All Chapters of Alpha Victor: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 Chapters
Chapter 20
VICTORI inspected Dea's injuries, finding one fractured rib and a few bruises but nothing too severe, "I don't think we need to take you to the hospital. I'll have the doctor check you out here when he arrives to check on Sin. I've called him up already."I met the pack doctor a few months back. Born to a family of rogues, he had decided to never join a pack and had studied medicine to become a human doctor. However, because he was a werewolf, he was self-taught in the ways of our kind and learned whatever there was to know about how different plants or other medicines affected us. "Wouldn't a hospital be able to treat me better?" Dea asked skeptically, clearly not trusting my decision. I tried not to feel the sting of her doubt but it cut deep, making me wince at the unexpected spark of pain that shocked my heart, "He's more than qualified to help you. I promise."Her gorgeous dark brown eyes glimmered with unease but she relented with a nod of her head, "Fine. I guess I wouldn't
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Chapter 21
DEAThe doctor wrapped up my ribs and prescribed me pain medication. He also advised me to use breathing exercises to help with the pain as well as ice the area. The thing was, I could barely feel the pain. It hurt if I moved too quickly or relaxed my body in an awkward position but I otherwise felt fine. Nevertheless, I sent Erica a text telling her I wouldn't be moving in today. I wasn't sure Victor would allow me to move in until I was healed, though. The doctor then left to check out Sinclair with Victor on his heels. I admired that about him. He had this protective nature but when directed at Sinclair, I wasn't sure if he realized it bordered on a fatherly type of love. It made me believe he would make an excellent father one day. Maybe an even better husband to some lucky woman. The thought had jealousy instantly stirring my gut. I couldn't stand the thought of another woman with him. The way their hands would roam his flesh freely, the way they would taste every inch of him,
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Chapter 22
VICTOR"What the hell, take me back to her!" I yelled as I stumbled forward, unable to stick my landing. Gripping the wall beside me, I managed to catch my balance and take in my surroundings, "are we in the hallway?"Tania shook her head in an unimpressed gesture, "Yes, we're in your hallway. I didn't think you'd want to be very far from her but how long do you think you would have lasted until you were spilling every one of your darkest secrets out to her? You needed to get away from her and I needed to talk to you so this just worked in our favor," she rested her hands on her baby bump and gestured with a nod of her head for me to follow her, "Walk with me, Victor."My gaze moved between Tania and the door to my apartment. I hated to admit it, but she was right. If she hadn't removed me from the situation I would have either told Dea the whole truth or given her a half-truth. The latter would allow guilt to riddle my entire being. However, I believed that her brother reserved the r
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Chapter 23
DEAI gave my brother a few days to settle in before asking him everything I was anxious to know. Going to work as normal and trying to avoid Jason seemed like a much easier feat considering how my life had been turned upside down. I was expected to just continue as if nothing happened and, for the most part, I met that expectation to the tee. But, beyond that, it hurt me more to see how dejected Sam had become. We went to our family home and collected whatever we could. Whoever we had of value and meaning, Victor had stored for us. The more distance I wanted to put between that man and me, the more the universe brought us together like magnets bound to attract to one another. The hardest part of leaving the reservation was visiting our parents' graves for the last time. I hadn't visited my mother since she was buried but it never bothered me. Knowing I could visit her at any given time was a comforting thought on its own. Now, we couldn't even do that. I couldn't go there and speak
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Chapter 24
VICTOR "I'm not stopping you from going, I just think it's not safe for you to go alone all the way to Boston," I gently said as I watched Dea stuff clothes into her duffle haphazardly. "The seminar is just for the weekend, Victor, and I think it will be good for me to get out of this apartment. Sin and Saint are back so this place feels crowded. I need room to breathe. I keep promising Erica that I'll be moving in soon but, for some reason, I'm still here," Dea pushed up her glasses from the tip of her nose with a cute, little huff of frustration, "it's just the weekend. Nothing bad is going to happen.""You don't know that," I grumbled as I paced the length of the room. My fingers curled into my locks and tugged at the roots offering me a minuscule distraction from the conundrum I was in, "At least take Saint with you. I know you'll be safe with her.""Look Victor," Dea threw down the blouse she was holding with a sigh. With hesitant footfalls, she stalked toward me. She made it a
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Chapter 25
DEAI absent-mindedly traced the seam of my lips with the pads of my fingers. It had been more than twenty-four hours since I kissed Victor but the tingling sensation of his lips pressed to mine still ghosted my flesh. I dreamt about it last night. My dreams were so in-depth and elicit, every detail seemed so real as if it were happening in reality and not just in the confinements of my head. I dreamt of what his body felt like pressed against mine, only, my imagination went one step further and conjured up a feeling of his hard muscles and smooth flesh pressed again my body—all clothes disposed of. I dreamt of the way his mouth moved and roamed the surface of my body, the way his tongue would flicker out to get a taste of me ever so often. I dreamt of the way his hands molded me, held me, and caressed me. He was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Victor had infiltrated my life and my thoughts but when I awoke, dripping in sweat and hot, he was nowhere to be seen. Every now and aga
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Chapter 26
VICTORThe edges of my vision darkened as my eyes honed in on my target. The bloodsucker was pinning Dea against the grimy wall with one arm while his other hand splayed over her mouth so she couldn't even whimper in fear. There were two of them and both snapped their heads in my direction when I released a low, warning growl. As per the new treaty, I couldn't kill them. They were hunting on unclaimed lands. They were well within their rights to feed off whoever they wanted out here but they chose the wrong woman tonight. I clenched and unclenched my fingers into tight fists at my sides. The action had my muscles straining against the sleeves of my black button-down. The material stretched over my biceps, so close to ripping at the seams. I felt my beast bristle beneath my flesh, felt it rise its head as the urge to shift surged through my veins. My body was vibrating with venomous rage. Anger coursed through my blood like molten lava, making me see nothing but red. My canines elo
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Chapter 27
DEA"You're staying at the same hotel?" I questioned when Victor swiped his access card and threw the door open to his room. "Out of the hoard of questions flying around that head of yours, that's what you choose to ask first?" He shot over his shoulder while offering me a humorous wiggle of his eyebrows. I was silent as I followed him back. It wasn't a long walk since Jason and I hadn't gotten very far when we were attacked. Victor knew me well enough to know that there was a myriad of questions sitting at the point of my tongue, waiting to be thrown out in the open with the hopes of finding adequate answers. And yet, I managed to cap those questions, smother them even, so I could quietly process what just happened to me. The fear that licked its way through my body was beginning to melt away and my initial shock was subsiding. Adrenaline pumped through my veins in minuscule amounts and, as it ebbed away, clarity was taking its place. Vampires were real. Vampires hunted humans.
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Chapter 28
VICTOR I had never been happier to have a tongue in my mouth than at this moment right here. Being able to finally speak was an advantage. Being able to eat properly and taste my food again was great. Being able to feel Dea's tongue caress mine was spectacular. But, being able to pleasure her the way she had just pleasured me was an opportunity I never thought I would have, and yet, here I was about to do just that. I gripped Dea under her pits and steadied her on her heels before I picked my underwear and pants up, fastening the zip and button but removing the belt. My shirt lay in pieces on the floor from me shredding the material just so I could offer her what she wanted. She could have asked for almost anything and I would have found a way to give it to her. That was why, when she gazed up at me with those pleading doe eyes, a little more of my restraint broke away—not all of it though. I couldn't bed her as much as I craved to because she wasn't ready for what that would mean.
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Chapter 29
DEA After Victor and I cleaned up, we both agreed it would be best for us to go to sleep before we did something either one of us would regret. I wasn't certain I wanted to go all the way with him. My cravings to feel him next to me grew with each passing moment. I ached for him. With every heartbeat, I yearned for him. The more time we spent together, the more I got to know him as a person and the more I fell. Guilt for moving on so quickly from Jason ebbed and flowed like waves kissing the shore. They were prevalent when Jason was around. Like now for instance. He glared at me from across the lobby, daggers of pure vengeance flying my way. A low growl sounded beside me and the earthy scent that accompanied it instantly had my skin prickling with the memory of last night, "The only reason he's not dead is because of you. I hope you know that."I sighed and shifted my attention to the mammoth of a man who dwarfed me. Using a knuckle to push my glasses up the bridge of my nose, I wh
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