All Chapters of In Love Again: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
99 Chapters
Simon wheeled his chair out of the six hours meeting he had been at all morning, the major reason for the meeting was nothing short of him discussing the way forward out of the company's predicament, the emergency means by which they could save the company, and bring it back to its former glory. All the directors had nothing to say in objection to what he had suggested, they looked up to him with absolute trust and agreed with whatever he thought was best. There was nothing much they could have said anyway, they were still very ashamed and embarrassed at their actions. The fact that they had been in the company for more than ten years and did not realize that the company had almost been lost to a cheap fraud was an utter embarrassment and so they all listened humbly.Even if they didn't want to they had no choice, the early morning business news prime topic had been on how a company of that size and with that amount of shareholders could fall victim to that kind of cheap fraud and
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Sarah walked into the private living room where she knew Ben would be, as he liked to spend his time there relaxing after a busy day's work. She had planned to just pay a condolence visit to the grave site, spend a few minutes there, and probably stay till the moment of sand pouring before she left but Emily had broken down in tears at the moment of sand pouring and had become so unconsolable that she ended up exhausting herself and passing out, thereby causing a commotion at the grave site. An ambulance was called and because of her own worry for Alvira, she stayed with her at the hospital until her mother finally woke up. Some family members had followed them while the others claimed that they needed to be at the grave site till the end of the burial but even then, they never showed up until she left later that night. "Hey darling," She greeted as she walked in and kissed Ben's cheek. "Hey, how has been your day?" He asked not bothering to look up as she rounded his chair to hav
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Alvira woke up early to prepare breakfast for her mother who was still mourning the death of her husband. As she walked into the kitchen, she look around it, sighed, and began to make preparation to prepare breakfast despite not even being sure of what she wanted to make for breakfast.She heard a noise coming from the stairway and was forced to look up to see her mother walking toward her. "Mom?" She called in a surprised and relieved manner.Her mother had been so calm ever since the death of her father, but she stayed in bed longer than she should and would suddenly bust into tears on impulse, a method of grief that was quite different from Alvira's explosive but short one. "Hello darling," Emily said as she walked to the refrigerator and got herself some cold water. "I didn't expect to see you awake already," Alvira said, and Emily nodded as she grabbed a cup and poured herself some water. "I know, but I've been awake for the past two hours," She said and Alvira lifted her bro
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Alvira watched her mother with warmth in her eyes, she knew her mother wanted nothing but the best for her, she knew she didn't want to hold her down but wanted to help her fulfill and achieve all of her dreams.She too wanted nothing more than that, but she just couldn't let others trample on her pride on the way to her success. She sighed at her own resolution.She was poor, but her pride was all she had left and she was going to hold on to it with all she's got.She had always been one who was stubborn about her values, that even her parent had always wondered where she got her strong-headedness from."So what now? What are we going to do then?" Emily asked after some time, "How are you to go back to school? I hoped that if you worked with them for a few months, with your character, you should have earned enough money to resume the coming semester. You have to think about it, Alvira." Emily tried to convince her one last time but Alvira hugged her instead. "Don't worry so much mo
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It was the cool of the evening, Ben and Simon Walker were seated on the balcony on the roof of their mansion having a few snacks together. This act of theirs which was one of the family traditions of spending time together had been abandoned due to Simon's illness. Actually, it was abandoned by just Simon because his grandparents always spent time with each other comfortably. Since his return to the company, the family traditions that had become nonexistent have been slowly restored. Today, seating on the balcony at the highest point of their mansion looking down at the view below as they shared snacks and discussed their various interests with one another, was just one of them. Since they were a business-oriented family, who tend to be very busy, they had created those few family traditions to make sure no one becomes too busy or carried away with work that they abandoned their family. Sarah had created these family traditions after her marriage to Ben and had made sure every me
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The nights had slowly begun to turn cold and the air was dry as winter was slowly moving in, Alvira walked home dressed in a padded jacket, pants, and winter boots. She rubbed her palms together as she walked and blew into them in an attempt to warm them up and ease the freezing feeling she felt on her bare hands. She then tucked it into the pockets of her padded jacket. Today was a search in futility just like every other day, she couldn't find a job, not even a quick hourly one as an emergency substitute. It seemed as if every other person was holding on to their job as tightly as they could for the fear of losing it. She saw her house in sight and she sighed in relief as she imagined the warmth she would meet there and the possibility of a hot dinner or probably a hot coffee waiting for her. After her father's death, her mother's shifts at the hotel changed from night to day time and so she was always available at night to prepare dinner, which made things a little easier for A
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Simon glanced at his wristwatch, it was past 6 pm and the fifth meeting he had had that day just came to an end. He sighed, that was also the last meeting for the day, he hoped the burdens of things eased from now on. It's been two weeks and he had been busy as shit. He had practically traveled around the country in a bid to correct everything that needed correction and luckily they had been able to correct it, thanks to his professional team.If there was anything he had learned from all this, it was to never give depression a chance, it only ruined more things and repaired nothing. If he hadn't been staying couped up in his room all those years, there wouldn't have been so much to correct right now. At a time like this, the only thing that seem good was the fact that he was always seating in a chair all day, with the amount of stress he underwent even right there in the wheelchair, he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if he wasn't seating on one.Watching Asher looki
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Alvira walked into the kitchen and dropped the paper bag she had been carrying on the kitchen island. She then slowly began to offload it, taking its content into the refrigerator as she did.She turned around after placing the first batch in there and saw Emily standing by the island smiling at her, "Hey, mom, the convenience store down the road was out of milk. I think I would get it when I go to town tomorrow," She said as she continued with her work. When Emily didn't reply, she looked up to see her mother still standing in that same spot looking at her with that same smile, Alvira blinked at her a little confused, "Mom? Is there a problem?" She asked and Emily busted into laughter at the tone of her voice. "If you ask me, I think he is quite handsome," She said as she gave her daughter a teasing smile but Alvira was confused as to what she was talking about. "Who is?" Alvira asked as she stared at her mother abandoning the goods in the paper bag. "That boy," Emily said but
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Alvira stood in front of the Walkers' mansion and stared at it for a few seconds with a complicated expression on her face before she slowly walked towards the gate. The security guard who was stationed there looked up from what he was doing when he heard her approaching and smiled, calling a greeting out at her before letting her in, as he had recognized her. Alvira also smiled slightly back in response as she walked passed the opened gate towards the dark-colored mansion that gleamed under the sunlight. She was back here again, but now for a different reason, she was going got work hard and make sure that she fulfilled not just her dream but her father's last wish. Like she had done in the past, she braced herself with determination and was ready for anything, even if Simon tried to bully or frustrate her, she would turn a blind eye to it. With her heart set on this, she walked steadily towards the giant mahogany doors of the mansion.Before she could ring the bell, the door was o
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Alvira's first day went according to plans, she carried out her chores as quickly as possible. Even though she knew Simon wouldn't be back from work until late at night, as she had heard from the other maids, she didn't want to take any chances.Why she felt like she needed to avoid him was the one thing she couldn't find an answer to but she still followed her instinct and did as her heart ordered her to. Since she was used to cleaning Simon's room she finished her chores on time, changed her clothes, and rushed to the university where she attended lectures for nothing short of four hours before she then headed to the library to study and make photocopies of the materials she didn't have as a result of her absence. By the time she was done, it was past 7 pm and she had no choice but to leave since the library was ready to close for the day. She glanced at her wristwatch and decided to head for her old apartment. She couldn't continue living there as a result of her busy schedule
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