All Chapters of Taming Mr. Arrogant: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 Chapters
A steamy encounter
JadeI tried to gather every sense I had left, trying to convince myself that this was only to piss off Kate, but I am now needy; I want Mr. Lombardi to do things to me, and now I am trapped with him, in his bedroom. When my father found out that I was chasing after Mr. Lombardi, he asked me if I liked older men, and I couldn’t give him an answer. Now I’m starting to wonder if I actually do like older men. Do I, Jade, in fact, have a thing for older men?No way, no how could I possibly be interested in older men? It has to be the phone sex that I am constantly having with Dark because it is the only thing that can explain why I am having all of these irrational thoughts about the man who is standing in front of me. How can I be attracted to a man my father’s age? Nah, not possible. I wrinkled my brow and shoved Mr. Lombardi away from me in an attempt to gain some space.“Get off me!” I yelled, completely forgetting that this was a job, but the man let out a loud growl, and his eyes f
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The eye color
Jade Thump. Thump. Thump. In what part of the world is this place? In this extremely bright weather, I’m experiencing aches and pains, as well as disorientation and chills. I closed and then partially opened both of my eyes. I am on the street, but where is this place? Where will I be heading if I ever decide to walk? Not that I will start walking. As I got up from where I had been thrown, I inhaled deeply the fresh morning air. Cursing came out of my mouth as I stared at the enormous gates that stood in front of me. When I thought about being thrown out of Mr. Lombardi’s house like a sack of cement, anger started to well up inside of me like a volcano. I can’t even remember how I got here, how I ended up being muffed by Mr. Domenico Lombardi’s delicious tongue, or how I ended up milking his delicious rock-hard cock till it was semi-hard. Hell! What am I thinking? Since the day I met that man, my mind has been filled with filthy thoughts, thoughts that I had no business having in
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A plot to kill her
DomenicoI guess you could say Selene sealed my fate and I’m running out of time, which is laughable considering the fact that time has never meant anything to me, of course, in the past. My life up until this point had flowed like an endless river because I was an immortal king, with each day being guaranteed by the one before it. But not anymore; my mate showed up, and she wasn’t anything as I expected. A human. A stupid little girl who has a lot to learn.I am fucked.I thumbed the disastrous emerald ring on my finger, which right now I believe is the cause of all my problems; hallelujah, my fate was sealed the day I was born. The history of where this ring came from is a mystery. It was presented to me by the midwife, who attended my delivery. My mother said the woman slid the ring after my birth and died instantly with no explanation whatsoever, more like her assignment was to deliver me.They tried unsuccessfully to remove the ring from my finger because it was believed that the
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Silver-eyed man
Jade Another night of waiting. I have been waiting for over an hour, and it’s now 9 in the evening. My tolerance for this is wearing thin. The thought of calling him crosses my mind, but I can’t. I am not the customer; I am the service provider. If I do that, I will appear weak and helpless. I got up from bed and went into the kitchen to heat some of the leftovers as I waited for Dark’s call, which might never come. It must be boring for him not to call back. But why is it that I eagerly anticipate his calls each and every day? Why haven’t I given up? I ground my teeth together and let out a sigh as I continued to eat the leftover pizza. I also can’t help but think about Mr. Lombardi. There is this unmistakable connection I feel towards that silver-eyed man. It’s difficult to put into words. I haven’t stopped thinking about him; I feel like there is some connection, even when talking to Dark. The absence of his golden eyes left me with an icy shiver throughout my body that I was un
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The scent
JadeWhen I woke up the following morning, my laptop was sitting on the table, and there were papers scattered all over the table as well as the floor. I let out a sigh. Lee was a clean freak; her room was spotless. Why on earth would she leave my room in such a chaotic state?I leaped off the bed and dashed into the bathroom, where I attended to my business before emerging to clean up the mess that Lee had made. When I went to pick up the papers, I noticed that there were some notes stuck to my wall as well. Shit, did she even sleep at all? After that, I looked at the notes.Target: Domenico Lombardi.Goes to Virgin Active gym every morning.Time: unknownGrabs his coffee at Rosto every morning.Time: 07:50 am.Eat his lunch at Rostos Time: 2: PM every day.He spent his weekends at the Dark Circle Club, every weekend from 20:00 pm.The heavens above. Where did she get all of that information? Lee opposed my going after Mr. Lombardi, but right now, having the support of my best fr
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Dog boogers
~Jade~What just happened? I quickly told the driver to take me to Lee’s place. I wanted to share the magical thing that just happened between me and Mr. Lombardi, but there is this lingering question that I still have. How did Lee know all these things? How did she know that Mr. Lombardi wouldn’t get mad if I hugged him, and did he hug me back? Oh, good Lord, I must be dreaming. My ride arrived at Lee’s place. I didn’t tell her I was coming, but who cared? I am already here. I rang the bell, and Joan answered the door. The lady hates my guts; she thinks I’m into Lee.“Seems like we will be having a threesome.” She yelled, letting Lee know I was around, but since she hated me, well, I might as well give her more reasons to hate me; why should I care what she thinks? Lee is my friend.“Oh, if only you could handle Lee as I do,” I said, and her jaw clenched. When someone hates you, why pretend? Give them the same treatment. I will never pretend around her; the treatment is actually mutu
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The nonsense Ball
Salvatore I sat at the damn ball and watched as the so-called she-wolves tried to dance their way into Dark’s heart. Except for one thing. Dark doesn’t have a heart. One thing that my brother does not realize is that even if he can fuck these she-wolves, none of them can satisfy the beast inside of him. Dark is ruthless; he doesn’t care about anyone but himself; he kills for fun, and he might end up killing his mate and regretting it later. My brother wasn’t always like this; he used to be kind, but his family betrayed him. Dark is Dark, and he always gets what he wants except for this time, when he can’t take a chosen mate, but he doesn’t know that yet. Well, maybe he does know; he’s just being ignorant. My sister and I have been trying to help him, but my brother trusts no one, not even family. To be honest, I can’t say that I blame him. My parents made several attempts to kill him. These were the people who were supposed to protect him with their lives, but they tried to kill him
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Jade While I was standing in my window, I got a good look at the early morning fog as it rolled over the hills. “The clouds are getting ready to release their moisture,” I said to no one specific but myself. I carried on sipping my coffee while staring off into the distance. I am running out of time. The other day, I fell short of Dark’s expectations; he hasn’t called, and I am getting dangerously low on cash. Mr. Lombardi is nowhere to be found. I’ve been working at Rosto for a good two weeks, and I’ve never seen him. Every one of my efforts was for naught. I let out a sigh and glanced at the clock. Oh shit, I’m running late. I snatched my bag and dashed out of the house as quickly as I could. I don’t have the luxury of taking a taxi to work, so I walk there every day instead. From my place to Rosto is a good ass-kicking 30-minute walk. As I flew over the sidewalk, I drawled an expletive as a drizzle started to fall. On the wet concrete, my shoes, which were worn smooth from walk
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Restroom fight
KateDid I do well? Like hell I did. She is just a kid, and she needs to fuck off, but then there is this look of regret I sensed coming from Domenico. Could it be that there was something going on between him and Jade?Nah, there ain’t no way they did it that night.Even if they did, I would make sure to do better than Jade. But then again, why do I feel like I'm being played in this situation? Is it possible that Domenico has developed feelings for Jade?“Umm, Mr. Lombardi, do you know the girl who just left? She seems to be interested in you.”“Is she?” He stated this while continuing to eat and sip from the beverage he was holding, demonstrating that he had no interest in the topic at hand.“Yes, for a moment I thought she might be your girlfriend.” I know, I might have gone overboard, but I need to know they never slept.“Could she now?” If I kept pressing him, he might just leave like he did the other day, but then I wouldn’t know whether Jade was a threat to me. This man is dif
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DomenicoEven a strong woman like Kate can be shaken to her core by that tiny thing. Am I making a mistake or what? Why does Kate feel like she needs to defend herself against a young girl who just so happened to spill a tray of drinks? She feels threatened, but why? Jade is just a little thing with no back and front.That little thing is somehow not afraid of me or Kate, but what’s the deal between her and Kate?When Kate mentioned that she needed to use the restroom, I immediately realized that her request was about more than just using the restroom. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. I sat there wondering if she had somehow started having some wonder-working powers because the little girl that walked into my office and the girl I am seeing right now are different. A scared little kitten walked into my office, and right now all I am seeing is confidence and daring seduction, as though she knows I can’t be without her. Can I, now? Nah, I can choose a mate, mark her, and
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