All Chapters of Alpha Victor: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
Chapter 30
VICTOR I shuffled in my seat, feeling my ass go numb after the third hour of not moving. Dea was on that God damned plane alone with no one to protect her. I tried my utmost best to get onto the same flight as her but to no avail. The very next flight which left after her was the one I knew I had to book. "Stop moving, big man. I'm trying to sleep over here," Saint grumbled, peaking an eye open at me. "Sorry," I half-heartedly apologized even though I kept shifting until I realized I wouldn't be comfortable until we landed and finally gave up. Saint loosened a breath and sat up straighter in her seat, "Are you two any closer to completing the bond?""I don't know," I answered honestly. My mind trailed back to those treasured moments locked in that hotel room. Moments I wasn't sure I would experience again but I craved them every second I thought of her. The taste of Dea still lingered on my tongue, making me salivate for her like a hu
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Chapter 31
DEA"What!" The word left my mouth as an expression and not a question. Why? Because my brother had said the most absurd thing to me that my mind couldn't possibly conjure. No one was home. I had come from work and found Sam waiting for me. He said he needed to talk to me. I hadn't expected this conversation to take such a turn. My weekend went great—bar the hiccup of almost dying and finding out vampires existed. But the revelations just kept coming. An onslaught of information that didn't just pertain to this new fantasy world but also me. I raised my hands and began signing aggressively as I paced the length of the lounge, "You're trying to tell me that I might turn into a fluffy, gigantic wolf with enormous fangs. Will I crave raw meat if I do?"Why was that the first question out of the platoon I had which rolled off my tongue?Sam chuffed—almost like a dog—and shook out his hair which had grown a little too long for him before saying in his distorted voice, "No. Not really. Y
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Chapter 32
VICTOR "There's not much to report, Alpha," one of the wolves whom Saint had assigned to follow Jason informed, "he barely leaves the institute and, if he does, he goes straight home.""Keep watching him. Something doesn't feel right. I don't want to let my guard down and then regret it later on," I ordered whilst scrubbing a hand down my face. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders. This was what being an Alpha was about. Giving every drop of yourself to the people around you until you were too drained to drag yourself to bed. And, as excruciating as it sounded, it was the most rewarding thing in the world. "Yes Alpha," the man offered me a curt but respectful nod of his head before leaping and shifting into a massive brown wolf. He took off a moment later in the direction of the city. I pivoted until I was faced with the domineering sight of our new pack house. The outer shell was complete, but the inside still had a lot to be done. It was progress. Pride blossomed in my che
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Chapter 33
DEAHis hands. They were searing hot and all over me, branding my flesh through my clothes. He kissed me like he couldn't get enough of my taste. His soft lips moved against mine—a stark contrast to the prickly feeling of his mustache and beard scraping against my skin. Victor pressed himself against me, pulling me in until not a sliver of oxygen could pass through us. It was hot, and heated, teeth clashing, and tongues twisting. A mix of passion and lust and pleasure and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. Something tugged at my heart and, as my eyes fluttered shut, I saw a literal thread glowing, burning in a white blinding light. I pulled away from Victor, inhaling a sharp breath as I did so. My lungs rejoiced as I fed them the oxygen they were screaming for but I was so consumed by Victor, that I ignored them. "What the hell was that?" My words were fast and frantic as I searched Victor's face for the answers. His sharp features were cast in a shadow due to the
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Chapter 34
VICTOR "Dea?"Her body lolled in my grasp as she lost consciousness. I placed her down on the marble island, my hand beneath her head so I could be as gentle as possible. Removing my shirt, I cleaned her stomach and tossed it aside before pulling up my pants. I didn't leave her side. Every rise and fall of her chest was a rise and fall of my own. The heartbeats that filled the time between allowed all-consuming fear to slither beneath my skin. Like shards of glass, that fear pierced deeper and deeper inside of me. Was she going to shift now? Did I hurt her? She had to be okay. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she wasn't. Her dark, straight-as-a-pin silken locks fanned out around her. With less than a thought, my hand disappeared into the thick mane, fingers carding through the soft strands."Wake up, come on," I cooed softly. My eyes wracked down her naked frame, lingering on her perked nipples which pebbled due to the cold draft that ran through the place. I didn't wan
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Chapter 35
DEAErica blinked at me as if I had sprouted another head from my shoulder. She reached out, fingers almost grazing the mark which sat where my shoulder met my neck, before yanking her hand back as if the mark could bite her. Strangely enough, Victor's bite had healed overnight. What was left behind was a black stain on my skin of a wolf with a ring around it. How a bite healed into such a beautiful design, I didn't understand. The area was still a little red and tender but otherwise, I didn't feel any pain compared to the all-consuming pain which resulted in me losing consciousness last night. "It's gorgeous," Erica whispered as her eyes bounced from one person to the next in the institute's cafeteria, "very eye-catching. Are you sure that came from a bite?" I understood the skepticism perfectly. I stood for half an hour in front of the bathroom mirror when Victor and I got back to the apartment. Every curve and detail was analyzed by my less-than-perfect eye-sight as I prodded th
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Chapter 36
VICTOR A week. Seven days. That was how much time lapsed since I had marked and claimed Dea. Every day was better than the last. My shoulders felt a bit lighter, my spirit was happier, and my soul was finally complete. This was the happiest I had ever been in my entire life and I wasn't sure anything could tear me down.The bond only grew stronger with each day. Each time we were intimate, it flared to life, rejoicing in the fact that we were finally accepting it and not ignoring its existence. We were meant for each other. No one could replace her in my life and I would never want a replacement for someone like her. I strolled down the halls of the institute, my boots thudding against the white linoleum floors. The walls were a deep brown and the harsh yellow lights above gave this place a cold, soulless feel. Yet, my smile hadn't wavered because I planned to surprise my mate at work. I wanted us to spend more time together. I wanted to show her how special she was to me so I pla
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Chapter 37
DEA I was exhausted. Between work and my nightly routine with Victor, I had little to no sleep most nights. Fatigue ate away at my concentration as I glared at the screen of my laptop, then at the whiteboard with multiple equations scrawled on it in blue and green ink. I was working on another paper, this time disproving a theory of a fellow scientist from an institute in the state of New York. His paper was ludicrous. None of the experimental physicists could prove his theory and to me, his math was just not mathing. I was working on this paper with one of my colleagues from the experimental physics department at the institute. Not only was I planning to disprove his theory, I was planning to correct it and conduct an experiment to prove my theory. If this worked well, the institute would be in line for yet another grant in the next few months. It was a lot. The late hours, the continuous research, and the math that had to be perfect and precise. But, I loved every second of it. It
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Chapter 38
VICTOR I was shifting in and out of lucidity as I fought to stave off the effects of the wolfsbane. My eyes struggled to focus on anything. A sharp, throbbing pain echoed through my head, making it too heavy to move. I blinked once, twice, three times in quick succession but it did little to alleviate the blurriness. A cacophony of sounds traveled to my ears, sounding so close and yet so far all at once. I wasn't sure if the echo was part of my imagination or if we were in a room that somehow produced one. I couldn't think straight. My brain was running a hundred miles a minute but it still felt too slow to catch up to real time. A searing pain clawed at the flesh of my wrists and ankles. I was bound in what had to be silver. With every minuscule movement, my flesh felt as if a thousand tiny mouths were devouring my skin from the point of origin. It exhausted my muscles, made my limbs feel numb and my muscles lax. I mentally chided myself for losing consciousness. All I knew was t
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Chapter 39
DEA I scanned the message Saint had sent once more, feeling my stomach bottom as a pit of venomous rage began to take root there. It felt as if lava coursed through my veins, sending a torrent of angry flames burning down my limbs as red clouded my vision. Could it have been Jason?Was I overreacting?Was Victor in danger?Why would Jason even do something as horrible as this? Certainly not because of me. If he used wolfsbane and/or silver on Victor, how did he know to do that? Had he discovered Victor's biggest secret? "What happened?" Erica questioned as my brother came barreling into the building with another guy on his flank. "We need to find Jason. If we find Jason, we can find Victor," I informed, hoping with all my will that Saint was wrong about Jason but knowing somewhere deep down that she had to be right. There was no one else in the building that would hurt him. Erica and I swiped our key cards and retrieved visitor passes from the reception desk for my brother and th
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