All Chapters of Blood and Roses : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
021: Date?
×Griffin×"Griffin." This is the only way my name should be said. As a moan. An ungodly lewd sound falling off the lips of one woman.How the fuck did we get here? Anastasia writhes underneath me, the scent of her arousal is thick and it surrounds me. I blink, seeing my fingers gripping hard at her ass cheeks. I have no doubts that there will be marks. What the fuck am I doing? That cute little moan almost rearranged my fucking brain. How could I have resisted pulling that sound out of her every god damn day?She's so fucking sexy. A stunning vixen that grips at my heart and dick even though I don't want her too. My breath fans her neck, and I can't stop myself from biting down and leaving my mark. Because she should be mine. If she wasn't such a-No, right now I don't want to think about who she was.I can feel regretful later on. "Anastasia, what was it you were saying?"She let out another string of moans, her fingernails clawing at my back. I hiss and groan, the pain is minglin
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022: Gym and its secrets
×Anastasia×Griffin returned from the bathroom twenty minutes later, his pants were fixed and he looked a little bit disheveled. I'd made some tea for myself, and prepared a quick and easy pasta. It was Ryan's favorite. My brother could eat pasta every day for the rest of his life and never get bored of it. So yes, there was something wrong with him.The memory of my brother brought me a bittersweet smile. I have three siblings. Ryan, Exclipsa, and Marion.They were all older than me but we treated each other like the best of pals. Exclipsa was by far my favorite sister, but I loved Marion just as much. She had a more empathetic personality. And sometimes minded her own business. Something you won't see enough if you ever heard stories of my siblings. People don't like Exclipsa. She went through boyfriends every week like she was on a shoe sale. And Ryan. Ryan never told anyone that he was gay. He seemed to think that he would be insulted for it, and Gastillos don't like to give pe
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023: Revenge
×Anastasia×It's been- what? Six years? Since I last played volleyball. I know I'm a bit rusty, and I need to push forward. Remember all that I used to know. My feet kicked at the floor, the squeaky bounce in my shoe made me giggle. Alexis glued herself to my side. Throughout the week, she has been very very nice to me. She stuck like glue, refusing to even leave my side for a second. Unless, of course, when I had to use the bathroom and to sleep. Though she slept in my room twice. I haven't done anything to Nona. I was waiting. There was something my brother taught me. If someone pisses you off, you need to make them pay. And he wasn't talking baby version, like replacing their hand sanitizer with something disgusting. No he was talking about adding deadly dust to someone's inhaler. Critical revenge. The type that made people suffer. Alexis is hurt. And it's all Nona's fault. That bitch is going get it. You fuck with me and my family, you better be ready for me to fuck right bac
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024: Volleyball
×Anastasia×"The girl, you're uh- looking for- wait, are you wearing makeup?" I blink my eyes, they almost hurt. What did he just ask me? Am I wearing what?"On my neck, yes. But I didn't put on my face. I figured I'm going to sweat. The one on my neck is liquid proof, and it took alot of time."Griffin sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. "How the fuck do you remain beautiful without any makeup? I thought that was the secret to beauty."I laughed hard, my stomach cramped up in the process. There is nothing that can beat a speechless Griffin. "Dude, girls look gorgeous without make-up too. Sometimes it's a mask to shield our flaws. Others times it's a shield that makes us feel confident, I can't explain it to you. And most times than not, it just looks great on us so we want to have it on.But thank you. I'm glad you think I'm pretty without makeup."For the first time, Griffin blushes. He looks away from me, a half ass frown on his face. I made him blush. Ah!"Whatever. I was going
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025: Strange behavior
×Griffin×Anastasia has been acting weird. By that I mean she showed up to my house last night, but then ran off without saying a word. I wonder if she thought I was sleeping. Then she called but hung up the second I picked up. So instead of dealing with that, or trying to understand why she was acting that way. I let Dell go find her in the morning. I'm skipping school today anyways. He'll go in my place. Dad and I had a fight. I want nothing more than to go back into the safe space of my memories and forget the hate he gives me. ×Dell×Griffin is hurt, but he refuses to admit it. It's my job to protect him, I promised his mother. So that means talking to talon first before I go to my flower. When Griffin was a kid, he would huddled up in his head all the time, trying so desperately to forget his father existed. I was there of course. I will always be there. We're platonic mates.I reached for the drawer, and popped two of the pills into my mouth to keep my bloody rage at bay. Trut
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026: Bad teachers
×Anastasia×I made through the weekend without twitching or giving into the discomfort that raked through my body. And Griffin, he's been absent in my life. I'd text him and he would respond once in a while. Every two hours with like one word. I think something happened but I'm too scared to ask him. Sure we kissed. And it was a spitfire of a kiss but Griffin gets angsty whenever I ask him. Something personal so I refuse too. He wants to help me find my family's killer but then what? We just go back to being strangers after that?The mixed messages are messing with my head. I like Griffin. I can admit that. I like Dell, maybe more. Though it's somehow equal. But Griffin is giving me the cold shoulder. He's a mystery. First, I'm learning that his father would kill him. And now, I think may have done something else wrong.Because he's been avoiding my eyes. On purpose. He'd accidentally lock eyes with me and then look away. I don't get it. I haven't done anything wrong recently. I
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27: Nightmares pt 2
×Anastasia×I was in a maze, I knew that because I was walking for hours and I kept hitting dead ends after dead ends. Just fucking great. Isn't that wonderful? I can't escape. I'm so done with this. I want answers. I want to know who took my parents, but I have been offered something that most people beg for. A second chance at life. I can't squander it. I can't spend it trying to find something-That might never be found. And who's to say what happens if I do succeed. Will the sheriff's department lock them up? No, no, I don't fucking think so. They'll spin the blame somehow on me.Because I made some poor choices three years ago.Yeah, that past me was a real bitch. I get that but I don't deserve this. There are thousands of bitches in this world, why am I suffering this much?'It's because you're alone.' Cecil responds. I groaned, she had a very good point. I am alone. I don't even want to count Dell. He's wonderful, but he can't protect me from things like this. I was at school,
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28: I remember when.....
×Anastasia×My sweater pushes up my arms, and the heavy pour of the rain hits my skin time and time again. Giving a cold contrast to the burning heat surging through me. I am not well. Dell had to heal me on his own since he didn't trust the doctors not to murder me. And I wouldn't even trust them. I'd rather go to a witch doctor out of town. They're expensive but worth it. They'll save me the stress of having to worry about some nurse that has a grudge against my parents, sneaking into my room and injecting me with malaria. Or an STD. I've been staring at the roses for a good minute since I returned home. I didn't go to school, Dell promised he would return to go with me. It's fucking ridiculous how the principal tried to get rid of me. She really formed a lie in front of my face, and tried to convince me. What a bitch. She texted me this morning after my return. I've been out of school for onky two days, and those days have been fine. Alexis was worried, and strangely, so was Ava
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29: Intruder
×Anastasia×Fuck. Fuck. I can't recognize the voice. How did they get into my house? I was in no position to fight. My skin wet with water, my chest ached. I'm still healing. I went into a cursed forest for fuck sakes. Can't I get a break?I pulled at my charm bracelet, Dell said he would always come to my rescue but he seemed like Griffin was going through something because of how annoyed Dell looked and why he couldn't stay after receiving a text. I signed, whoever this Intruder is, I'll have to handle them on my own. I tugged my bracelet one more time for good measure, before forcing my body to rise and patting myself dry with the towel. I dropped it and tapped around for the clothes I'd brought in. I found only something soft. My robe. I pulled it on, then proceeded to search for something I could use as a weapon.'I can defend you. We'll need to shift.'We can't. That lady told me it's risky to shift at this point of healing. It's a dangerous idea. I won't add to my problems.
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30: Back to School
×Anastasia×Alexis is a bitch. I had to accept that when I found my sister's old bicycle. She took the car to school, and I was thankful for that. I haven't returned since the incident. The headmistress has been blowing up my phone, saying we could talk about this. She wants to buy my silence and I know it. But I also know that no one would believe me if I ever reported it, so I didn't bother. I rode the bicycle to school. I spent the past few days digging through the garden, let me tell you, so far I've found nothing important. I think I'm missing something but I won't give up. We have flowers all around the house. Eclipsa said to check the roses, maybe I'm missing something. Alexis was leaning against the hood of her car when I arrived at school. She was having a conversation with Nona and her buddies. I got off, loosed the pin on my hair and smoothed my fingers on my shirt. I will always look good. Even when I'm distraught and unable to sleep. I've been sleeping only for an hou
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