All Chapters of The Huntress: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 Chapters
41. Assassin Wanted
...Two Months Later......Kieran POV...I hated seeing my sister look so defeated. I know she was trying to appear strong before us, but it was clear that she wasn't. No matter how much she pushed herself, it seemed as though something was holding her back. I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly, only that something was off with her. She had been cleared by the doctor last month to begin her training. She was definitely overjoyed at hearing this and, of course, went straight to the gym the moment the doctor had left. It was good to see her get back into a routine. However, both Zander and I seemed to realize she wasn't as focused as she used to be. Distracted even. Something that Makenna had never been before. I wanted to talk to Mom and Dad or even Maverick about all of this, but I knew they would all be worried and upset. They didn't know that Makenna had been injured during an illegal fight. I'm sure my parents would have a heart attack if they realized what Makenna had
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42. The Vipers
"Wait. Someone applied?" I ask, only just figuring it out. Last week we put out a call on the dark web for skilled assassins to apply. The best thing about the dark web was only those that were good enough knew about the site. It wasn't common knowledge. But it was a way for a person to get their hands on quite literally anything. As much as it pains me, that even includes humans, animals, and sex. As much as we were able to eliminate the practice from New York, we couldn't control what took place on the web. It was just too far out of our reach. But at least we could sleep at night knowing that no one from our city would be forced into such a disgusting life. Zander nodded his head and handed me his phone with the information from the applicant."What's their name? Are they any good? What were their past hits?" I ask out, sending a flurry of questions."Don't know. Must be. And as if they would tell us. No sane hitman would leave actual evidence against them. Let alone confess to pe
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43. The Huntress
...Sienna POV...When I heard the ping from my phone notifying me that the twins had responded to my application to be their new assassin, I was positively elated. I had made sure to take every precaution to ensure that it could never be traced back to me. I had not only encrypted the program but also added extra safety measures so that they never knew who was sending the messages. I had even added a delay in the messaging so if we were in the same place at the same time while they were sending me a message, they would never know it was coming from me. Though I knew that if I started working for them, that I would need to not only move out, but figure out a way that they wouldn't grow suspicious about my disappearance. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew I would need someone to help me, and I just so happened to know exactly who would help me. It wouldn't be easy, but I knew I would be able to convince them.After all, we had a common enemy. My target was Silvio. Once Silvio was g
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44. Done
...Zander POV...Kieran and I were fast asleep when a ping from my phone woke me up. I tried to ignore it. However, my phone continued to vibrate from an onslaught of texts. I reached for my phone and turned on the light to see what time it was. The clock on the other side of my wall read 5 AM.I rolled my eyes in disbelief that someone would call me this early. I normally have my phone on silent mode. But whoever was messaging me had managed to get through. I wasn't a morning person and hadn't gotten to bed until only a few hours ago. This is why I was irritated that someone had decided to interrupt my sleep.Another message came through, making me look down at my phone to see who was messaging me. My eyes scanned the message, which read:"Vito's dead."I felt my eyes open up wide from what I was seeing. Surely this had to be some sort of mistake?"No.. it couldn't be..." I commented out loud as another message came through. I opened up the picture and was immediately on my feet. I r
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45. Ghost in the Night
No longer able to keep the curiosity at bay, I grabbed Kieran's phone and read the message. Hawk stood next to me, looking over my shoulder to read the assassin's reply."Not necessary.""What? What is that supposed to even mean?" I ask."It sounds like they don't want to be reimbursed. But I don't understand why." Kieran replies, looking towards Hawk, who has grown increasingly more worried. "What are you thinking?" I ask, my question directed at Hawk."An assassin declining payment isn't good.""Why?""Payment means an exchange. Money for a kill. Without that exchange, there's nothing keeping you connected.""Isn't that a good thing?""Not necessarily. If somehow the police manage to connect this to you, there's no one else they can pin this on.""But what difference does it make? Even if they did collect payment from us, it probably would've just been through an offshore account, which is untraceable anyways. So what difference does it make?" I ask."No one ever does something out
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46. Conflicted Agreement
"You can't honestly be considering working with this person?" Hawk asks.I shrug my arms. For whatever reason, something was telling me that we could trust this Huntress. I couldn't explain this feeling, considering they hadn't really done anything to earn it. As much as I wanted to respond like Hawk and rid ourselves of the Huntress, something inside of me wasn't agreeing with me. My gut was telling me that we could trust her while my brain was screaming all the warning signs at me. While I may not be a fan of the Huntress bugging our office, I can't deny they haven't done anything against us. It's clear they have the skills and the know-how to get what they want. If it was money they were after, they could've taken it by now. But they didn't, which made me believe that we could trust them. For whatever reason, I seemed to believe what they were telling us. It was almost like my instinct was to believe this Huntress as opposed to cutting ties with them. I knew how ridiculous it soun
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47. Stage One
...Sienna POV...Over the next few months, I started working with the twins against their knowledge. In order for my involvement to remain a secret, I had to move out. It would've been too obvious that I was the Huntress if I was disappearing too much.There are only so many excuses a girl could make before they realized I wasn't doing what I was saying I was. However, moving out wasn't the easiest of tasks either. I had to find a place where my brothers would allow me to stay that wouldn't alert them to my nighttime activities. Living in a condo was out of the question, as it would be impossible to prevent them from finding out what I was doing. If I lived in a condo, they would make sure the front desk agent informed them of all of my movements. They would also have access to the camera feeds, which I would have to spend way too much time hacking to prevent them from knowing what I was doing. I also knew that they would never allow me to live in a house with no security. So my opti
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48. Silver Spoon
In order to keep up the pretense, I spent the first week in England visiting my cousins Wyatt and Amiah. Wyatt was so much like Maverick that it was practically impossible not to see him like a brother. They were so similar that many often thought they were twins. Sometimes I find them to even be more alike than the twins. Amiah, however, was more like a sister to me. She was like the sister I never had. I grew up with both an older brother and two younger brothers. Apart from my mom, I was surrounded by men. I loved spending time with Amiah, as it allowed me to talk about things apart from business and fighting. With Amiah, I could talk about the more simple things in life. Like me, she was into art and loved spending her time at Art Galleries. It wasn't until this trip had I realized how long it had been since I had last gone to an art gallery. It took me a few days to gain the courage to go to the gallery with Amiah. I was also a mess for a few days after. But Amiah helped to pul
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49. Let the Show Begin
The next month went without a hitch. I made sure to spend time with my cousins, so no one would bat an eye as to why I was in England. But when I wasn't with my family, I was at the campus working on the next step of my plan. Mingmei had done as I asked and chucked both her attitude and her guards out the door. I was elated with how well my plan was coming along. With her guards out of the picture, I would be able to complete the next stage of my plan much more easily. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't afraid of her guards and had the means to overthrow them if necessary, but I didn't want to have to.Instead, I planned on 'keeping her late' after class for extra guidance. I was giving back their latest test results, to which Mingmei had received a B+. A grade far lower than she was expecting. So I was going to offer a tutorial session in hopes of raising her grade. A gesture no student would ever give up.Before coming here, I had taken the time to study the school's floor plans. A tacti
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50. Escape Plans
While holding the camera towards Mingmei, I raise a gun in her direction and cock the gun."NO! Stop!""Oh, did you suddenly have an epiphany?" I taunt."I don't know where Cole Finch is..." He begins. However, his words only heighten my annoyance.I press hard on the trigger and shoot just past her head. "MEI!" Lucas screams in horror."I wouldn't delay if I were you. I only have so much patience. Let that be your final warning. If you don't give me what I came here for, the next bullet goes into her skull."I promise. I don't know where Cole is...." Lucas begins, making me cock the gun, getting ready to aim once more."NO! WAIT!" Lucas screams at me."I'm not a very patient person Lucas, and you're asking far more of me than you should be, considering I hold your daughter's life in my hands." I irritably state."Please. I promise. I don't know where he is..." I immediately cut Lucas off by aiming the gun at Mingmei's head."Well, I guess there's no need to keep your daughter alive
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