10:15 am', he frowned. "She is rather late today," He said to himself then smiled wickedly, "that's okay, I could easily deduct her salary as a result of that," He said as he resumed reading the news that had now captured his attention. Unfortunately for him, his family business news was on the last page of the newspaper, he read throu
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Alvira had spent her entire morning baking and making strawberry smoothies, a skill she had acquired during her time as a waiter at a lunch cafe. She then packed the food and snacks into a lunch box and basket and rushed off to St. Josie hospital. "Morning dad!" She chirped as she walked into her father's hospital room. "Good morning darling. Wow! Is that a new dress? It looks amazing on you, my dear." Tim said fawning over his daughter who twirled at his words and giggled. "Thanks, dad." She said as she placed the picnic basket on the floor and sat on the chair beside his bed. "Where's mom?" she asked, her eyes drifting to the bathroom door." "Oh, she was invited by the doctor to his office, she would be here any minute now." He said with a smile, but Alvira's brows furrowed in worry,"The doctor? Is there a problem? Maybe I should join them," She said with worry as she began to stand up. Tim immediately held her hand, "Where do you think you are going, your father hasn't had a
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Alvira walked into the Walker's mansion fuming, she didn't understand why on earth her luck would bring her to a man as despicable as Simon Walker. The moment she rang the bell on the gate, two guards opened for her with a smile but Alvira ignore them. She was not falling for that, she was not falling for their trick. The workers in this house were not any different from Simon himself, they all smiled at her suffering and torture while pretending to be cheering for her. Efficiency her foot! she was sure they were still secretly placing bets on how long she would last there. When she walked into the mansion she went straight to the kitchen in search of Jared, the ignorant man smiled when he saw her. "Miss Alvira, you came. You are such a blessing....." "This was not the schedule of my work contract with this family?!" Alvira said interrupting his joyful glees. "Is this the way your family behaves? Threatening people with their salary and making them work overtime?" She asked in a
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St. Jose hospital had a pack built behind the hospital, a place where both patients and staff could spend quality time, it was a large piece of land beautified with expensive flowers and white sidewalk benches. The fragrance of the flowers filled the air during the day and one could sit under one of the large oak trees there to enjoy the cool summer breeze. It was the perfect place for some alone time and an amazing place to spend lunchtime away from the bustling cafeteria. Emily pushed Tim's wheelchair into the garden as they searched for a perfect spot for themselves, and soon they found it, a spot under the canopy of a large tree not far from a sidewalk bench. Emily laid the picnic cloth on the grass, and helped him unto it, then plopped pillows behind his back so he could rest against the large tree comfortably. She then got on her knees and began to unpack the food basket Alvira had packed. She set the first lunch box down and opened it, "Ah! looks like your daughter only
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To Alvira's greatest surprise, they were driven to a mall, the very place he had earlier refused to go with her.Simon was wheeled out of the van and he turned to Alvira. "You said I needed some casual clothes, well here we are, get me the casual clothes you promised." He said but Alvira raised a brow at him. "We could have just come here tomorrow, or better still, you could have told me beforehand, let's say yesterday, instead of messing up my day. She muttered looking away and Simon rolled his eyes at her whining. "So are you going to go with me or you are going to stand here and whine about your job?." He asked and Alvira opened her mouth to counter but swallowed it immediately when she saw the stern glare he gave her. She wasn't excited about this at all, maybe if he had agreed to it when she gave the suggestion she would have been excited. But now, she wasn't, in fact, as of now, she had given up on him and wanted to avoid him at all costs. But she had no choice but to walk t
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The sales attendant who had personally made an enemy of Alvira already smiled when she heard Simon threaten to fire Alvira if she leaves. Her smile even broadened when she saw Alvira leave. She knew for a fact that a woman with a personality like Alvira's could not stay employed for long, especially when she worked for the rich who liked obedience so much. Her lack of manners was bound to make her lose her job. She thought with a smile as she brought back the clothes she had been trying to return to the furious Simon. "Sir, do you want me to pack these clothes for you or should we continue shopping for another? I can help you pick some really nice casual clothes." She said with a pleasant smile, but Simon barely glanced at her before saying. "No, thank you. I won't be taking any of them. Neither would I continue with the shopping." He said and began to push himself out of the boutique surprising the sales attendant. So in one word, she had spent more than two hours attending to
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18: GONE
One could say, Simon's curses manifested as Alvira was frustrated to the last of her endurance limit. She had run out of the mall in a hurry to get to the hospital when she heard from her mother that her father was fighting for his life and that they might lose him at any time. She got to the bus terminal but met no bus there. She sat patiently for a few minutes but still, the bus was nowhere to be found. She stood up and began to pace as she chewed at her bottom lips, while all the other people equally waiting for the same bus stared at her. She would have taken a cab but if her father was in surgery, they would have to fork over all the money they had, and now that she had lost her job, she couldn't afford to spend recklessly. She sighed and stretched her neck to see if the bus was coming, but it was still nowhere to be found. Tired and impatient she decided to walk to the next terminal which was quite a distance away and that was what she did. On her way there, she saw the clo
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Alvira opened her eyes on the hospital bed and looked out the window not far from her bed. It was morning already and a beautiful one at that, the sky was a mixture of blue and white clouds, not entirely clear but beautiful.She sighed as she reached up to touch her head with her right hand, her head felt so heavy, and she didn't know why, she couldn't even remember when she had fallen asleep. The previous day must have been really exhausting she thought, then began to wonder why her room smelt like Iodofoam. She also had a weird dream where her father died and she...... Her eyes widen as she recalled the dream that seem too much like a memory. Her eyes moved over her body frantically and she noticed a few things, The first was that she was dressed in a white johnny gown, lying in a bed that was too small to be hers, only hospitals have this kind of bed. She thought, and her eyes finally rested on the drip hung up and attached to a needle inserted into her wrist. That was when s
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