All Chapters of The Huntress: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 Chapters
21. Out for Blood
I shoot a look over to the announcer, challenging him without uttering a sound. The look on my face says it all. "Get me a real contender." The announcer gulps and nods his head. Searching his list for someone else. Someone that is worth my time. After a brief pause, a much bulkier man than before walks into the ring with a wicked glint in his eye. He stares at me before spitting on the ground, showing his dominance. I hold in a laugh at his attempt to intimidate me. Even after everything that happened, things never changed. Men like him will always think they have the advantage just because they're taller and bulkier than women. But he will soon realize that strength isn't everything.The announcer begins the fight and unlike my previous contender, this man just stands there waiting for my advance. I look him up and down, searching for his weak points. The giant before me, however, considers my gaze to be one of longing and appreciation rather than calculative. That was his second
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22. Possessed
...Ace POV...The moment my men told me that Sienna had forced her way inside, I knew tonight was going to be sheer chaos. I hadn't seen this girl for years now. I thought for sure she had smartened up and would stay away from here. This wasn't a place for someone like her to be in. Not only was it dangerous, but she could get herself killed. She was too much like Hunter. Both of them fought as though they were untouchable. Their level of cockiness far outweighed anyone else I've ever known. I'm afraid that if I can't get her to stop one of these days, she may not make it out alive. I know why she's here. But what she doesn't realize is that no one has heard from Hunter in almost a year. It's been so long that I had actually forgotten that Hunter still owns the place. Not once has he reached out or made an appearance in the past year. I don't know what happened, but something must've happened if Sienna was back here making noise in hopes of finding Hunter.I look down from the wind
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23. Monster
...Sienna POV...It's been three months since I first started coming to the club. I was growing tired and impatient. What else could I do? I've done everything I could think of to contact Hunter, but for whatever reason, I know he's keeping his distance from me. The question is, why?Ace has become a good friend during these months. Even though I know he doesn't want me doing this, he doesn't say anything about it. He's there to help me when I need him. Since I was coming to the club practically every day now, Ace and I had begun a sort of routine. We would go out for food then he would help me train at the gym located on the upper floor of the club. After, I would beat the crap out of all the contenders, and then Ace would take me to Hunter's house. I spent my nights there, desperately attempting to feel closer to him.I hated that I felt like this. I hated that Hunter had made me into the type of girl I had despised. I hated the girls that longed for their boyfriends, that acted as
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24. Deathstroke
...Ace POV......Six Hours Later...I could see something was wrong. Ever since this afternoon, Sienna's been off her game. Her first fight was against a novice fighter. He hadn't heard about her reputation and had severely underestimated her abilities. Sienna would easily be able to take him out in a matter of seconds. So call me surprised when he managed to get a hit on her.I wasn't the only one surprised. The entire crowd grew silent. What was going on? The infamous Firecracker was just hit. It seemed like an impossibility. Sienna was a seasoned fighter. Not only that, but I had been training her as well. She was already a master in multiple forms of mixed martial arts, but I was training her to improve her abilities. No one with her skill set should ever take a hit from a novice. She was much better than that. So what was going on?I watched on in eagerness to see how the rest of the fight played out. For all I know, the guy may have just landed a lucky hit. Caught her unaware. S
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25. Showdown
...Sienna POV...With my big fight coming up, I had planned to train earlier in the day, then head back to Hunter's place to get ready and to help calm me down. I had practically moved into his house without his knowledge. I couldn't explain why I did it. It just felt right. From the moment I walked through the entranceway with Ace, it felt as though I had been wrapped in comfort. Like a sort of safety blanket was placed on me. For the first time in nearly a year, I felt at peace. I moved into his room to feel closer to him. The room still smelled like him. At night, I would wear one of his shirts as I cuddled his pillow, desperately wishing it was him instead. But each morning, I would wake up to disappointment. As per my usual routine, I went to the gym and trained with Ace. However, my head wasn't quite in it. Which wasn't a good thing, considering I was to go up against the fiercest competitor in my life in a matter of hours. I could see the emotions running across Ace's face. H
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26. Pain Control
"What the hell are you doing?!" Ace shouted at me, visibly p*ssed that I was allowing myself to get injured."It helps with the pain." I say silently, as I look down towards the ground, unable to meet his gaze. I know how upset he is at me, but I can't see him look at me like that. Like I'm letting him down.However, Ace surprises me as he moves from his spot in front of me, to sit on the bed next to me. He gathers me in his arms, pulling my head to rest on his chest as he runs his hand down my back in a calming manner."I know it does. But this isn't the way. You can't do this with Deathstroke. It will only get you killed. Deathstroke never shows mercy. So if you're not up for it, then you can claim defeat. We can go home now." Ace comments, hoping to encourage me against competing tonight. I look at the clock and see that we have ten minutes before the fight is about to take place. I sigh, unsure of what to do. Ace is right. I'm in no position to go up against Deathstroke right now
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27. Too Late
...Ace POV..."NO! NO! NO! NO!" This can't be happening! I was absolutely petrified. Sienna was in no shape to go against Deathstroke. She would surely be killed. A fate of which I was sure she was more than aware, considering her last words to me.I hear my name being called and look toward my security team, and gesture for my men to approach. "I don't care what you have to do or how you go about doing it, but you need to get this fight stopped. I won't let her kill herself." I shout at them. The roars of chants from the crowd around us indicate that no one was the wiser about my intentions. I couldn't even care less if Hunter fired me after this or closed the club indefinitely. Sienna was far more important than any of that. While I know she never saw me as anything more than a close friend or brother, I would never allow her to go through with this.My men all nod in response and quickly disperse. I looked back at the fight, only to see that it was less of a fight and more of a ma
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28. Save Her
However, Deathstroke wouldn't stand down. He ran backwards, slamming her into the wires. He jumped backwards, slamming Sienna into the mat. Her release on him dropped as her back made contact with the mat. Deathstroke grabbed onto the lower wire and pushed it down over her throat. I could see her face turn blue from the lack of oxygen. She tried her best to push back on the wire, but she wasn't in the best position to fight off his advance. I watched on in horror as her arms slowly drooped and her eyes began to close."FIRECRACKER!" I screamed, terrified by what I was seeing. I wanted so badly to come to her aid, but I knew I couldn't. I watched as her face paled. However, Deathstroke didn't seem to care. It was clear this was why he had come here. He wanted his title and was willing to do anything for it, even if it meant decapitating her.To make matters worse, Deathstroke looked in my direction and continued to stare at me with a wicked and delighted grin on his face. He knew that
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29. Broken
...Hunter POV...I was a mess. There was no other way to look at it. Ever since Sienna had the bomb strapped to her, I knew that if we managed to survive this, I would need to keep my distance from her. After all, it was one of my men that had done this to her. I know her family's history with Kevin. But at the end of the day, it was Silvio that was the worst of the villains. A villain that shouldn't have ever been a threat to her. But I had let my guard down. I had put her in danger. I ignored the flags and nearly got her killed. If that wasn't bad enough, I tortured her. I couldn't look at her knowing what I had done to her and allowed others to do to her. I had hoped that if I created distance between us, she would be able to move on. But it was clear my plan wasn't working. Sienna was too hard-headed and stubborn to do that. I hadn't heard anything for months. But then suddenly she started coming back to the club. I didn't want to give in to her. She deserved way better than som
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30. The Tattoo
...Hunter POV......Flashback...I was pacing my office. Staying away from Sienna was proving more and more difficult. I wanted nothing more than to run to her and hold her in my arms, hoping with everything in me she would forgive all of my indiscretions. Buy I knew I wasn't that lucky. No one could ever forgive what I had done. I deserved everything she was giving to me and so much more. While the distance was painful, it was nothing compared to what my mind would create. In my mind, I saw her hating me. Yelling at me for everything I had put her through. I saw her move on from me to a man that would be so much better for her than I ever could be. I saw her hating me. Out of everything my mind conjured up, that was by far the worst. I could deal with her wrath. But I would never be able to look in her eyes to see her despise me. That would be far worse than any fate she could give me. So, I felt the best solution was to stay away from her. I was no catch. There was no reason for he
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