All Chapters of Taming Mr. Arrogant: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
My panties made you hard
Jade Standing by the window of my hotel room, I took in the sight of the snow that had just started to fall. It was a breathtaking scene to behold. The sun was rather high in the sky, but because of the clouds, it was difficult to discern where it was located. Very weird, as yesterday we had a sunny day. My life is becoming dangerous. I am starting to turn into my own worst enemy. Lately, I have been planning how to kill Gail in my head. I have never killed anyone or anything in my life. However, as of late, I’ve been plagued by homicidal ideas that I simply can’t push out of my mind. It’s not like me. The sight of Gail in the company of Mr. Lombardi converted me into a monstrous being. Dangerous ideas are running through my head, and I have a dangerous animalistic craving for her blood. Hearing her call, him 'Dom' and 'Babe' make me feel like someone is tearing my heart into pieces. I am quite aware that I am interested in the man, but my fixation on him is transforming me into a
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Jade caged my fly
Domenico“Dark is on top of the world,” I said out loud. My tone is sarcastic. Of course, it is. I’m also sure that’s what everyone thinks of me when they consider or think of me.I get it. Dark can get any woman he wants. Trust me, I have. I am the most talked-about bachelor in New York City. I live in a penthouse apartment in New York, own a hotel, and have houses all over the globe. Why wouldn’t I be on top of the world?Anyone thinking I am living my best life doesn’t know jack shit. I mean, I was living my best life until I met her. My little mate came and turned my world upside down. I was ready to take Luna. A chosen one. I was so prepared, but Jade couldn’t even allow me to live my life without invading my thoughts. Even now, I’m standing in the room I gave her. I gave her this room last night in hopes that she would see that we could never be. That we are not of the same class, that my life and hers aren’t the same, that I breathe and eat luxury, and that is something that sh
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A full-blood witch
Jade“You look like shit.” My good friend Lee groaned as she hurriedly extracted the keys from her jacket, unlocked the door, and ushered me inside her house. She shut the door behind us. “Welcome back, Lee. The house was so boring when you were not around. I see you brought a guest, and it’s not the bitch, Joan.” After Alexa’s chime, Lee and I both let out a hearty laugh. As we went to sit on the couch that was close to a fireplace. We sat there and watched as the rain fell. The lightning flashed, and the thunder began to roll. I could tell by her nervousness that she had something important to share with me.“What is it, Lee?” I asked as I got up from the sofa and walked to the coffee machine to brew myself some coffee. “Coffee?” I asked Lee, and she answered. “Yeah, no milk, no sugar.”“Since when do you not take sugar and milk?” I asked her as I came back to the fireplace, offering her the coffee.“Since my life is as bitter as this coffee and my stupidity has come back to bite
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He can never mate you
Abigail So far, things haven’t been going the way I want them to. The king doesn’t want me, and my pussy doesn’t eat rice. This pussy needs a cock. The only person who seems to talk to me is Salvatore. Even if he hates me to the core, we can have a conversation for at least five minutes together, which cannot be said of his brother and sister. Dark hates everything about me. Why did he bother to host that ball in the first place if he wasn’t going to play by the rules?I was supposed to be bearing cubs right now, but that man, not even the slightest brush I got from him. I let out a sigh and shifted my position on the sofa. I grabbed the remote control for the television and navigated to Netflix to hunt for a movie to watch. I finally found a movie called “Obsession.” The movie is… Well, my kind of movie. Well, if my father-in-law was Dark, I could have fucked him too. I don’t blame Anna. Dark is… Well, Dark is Dark just like his name. The problem is that he only wants to be with Ka
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Remembering Jade
Domenico I knew I was dangerously close to crossing a line with Jade. I shouldn’t touch her, but my beast wants her and her alone. Pretending I hated her has been hard, especially when every fiber of my being wants her. I knew I was in trouble the first time she entered my office. I thought I could resist her. When her lovely, innocent green eyes met mine, I knew she was my mate.She doesn't belong in any way to my gloomy reality. My decision to let myself become so close to her was both egotistical and careless on my part. But when she moved toward me, it seemed as though she was being drawn by the same magnetic pull that has been seducing and torturing me for the past few months. I made an effort to withstand her advances.I should have walked away. I should have ignored her. I should have rejected her from the very first day I set eyes on her. And now. Now, she rejected me by walking away from me, and the only thing I’m holding on to is a fucking "I quit text!" I don’t blame her.
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JadeI count out loud as I thumb through the rest of my tips: twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen. The half a dozen or so pennies in the palm of my hand felt heavy.I can't believe I've done this after working all day waiting on tables. I should really be able to go home with a lot more than this.The frustration built up as my hand clenched itself into a fist. This is worse than working for Mr Lombardi.When everyone else seems to be floating on the lazy river, I always feel like I'm swimming against the current. I ran away just to suffer more. People earn more than this, and here I am hoping that my $15 tip will somehow pay for a little more than the rent I owe.I grumbled angrily as I shoved the crumpled wad of cash into my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and zip up my jacket."Hey Jade, why are you wearing that long face? After working with me, you should be glowing." I let out a loud, exasperated sigh.Life was about to stink even more than it already did. Why the hell did I
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Fresh Start by the Sea
JadeThe salt-kissed breeze wafted through the open window, carrying with it the distant cries of seagulls and the relentless murmur of the ocean. I stood there, inhaling deeply, the briny air filling my lungs and cleansing away the acrid taste of past regrets. A fresh start—that's what danced on the horizon, shimmering like the sun-dappled surface of the sea before me. My life, up until this point, had been a relentless mire of chaos—a fool’s errand chasing after a love that turned out to be nothing more than a mirage orchestrated by a nut head whose name I now refused to let stain my thoughts. But here, at this moment, with the vast expanse of possibilities stretching out as far as the eye could see, I felt the tides within me begin to shift."Isn't it just perfect?" Lee's voice tinged with an uncharacteristic tremor of excitement, broke through my reverie. We were standing side by side, our reflections mingling in the glass panes that framed the perfect view."More than," I murmure
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Is she hiding something from me?
JadeThe golden hues of the setting sun spilled across the polished hardwood floor of our new apartment, bathing it in a warm glow that should have felt welcoming. But the air held a strange tension, like the stillness before a storm. I zipped up the last of my suitcases, the fabric straining against the bulk of hastily folded clothes. A glance around confirmed the practical sterility of the place—impersonal yet oddly comforting with its ready-made homeliness. All we needed were our belongings, and I had just finished transferring mine into this anonymous space that would soon echo the patterns of our lives.Taking a breath to steady the fluttering in my chest—a curious mix of excitement and an unnamed dread—I crossed the threshold into Lee's room, the door creaking softly on its hinges as if reluctant to reveal its occupant's secrets. There she was, Lee, framed by the window, her silhouette etched against the canvas of a city we were yet to call home. Her eyes, those windows to a sou
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Thinking about him
JadeSunlight danced on the cerulean waves, a glittering symphony that played upon the infinite expanse of the ocean. The horizon stretched beyond the limits of sight, unfettered and wild from the vantage point of my new apartment, a sanctuary perched high above the world's mundane clamor. Life was undeniably sweeter here, each breath imbued with the briny zest of sea air, promising a day unshackled from yesterday's shadows.Yet, as I lay there, ensconced in the soft embrace of Egyptian cotton sheets that whispered against my skin like the gentlest of lovers' caresses, my mind drifted—unbidden—to Mr. Lombardi. The thought of him ignited a tempest within me, a maelstrom of desire and indignation that clashed with the tranquil morning. "How dare he call me unworthy," I murmured to the empty room, the words falling flat against the backdrop of rolling waves. His rejection stung, an incessant throb in my chest, but it was his craving, the way he devoured my pussy with such ravenous hunger
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A name that can't the uttered
JadeA sigh escaped my lips, heavy with the weight of unspoken thoughts, as I retreated into the bathroom. The room was dimly lit, suffused with a gentle glow that seemed to soften the edges of reality. My hand turned the faucet, releasing a cascade of warmth that filled the space with a comforting hiss. I stepped beneath the shower's embrace, letting the water envelop me in its liquid caress.“Fuck you!,” I murmured to the ghosts of memory that lingered at the periphery of my consciousness, insisting on their presence like unwelcome specters at a feast. As the warm droplets beat against my skin, each one felt like a tiny hammer, driving out the images and whispers of those who no longer held a place in my world. And yet, as much as I tried to banish them, one specter remained defiant, clinging to the recesses of my mind."Why now?" The question slipped from my lips, mingling with the steam rising in spirals around me. It wasn't just any him, it was him – the man whose very essence se
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