All Chapters of Blood and Roses : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
40: This is what I want
×Anastasia× I don't know how it happened, but being in Sweet Haven relaxed both Griffin and I. We ended up getting wasted, and dancing in a fountain. Of course we weren't arrested, they cheered us on even more. A couple joined us, kicking and dancing. Dinner was fantastic. To die for type do delicious. After getting our clothes wet, we walked around the rest of the festival. Trying snacks, drinking some more and talking about-"There's no way you actually tattooed that." My laugh sounded annoying to my ears but I couldn't find it in my body to care, even in the slightest. My chest felt heavy and full of joy. It's been too long since I laughed without a care in the world. I'm not even watching my back. Griffin has an arm around my waist, we're balancing each other out. Keeping us on our toes or we might fall over. "I did. I don't know why I thought it would be badass, but I was rebelling-" he burped. "Ex- exussee mee."Okay, he's slurring his words. I think he meant excuse me. "And
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41: I'm scared
×Anastasia× My head feels heavy, and my body feels weak. My hips move to side, and pain zaps through me. I let out a small resounding yelp, and the bed shifts next to me. Taking slow deep breaths, I reached for the lamp switch on the bed side table next to me. The room is full of light now, and I can see everything around me. There's no decent explanation as to why my body feels like crap, I wish I could just sleep it off, but I'm not tired. Fuck, what the hell happened?"You're awake?" Griffin grumbles next to me. He moves oddly in the bed as I try to understand why we're both sharing a bed. The sheets roll down and my eyes cast a look down to my bare skin. I'm naked. ….I am fucking naked! Oh my fucking god!I shot up, and yanked the sheets back over my chest area. I'm naked. I turned to Griffin who's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His torso is bare, and dragging my eyes down to where the duvet stops above his hips. I can see that he's nude there too. What the hell happene
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42: The pain that kills me
×Griffin×Anastasia is freaking out. I can tell. I can feel it. As much as I want to stay with her, I turned the car away from her street and drove myself back to my hellhole. The place people expect me to call home. I've seen cemeteries and morgues with a more homey feeling than I get whenever I return home. There's a car I don't recognize outside in the driveway the very second my father's house comes into view. Who the fuck owns that?'Do we care?'No you're right. We don't.Once my car was secured in the parking spot, I headed out. Snatching the bags that I needed to hide for Anastasia. I'll take them to Dell's shed. As soon as I drop my things in my room. I feel like I'm fifty. My father makes me feel that old. I want to avoid him. I want to get as far as I can. But that would mean he won. He succeeded in making me look like the devil's spawn. He's had every control over my life. He's the major reason I'm broody. The reason I've gotten into trouble. If someone thinks you're ba
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44: Wench
×Anastasia× My return to the house comes with a slight feeling of dread. The fact that the feeling is only small is what shocks me the most. Seeing my aunt with a knife, nearly drove me insane. Until she hugged me and explained that she was in the middle of preparing dinner, and I arrived just in time. I excused myself and went off to my bedroom. Tossed my bag on the bed, and crawled into it. Just laying there, I pulled my phone out and texted Griffin to tell him that I'm doing okay. I went to my gallery, clicking through a folder marked as memories. It had pictures of my family. Videos too. It's cute, and it tells me what I missed. What I can't remember. That little nightmare plagues me. When I see them, I see their splattered body next. And it hurts. A pang swells in my chest, I blow out some air to try and relieve the pain.Can't I just see them being Happy? There's a photo of me and Marion, laughing like a bunch of cooks. Our eyes look weird, and I'm sure we did that on purpose
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44: Pay the price
×Alexis× You can say I'm a bitch, which is something I never wanted to be. Anastasia is the cousin I wanted to be close too. I thought that if we were together, as best buddies, I could get away from my horrible life. And it worked for a while, but not after she got to high school. Watching her ramble with Vanessa made me feel jealousy. Despite everything that had happened, Anastasia can still earn glances everywhere. She was still a social butterfly that people loved no matter what. That annoyed me. I wanted to be that social butterfly. I wanted attention like she gets but she's right, where the fuck are my morals? I should be a better person but instead, I'm a mindless sheep who spends her days feeling sorry for herself and envying her cousin. The thing about Anastasia that hits me hard, is how perfect she is. So I'm a year younger. A grade younger. I told myself things wouldn't be so different for me because we went to different schools. That all changed when she decided she wa
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45: A view of the past
×Anastasia× |Two years ago|High proved to be a merry mess, after just a year of being there. I realized things weren't what they seemed. Everything was fucked up. The students, they were cooking us up for something big. Something none of the parents ever expected. It would crash the whole town once it happened but I am determined to make sure they fail in every way. There's a way that they select people. There are ways they choose their next victim. It's not by beauty. They're taking kids whose parents have neglected them. The suffering and pain of the kids makes them happy. Because when that kid is killed, they look to the sky and wonder why the world decided to be unjustly towards them. They'd think about their lives prior to their torturous death and think about how miserable, and unfulfilling it was. That was how they chose their kids. Mason was a star in the rising of football. He was a good friend of mine. His brother Joshua is one of the sweetest nerds I've met. People thin
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46: Delusional
×Griffin× Anastasia and I met up the following Monday. She looked like she'd had a nightmare that stuck with her, and I didn't look much better. She threw an arm around me, leaned her cheek against my shoulder and we walked into the school grounds together. I didn't bring my car, she didn't bring hers. We sort of just met along the way and made the curt decision to walk the rest of the school. I wasn't exactly feeling that great about either of our situation. We didn't ask about. Infact, we said no words. Just walking and staying in close contact. Eyes followed us everywhere . They seemed shocked by the sight, and I mean shocked. But no part of me cared. Luciana and Max rushed to greet me. "Griffin." I grunted a response. Not moving from Anastasia. Making it weird for them to offer me hugs, or anything. I could have moved away, but her scent was the only thing keeping me from breaking down. I didn't want to go to school. That was the truth. I wanted to stay away from school, bu
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47: Not the best idea
×Anastasia× This morning, I woke up with a grimy, cloudy feeling of dread looming over my head. Something was wrong. I could immediately tell. My aunt was still around, and Alexis had been pestering me the day before to hang out with her at the old playground. I finally caved and said yes. Something about that had made her grin ear to ear, and I knew instantly that I'd made a big mistake. But I didn't want her to know that she had gotten to me with her words. Instead, I told myself that it would be fine. I got up, took a shower and left all the make-up ideas and pretty clothes I wanted to wear. Instead, I went for matching joggers and a white Adidas shoes. My body was groggy, I must not have slept as well a so thought I did. Walking was difficult, it was like my entire body didn't want to get out of my bedroom. I'd been so freaked out by Alexis that I forgot to swap rooms.She's really a bad omen if she's making every instinct in my body tingle with a sad desperation to get away fr
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48: It can't be
×Anastasia× The stench of something burning, perhaps wood, is the only thing that comforts us in this silence. We haven't seen a single person since we were taken. My head had finally cooled off, and I could bring my body to ask questions. To Alexis. "What the fuck ?!" I exclaimed. Griffin had a tight look as he glared at Alexis, and Vanessa looked confused. But Alexis knew, she broke into her crocodile tears and hoped for sympathy as she whimpered with tears pouring like rain down her face. But sympathy was the last thing she would get out of me. She brought me to a park, she told me how she truly felt and now she has the mindset to cry??? Because she was kidnapped too??"I don't care that you're crying, Alexis. So shut it down, and tell me what you did, and why you did it. Because I can't understand how someone can be so cruel and pathetic. To set up their own cousin to abducted.""You did what?!" Now Vanessa mirrored Griffin's expression. We were all angry at her. She rubbed h
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49: I hate me
×Alexis× When Max stepped in front of th cell, I didn't even know what to think. First of all, this was Griffin's best friend. How did she just waltz in here easily? The guilt of my actions kept eating away at my chest reminding me that doing a bad thing and alot of consequences. Anastasia had felt those consequences when her family died, and I was blinded by my inate jealousy that I couldn't see her suffering. I was too engrossed in myself and my hatred only seemed to grow. What the hell is wrong with me? I worked with a clearly deranged woman, and I agreed to set my cousin up so she would be kidnapped, and killed. I'm so fucking stupid and wicked. This guilt will never go away , because Anastasia will never forgive me. She gave me so many tries to fix our friendship and I crashed every single one of them. I stayed against the wall, feeling more depressed that I'd ever been. Because this meant I was just as bad as my mother. Max gripped the bars and turned her attention to Griffi
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